Chapter 29: A Long-Awaited Reunion, Ring the Church Bell

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(I feel I should apologize. Since I took quite an absence from this book to work on my Devil May Cry one, I've grown a bit rusty. It will take time for me to get back into the swing of things. So I'm sorry if yesterday's chapter as well as this one are somewhat underwhelming.)


I quickly made my way off the small cliffside and towards the village. Even now, I remained in the shadows, this time ensuring that not only the villagers, but also Leon wouldn't see me. I went behind one of the outer houses of the village and raised my handgun.

Peering around the side of the building, I noticed all of the feral villagers gathered around a single house directly opposite me which I believe was where Leon was hiding out given how determined they were to get in.

I peered closer, I saw multiple villagers pounding on the front door aggressively while a few others were setting up a ladder near one of the upstairs windows of the house, climbing through it.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of a chainsaw revving behind me. Turning around, I found myself faced with another villager. This one was slightly fatter than the others and wore a sack over his head though I could see his eyes through small holes. More importantly, he clutched a blood-soaked chainsaw. 

Image of the Chainsaw Ganado (Doctor Salvador):

(Again, where does the Doctor Salvador name come from? I don't remember it being mentioned in the game itself unless I missed something, if so what was it?)

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(Again, where does the Doctor Salvador name come from? I don't remember it being mentioned in the game itself unless I missed something, if so what was it?)

I sighed in an annoyed tone. It wasn't that this particular villager would be trouble. It's just that like you know already, I wanted to be as stealthy with this operation as I possibly could. This was just another pointless obstruction.

Nevertheless, I raised my handgun and fired about four shots into the villager's legs, two in each. I then waited as the villager got closer and before performing a palm-thrust which caused the villager to be flung back. Unfortunately, this only served to make matters worse.

You see, as the Chainsaw Ganado was launched back, he was actually flung out in full view of the others. This gained the attention of a few of them as they began slowly approaching, armed with sickles, pitchforks and axes, I raised my handgun and prepared to defend myself regardless of whether I was seen. The others luckily remained trying to bust into the house where Leon was hiding.

Before I could fire a single bullet though, an object was thrown towards me from one of the rooves. I caught the object and looked at it, surprised to see a key in my hand. A key with the insignia of the Los Illuminados cult.

Image of the Insignia Key:

Image of the Insignia Key:

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