Chapter 9: Returning to Raccoon City

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Raccoon City, literally the last place I ever thought I'd be coming back to. Especially after the incident at the mansion in the Arklay Mountains two months ago. Yet here I was, on special orders from my brother...

I exited my car and found myself in a run-down back alley. Sure enough, I was instantly rushed by a small horde of zombies, though with my newfound power, I was able to dispose of them all no problem.

I heard my communicator beeping in my pocked so I pulled it out and switched it on. I was greeted with my brother, Albert Wesker on the screen, sat in a chair looking at me with a grin as he asked "So, enjoying your trip?"

Image of Wesker on the communicator:

I smirked back and said "It could do without the zombies roaming the streets

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I smirked back and said "It could do without the zombies roaming the streets." My face then became serious as I asked "So, what's the job? Why have me come to this dump?" With that Albert also regained his serious expression and began explaining.

He brought up an image on the screen showcasing a vial with something in it. "The Golgotha Virus, G-Virus for short. From the data I have on it, it is said to have been far more destructive than even the T-Virus, I need you to recover a sample of this virus."

I nodded, I had heard briefly about the G-Virus, apparently it was being worked on by William Birkin and his wife Annette Birkin. I had only met them myself a few times. This lead to me asking "What if I encounter any LIVING distractions?"

Albert just responded bluntly "You are to eliminate any and all potential threats and distractions that may impede your progress, living or otherwise. Though, if anyone asks your identity, you are to tell them you are with S.T.A.R.S." While I no longer wore my S.T.A.R.S uniform after the mansion incident, I still kept the badge in my pocket so I understood his plan.

Image of a S.T.A.R.S Badge:

He paused for a moment before continuing "There is one point I feel you should be made aware of in advance though

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He paused for a moment before continuing "There is one point I feel you should be made aware of in advance though." I raised and eyebrow at him as he continued "Our organization has sent another after the G-Virus sample, you are to also keep an eye on this woman and ensure she remains on track." I asked "And who is this other person?" 

Albert replied "Her name is Ada Wong, up to now she has been a very useful asset however that doesn't mean you should lower your guard. The whole reason I insisted you be sent as well was to keep an eye on her, ensuring the task is complete. Is that clear?"

I answered "Of course." Before asking "And what of the Birkins, William and Annette? What if I encounter them?" Albert just responded "They are of no use to us, deal with them as you please."

(Just to establish early on. Wesker does care about Y/N as his brother though not as much as he cares about fulfilling is own goals. This will become apparent later in the book.)

I nodded again as Albert finished "I suggest you search the Police Station, that is where out contact is as well as Ada. I recommend you head there first." I asked "Contact?" To this Albert responded. "Yes, there is a man that we believe may have something of value to us, his name is Ben Bertolucci, a freelance journalist. He is currently held up in the police station. Ada is already aware of this and has already gone after him, I suggest you do the same."

Without another word, he just hung up. I put the communication device back into my pocket and looked around in the alley. I suddenly heard the sound of ragged breathing and running footsteps, turning around I saw a Cerberus running towards me down the alley, as it leapt into the air though, I uppercutted it, killing it with ease.

I stepped out of the alley and slowly took my new sunglasses off. The entire city was in total anarchy with this T-Virus outbreak! Zombies and other mutated creatures littered the streets. I would just have to find a way around them.

Sighing, I just muttered to myself "Guess it's back to the Police Station then." Little did I know, in Raccoon City I would actually make some new friends, however before all that, I would end up reuniting an old one...

Author's Note: That's it for this chapter and we're finally at Raccoon City where the story can really get started, now this segment will mostly include parts from Leon's story since both Leon and Ada are big characters in this story. However I may include parts of Claire's story as well, I'm not sure yet. I would like to apologize if it's underwhelming. I haven't been writing at all last week due to something personal happening so I may be a bit rusty I will try my best to keep to my original standard. Either way, I really do hope you liked it and as always, thank you for reading.

The Wesker Brother (Resident Evil, Ada Wong x Male Wesker Reader)Where stories live. Discover now