Chapter 3: Beware the Hunters!

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E/C = Eye colour


I continued my search for Chris with extreme caution. Given my previous encounter with the T-Virus victims, I couldn't take any chances. Once again, I found myself exploring another wing of the mansion.

I shot a zombie in the head before descending a nearby staircase, after that I went through the first door on my right. This opened to reveal a relatively sizable room, on one side of the room was a desk with a typewriter sat on it.

Image of a Typewriter:

Walking over to the typewriter I pressed a few buttons on it before turning my attention to look on the other side of the room

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Walking over to the typewriter I pressed a few buttons on it before turning my attention to look on the other side of the room. My eyes landed on a table with some of that First-Aid Spray stood upright on it.

Image of First-Aid Spray:

I picked the can up and grinned, muttering to myself "Hmm, I could use you

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I picked the can up and grinned, muttering to myself "Hmm, I could use you." Seeing nothing else of use in the room, I placed the First-Aid-Spray on my belt before making my way out of the room once more.

Continuing to make my way down the hallway, I stopped when I heard what sounded like creaking footsteps up ahead. Thinking it was another zombie, I stopped and readied my Handgun to blast whatever or whoever was approaching.

However I was surprised to see that it wasn't a zombie OR one of the S.T.A.R.S members! Instead I saw myself face to face with one of the hunched, scaled creatures known as Hunters! Another product of Umbrella's experimentation, though these were far more dangerous.

Image of a Hunter:

The Hunter's lizard-like eyes stared directly into my E/C ones for a moment before I quickly regained my nerves and shot at the creature!

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The Hunter's lizard-like eyes stared directly into my E/C ones for a moment before I quickly regained my nerves and shot at the creature!

The Hunter let out a shriek before sprinting towards me, I shot at it a few more times however it jumped up, somewhat leapt off the wall before lunging towards me before landing on top of me. It attempted to claw at me however I barely got my head out of the slash which cut into the wooden floorboard. The Hunter then let out another noise and this was my chance.

I raised my gun and shot the creature directly in the mouth, causing it to fall onto its back. I stood up and shot it again, directly in the chest twice, finally killing the Hunter. I stared down at it, catching my breath for a moment.

Heading down the rest of the hallway, I arrived at a large set of double doors. I once again went in for the key that Albert had given me and unlocked it. Walking through the doors, I found myself in a different corridor.

I walked down it, gun aimed in front of me until I heard one of the side doors open behind me, spinning around, with my gun raised, I was surprised to see none other than CHRIS! The very man Albert had ordered me to locate! Standing behind me.

Image of Chris Redfield:

I did my best to put on my best 'relieved' expression and tone as I addressed him

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I did my best to put on my best 'relieved' expression and tone as I addressed him. "Chris, I'm glad to see you're alright. I thought you'd been locked outside." He sighed and said "I found another way in."

He then asked "Where are Wesker, Jill and Barry? I thought they would be with you." I explained "Jill and Barry went off to investigate a gunshot we heard. Albert sent me to look for you in case you did somehow make it past those beasts outside."

I then added "I do have SOME good news thought." He asked "And what's that?" I smiled and said "I ran into Rebecca about half an hour ago." Chris stepped forward and said "You did? Where was she?"

I explained "She was in a fortified room. I suggest we try and-" I was cut off by the familiar sound of another Hunter, I turned around and sure enough, there was another one approaching us, having come out of a room down the hall.

"Damn it, where do these things keep coming from?" Was all Chris said, not wanting to blow my cover, I faked confusion and replied "Beats me. Watch out though, I encountered another one before. Now, cover for me."

We both opened fire on the Hunter and it only took about three shots each before it fell to the ground. We walked over to the corpse as Chris just knelt down to get a closer look, I myself just stood there with a blank expression on my face.

(I actually looked up how many Handgun shots it would take to kill a Hunter in the 2002 remake and it said anywhere between 1-9 rounds. I went with three each and then doubled it for 6 don't really know if that's accurate.)

I reloaded my handgun and said "Come on, we'll need to regroup with the others." Chris looked at me and said "What about Rebecca?" I nodded and said "Follow me, the room she was in is just a few corridors from here."

With that, we both made our way down the hall, now was the perfect time to execute my brother's plan however before I could do that, we would meet another of this mansion's horrific residents. 

As for Rebecca, I would ensure her safety AFTER me and Albert's business here had been concluded. She was just a young girl with lots of smarts, she didn't deserve to die in a place like this. In fact, I felt bad for the other S.T.A.R.S members as well to a point but not enough to go against Albert's plans.

(The reason Y/N has a soft spot for Rebecca is purely because I physically couldn't bring myself to give him a negative opinion of her because she's just so sweet and innocent. She's my third favourite character in the series after Albert Wesker and Ada Wong.)

Author's Note: And that's it for Chapter 3 of this book, firstly I would like to apologize if the chapter was bad, I started writing this earlier but I had a bit of a meltdown about something else and couldn't focus, I've calmed myself now so I've finished the chapter off. I know a lot of you like this book so I really don't want to disappoint you. Either way, I do hope you enjoyed it and as always, thank you for reading.

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