Chapter 106: The Last Encounter with Chris Redfield

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I stepped past the discarded weapons of the slain soldiers, who's bodies had also disappeared, heading through the door and descending a metal staircase. They lead me down to a lower level of the undersea facility.

I will admit, a part of me was curious as to what was done at this particular facility. You could of course say that it was related to it being an oil rig in the middle of the ocean. Though given how I'd already encountered the same sort of soldiers from both the submarine and aircraft carrier, I had a hunch Carla and her Neo-Umbrella organization had some hand in it.

Even in death, she had managed to confuse me. 

 The corridor ahead of me was still dark, I drew my Samurai Edge and aimed it ahead of me. I came to the conclusion that a simple handgun would be more than enough for me to deal with any of the lesser soldiers, I'd save my other weapons for greater threats.

Chris was also here. Leon must have told him about Jake. Ideally, even with Carla and Simmons both out of the picture, my priority right now was finding Jake and ensuring both him and Sherry escaped this place alive. Once again, Chris would have to wait. I'd also have to try and avoid any other hostile encounters with Carla's little pawns, even with the alarm sounded.

Of course things seldom went as I wanted. I continued making my way through the laboratory, searching for Jake when I came across yet another batch of soldiers. About six of them this time, came running from an adjacent corridor.

Presumably, they were searching for Chris or Jake, however once their eyes landed on me, their focus shifted and they instantly yelled "HALT!" And wasted no time opening fire. Naturally, I easily evaded the bullets, ducking down quickly and avoiding a second burst by turning to the side.

I instantly countered by raising my handgun, I shot one of the soldiers directly in the chest, it took about four rounds to take him down. The next one also only took about two well-placed shots to the head before he went down, from there it was smooth sailing.

Not even needing my gun, I swiftly raised my leg, bringing it down on the third soldier's head. Breaking the helmet and causing the soldier to fall face-first into the floor. I then elbowed the next one and palm-thrusted the fifth.

The last soldier however was different, instead of killing them, I grabbed them by the neck and snapped "Where is Jake Muller?!" My question was blunt and straight to the point and the soldier retorted "I will never tell you anything!"

I growled and punched him in the stomach repeatedly before dropping him onto his knees. I then kicked him in the face, not hard enough to kill him, but enough to shatter his helmet. I then once again raised him up by the throat and asked "How about now?"

This time, the result was different, he quickly screamed "He's on the other side of the facility, in the west sector! We were ordered to head him off there!" A grin spread across my face as I said "Thank you, you've been most helpful. Now get out of my sight before I change my mind."

I dropped him to the floor and he wasted no time running away like a frightened animal. You may think I was going soft to have just let him leave. Maybe I had, but I did have half a mind to shoot him right then and there. Of course, I still had other priorities to deal with and wasted no time getting back on that.


Continuing to rush through the facility, I desperately tried to make my way to this 'west sector'. Any more soldiers I encountered didn't get the 'drawn-out fight' or interrogation treatment, instead they just went down in a few shots or a well-placed melee attack.

Things actually seemed to be going well until, as you'd expect, I came across one final obstacle. I was running down one corridor in particular when I was abruptly attacked by someone who slammed me against the wall.

I recovered instantly and punched my attacker in the face before tackling them to the ground. Whoever they were, their physical fitness was no laughing matter. Once I got a look at their face, I understood instantly and loosened my grip.

The assailant wasted no time punching me in the face, actually making me flinch back and slowly get off him, just as his partner ran into the room, assault rifle raised in my direction, however he didn't open fire. I stared at my attacker and calmly "Chris."

Chris got to his feet, his eyes locked with mine as he replied "Y/N, what are you doing here?" I replied with a casual shrug, saying "I came here to rescue my nephew. Why else." Chris just continued to look at me asking "So, you know..."

I responded with a curt nod as I said "Indeed. But I only found out recently. That reminds me, did you find the evidence I told you about?" This time, Chris' partner Piers answered, saying "No, we had to evacuate the aircraft carrier not long after Ada's death."

I raised a finger and stated, "And that's just it." Chris raised an eyebrow and asked "What, what did you want to show us?" I sighed, I was wasting valuable time here so I began my explanation, trying to keep it as quick as possible.

"The woman you saw may have looked identical to Ada. But it wasn't her, she was a doppelganger named Carla Radames. Created by Derek Simmons due to his infatuation with her. She went rogue though and began conducting acts of Bioterrorism in Ada's name."

Chris didn't seem to buy it though as he asked "Why should I believe you, how do I know you aren't working with Ada?" I instantly said "Because, I DO work with the real Ada. And it may interest you to know both Carla and Simmons are now dead."

Chris mumbled "Simmons, damn. Seems Leon was right." I then asked "Now, where is Jake, I know you set him free. I want to know where he is." Chris still seemed reluctant to trust me as he asked "Why should I tell you? That kid doesn't need to be wrapped up in whatever twisted scheme you cooked up."

I suppose I shouldn't have blamed Chris for his constant hostility. After all, in the Arklay Mansion, I was the one who betrayed him. Me and Albert had nearly had him killed, first in the mansion, then again on Rockfort Island and Antarctica, of course there was Africa as well. Put all that together and I understood why he wouldn't tell me. Didn't stop me getting pissed off though.

I snapped "There is no scheme! Don't you get it?! I'm not the man I was years ago. Do you think you and Sheva would have been able to take out Albert as easily as you did without my support?! I have no doubt you could've, but it would have been much more difficult. Has your sister told you about how I helped her, going against my own SISTER to aid her. I'm just here for my nephew, once I know he's safely out of here, I'll disappear, you'll never hear from me again."

Chris remained motionless, seemingly shocked by my outburst. He took a moment to think before finally closing his eyes, saying "Fine, I've already run into your nephew, I told him about Africa. He took it as well as you'd expect. Him and Sherry headed off in that direction."

He pointed down the corridor he'd come down, I nodded and began to walk away. Before I disappeared, I stopped and turned, walking back up to Chris. I reached towards one of my holsters, unclipped it and handed it to him.

The holster in question contained my Samurai Edge handgun, the same one that I kept from when me and Albert infiltrated S.T.A.R.S. Chris just looked at the gun and asked "But, why?" I then gave him some instructions.

"Once you leave here, I want you to give this to someone. You know who I'm talking about. Tell her, I'm sorry, for everything." Chris remained bewildered by the gesture before finally regaining his composure and saying "Alright, I will."

A smile appeared across my face as I calmly stated "Thank you Chris. Good luck." A faint smile appeared across Chris' face as he replied "Same to you. I hope things work out well for you." In one final gesture, we shook hands.

And after that, I turned and continuing down the corridor, hopefully to Jake...

Author's Note: And that's it for this chapter, now I estimate that we have about three chapters left of the book including the epilogue chapter, I may be wrong though. Either way, I really hope you enjoy them when they're up, I also hope you enjoyed this and as always, thank you for reading.


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