Chapter 19: Exploring the NEST and Umbrella's Soldier

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Stepping out of the cable car, I instantly made my way towards the large door in front of me that was sparking electricity. I ducked under it and soon found myself in the large open entrance reception area.

Despite how dark and gloomy it was outside, this room still looked immaculate and pristine. The walls were a shining white while the floors were grey yet still possessed that same shine. On the wall behind the desk was the words 'Umbrella Corporation' with the red and white insignia. 

I let out a faint "Tch." Noise before pressing on and heading towards the door directly opposite. Unfortunately, the door beeped and a red sign appeared saying "Access Denied." I sighed and muttered "I should have known as much."

Instead, I began to make my way to the door just to the right of the desk. This lead me into a much more familiar setting as the lights were off plunging me into darkness once more and the corridor itself had fallen into disrepair.

I slowly began to shuffle my way along through the derelict hallway. I briefly entered some sort of dining area where I was met with the sight of a Zombie leaning over a fresh corpse, feasting on it. I wasted no time in pulling my handgun out and blasting the zombie's head to pieces.

As the creature lay there lifeless I noticed something flashing on its arm. With no fear of the creature reanimating, I lifted its arm to get a better look, when I saw what it was a grin stretched across my face.

Pulling the object off, I smiled when I saw that I had found one of those wristbands, like the one Ada gave Leon. This one was blue though and had two lines meaning it was for general staff and would grant me better clearance than the 'visitor' band he had.

Image of a General Staff wristband:

I put the wristband back on and exited the dining area

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I put the wristband back on and exited the dining area. I decided that before I pressed on, that I would investigate this wing a bit more. Finding nothing, I eventually left.

Using the wristband I managed to unlock the door in the reception area, this lead me out to a large open room, a platform in the middle with three extendable bridges were visible, I assumed Leon had activated them. I decided to follow the East hallway and crossed the bridge, I didn't get far as I heard a sound up ahead down the dark corridor.

Swiftly drawing my handgun, I began to make my way down the hallway in question I pulled out a flashlight that I found back on the city surface and switched it on. Granting me better vision, I slowly continued down the hallway.

I suddenly heard the sound of a rifle cocking. Turning to the source of the sound I saw a figure standing just to my right holding the carbine rifle directly to my head. From his attire it was obvious he was with Umbrella.

Image of the Mysterious Soldier:

(Yep, the cameo I mentioned at the end of last chapter was HUNK! How many of you saw that coming? Now I can't remember if HUNK has ever spoken in the games so to play it safe, he won't speak at all in the chapter

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(Yep, the cameo I mentioned at the end of last chapter was HUNK! How many of you saw that coming? Now I can't remember if HUNK has ever spoken in the games so to play it safe, he won't speak at all in the chapter.)

Another grin appeared on my face as I said "I can tell by your attire that you are with Umbrella. I'd have thought they'd have evacuated all their personnel by now. I guess not." I quickly spun around, twisted the soldiers arm and flipped backwards.

The soldier shot at me however each round missed its mark. I dashed forward and punched the soldier in the face, causing him to fall over however to my surprise, he sat upright quickly and shot at me some more.

One of these shots actually managed to lodge itself in my shoulder however I dodged the others. I reached out and grabbed the soldier by the neck and hoisted him off the ground. I held him there and said "You must consider yourself quite the survivor to make it this far, pity your little lucky streak ends here."

To my surprise, the soldier suddenly brandished a knife and stabbed it into my arm forcing me to let go. I gasped in pain however the soldier suddenly tackled me to the ground and pulled out a handgun.

Before he could fire, I rolled us over and managed to punch him in one of his red eye lenses, causing it to shatter. Lucky for him, none of the glass went in his eye, otherwise I could imagine that being painful.

I climbed off him and reached for my handgun which I had initially dropped when he stabbed my arm. I spun around however I was met with the bright light of a Flash Grenade which temporarily blinded me.

When the light faded however, I was shocked to see the figure had disappeared. I looked around to see if there was anywhere he could have run off to. My only conclusion was that he had slipped past me and ran deeper into the facility.

I began my pursuit, completely unaware of what would happen instead...


Leon POV

I ascended an elevator and was surprised when I saw Annette Birkin sat against the wall opposite me. I ran over to her and muttered "Jesus, that looks bad." Annette just responded "Feels worse, believe me."

Image of Annette Birkin:

She then turned to me and said "Just tell me that you'll destroy that G Sample!" I shook my head "No, it's evidence

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She then turned to me and said "Just tell me that you'll destroy that G Sample!" I shook my head "No, it's evidence. It's going to the F.B.I." Annette coughed before saying "You trust that bitch?" I looked at her confused and asked "What's that supposed to mean?"

Annette answered weakly "She's not F.B.I, she's a mercenary. She's gonna sell it, The G-Virus is gonna go to the highest bidder." I retorted by saying "Well Y/N seems to trust her." And that's when Annette suddenly let out a laugh.

"Y/N Wesker right? S.T.A.R.S member? Take my advice, take the G-Virus sample and get out. The Wesker's are ruthless and will kill you if you have something you want. You have no idea who you're messing with!"

I stood up and muttered "That's bullshit." Annette collapsed onto her side and said "I hope you're right. But if the G-Virus gets into the wrong hands-." She suddenly stopped making noise and fell silent. I stared down at her confused, a thought was going through my mind.

What was going on here? Could Ada and Y/N BOTH be hiding something?

Author's Note: That's it for this chapter, I'm sorry if it was a little underwhelming, I'm intending to upload Chapter 20 today as well where Leon will finally confront Ada and Y/N. Just thought I'd tell you, that way you can expect multiple chapters rather than just one. Anyway, I do hope you enjoyed this chapter and as always, thank you for reading.

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