Chapter 89: The Submarine

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Northern Atlantic Ocean, June 27, 2013...


My eyes shot back to the blue cube in my hand, more specifically at the small blinking light on a tiny map. That light represented the coordinates for the submarine Ada informed me of. The other dot on the map was my own location that was drawing closer to its destination.

I picked up speed in the small boat I had used to get this far and eventually, the two dots intertwined with one another on the small radar causing me to instantly revert the cube back to its prism shape and tuck it away in my pocket before making my way outside.

On the small fishing boat's deck, rain was hammering down causing said boat to rock about on the uneven waters of the Atlantic ocean. I changed into the spare scuba-gear I had brought along for the occasion, hooked up the oxygen tank and without a word, leapt overboard.

As you already know, about two years had passed since Alex Wesker's experiment. After that incident, I resumed my previous act of constantly moving across the world, keeping off the BSAA's radar following the whole Uroboros incident. Though out of the blue, I received a package and message from Ada telling me she needed to meet my help with a strange task, she also sent me this blue cube and told me to meet her on a submarine which of course leads me to right now.

I don't know why she chose to contact me when she did or why she wanted us to meet on a submarine in the middle of the ocean. Though I figured I should just take the gamble and see what she had to say.

I swam downwards, deeper into the dark waters. I couldn't see all that well and I had to squint through my goggles to see in the rapidly darkening ocean. However luckily for me, I soon caught sight of the Submarine in question.

If I could speak, I'd have muttered "There we go." However being underwater, with my scuba-gear on, I kept silent and instead just swam closer to the underwater vessel until I eventually I came across a bulkhead door on the side.

I grabbed hold of the circular handle and began twisting it. For a normal person, it would be extremely difficult to twist the handle, especially underwater. However thanks to my enhanced strength, I used little effort before the hatch door finally opened.

Water instantly began flooding into the submarine, pushing me in along with it. Before too much came in, blowing my hole operation, I swiftly got to my feet and closed the hatch, sealing it back up once again.

I leaned against the door for a moment, catching my breath before removing the oxygen tank and the rest of the scuba gear leaving me in my usual black attire.

 Turning back around I muttered to myself "So, where do I go from here?" The bulkhead seemed to be part of a small storage room of sorts, I noticed there was only one door, so it instantly was clear where I had to go.

Before setting off though, I reached into my holster and pulled out my Samurai Edge handgun with the new Silencer enhancement I'd put on it. Even though it was Ada who called me here, I still wasn't taking any chances.

Heading out of the door lead me out onto a dark corridor, to the right was a dead-end so my next step was to go left which lead me around another corner where I found two doors, both of which were automatic and opened up.

One seemed to be a sleeping quarters that was empty, the other was also empty and seemed to be another storage room of sorts. Neither of which interested me. As I was about to go past them though, running footsteps could be heard round another corner.

I swiftly ducked into one of the rooms just as two men in strange attire ran past the door where I was hiding, not noticing that it was still open. I decided to follow them, keeping in the shadows only to see them head right back to the storage room which I entered through.

The Wesker Brother (Resident Evil, Ada Wong x Male Wesker Reader)Where stories live. Discover now