Chapter 48: The Right to be a God

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(Before we begin, I quickly had to go back to the last chapter and add in an image of Wesker for this segment since I forgot to do it yesterday. It doesn't affect this chapter, just thought I'd let you all know beforehand.)


Me and Albert simply listened as Spencer explained everything. The weather was still dismal outside and the lightning caused our red snake or cat-like eyes to flash through our sunglasses, Albert stepped around the frail old man as he continued.

"-A new superior breed of humans." He explained. "Given birth by the Progenitor virus. The Wesker children, were entrusted with endless potential. Of them, only two survived." He paused before spitting "You two."

(According to the Resident Evil Wiki, Spencer intentionally lied to Wesker here about him being the last Wesker. Since apparently Albert believed Alex was dead and Spencer wanted to maintain that. Hence why he doesn't mention her here. Y/N will think Alex is dead until later on.)

Albert went to stand by the window itself before turning his head slightly and asking "Are you saying we were manufactured?" Spencer didn't answer the question and instead rasped out. "I was to become a GOD."

He coughed weakly before continuing. "Creating a new world, with an advanced race of human beings. However, all was lost with Raccoon City." Hearing  Raccoon City again made me tense up, the events that transpired there stuck with me even after all these years.

Spencer wasn't done though as he kept on with his speech "Despite that setback, both your creations still hold great significance." I asked "What do you mean by that?" Spencer just laughed by didn't actually respond.

As Albert began approaching him, he stood up and said "Now my candle burns dimly." He stepped towards the stairs before asking us both "Ironic isn't it? For one who has the right to be a God." He turned around as Albert stood directly in front of him, I just stood to the side and watched silently. 

"To face his own mortality." These were the last words Spencer could get out because Albert just stared at him for a moment before saying in an ominous tone. "The right to be a God-" He thrust his hand forward, brutally stabbing it through Spencer's chest!

There was a flash of light behind us as Albert leaned forward and whispered into Spencer's ear, just loud enough for me to head. "-That right is now mine." He then withdrew his hand forcefully, causing blood to shoot out of Spencer's body as he fell down the stairs and collapsed onto the ground in a pool of blood.

I did notice one thing about Albert's statement, he specifically said HE would be a God, there was no mention of me in his statement. This alone caught my interest, though I had faith in my brother so I just chose to disregard it.

Albert just stared at Spencer's body before commenting "The right to be a God? You? Arrogant even until the end. Only one truly capable of BEING a God, deserves that right." He didn't even give me a second glance before stepping over towards the large window and staring out of it.

I just remained stood in my spot, the two of us in an awkward silence. My eyes darted down to Spencer's corpse. He was finally gone, the man responsible for harming so many people, including myself, was finally dead. But even so, I had a feeling, things were only growing darker.

Suddenly, the door burst open, snapping me from my trance, I was left completely shocked when I saw Chris AND Jill both standing before us, handguns at the ready. My eyes were wide with shock however Albert simply turned to them with a grin, had he known they would be coming here? How much more was he not telling me?!

Images of Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine:

Images of Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine:

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Upon seeing Albert, Chris snapped "Wesker!" Before instantly raising his handgun and opening fire on him

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Upon seeing Albert, Chris snapped "Wesker!" Before instantly raising his handgun and opening fire on him. Meanwhile, Jill aimed at me and did the exact same. Me and Albert both just dodged the bullets with out enhanced speed before lunging in to attack.

Naturally, I targeted Jill. After all, she was the only person in this world who I actually held any form of legitimate hatred towards. And even then, you could argue I was justified since she did shoot me and would have killed me if it wasn't for the Prototype virus.

I violently elbowed  Jill in the face. With Chris distracted by Albert, there was no one here who could save her this time. No Barry, no Carlo, Hell! Even no Nemesis since that thing interrupted both my encounters with her in Raccoon City.

Jill was knocked back into a nearby bookshelf however I didn't give her time to recover, I dashed forward again and punched her in the stomach, earning a pained grunt as she doubled over a bit before falling to her knees.

I stood over Jill smirking as I said "Well, it seems this is it. End of game, you made a good run of it, but I still got you in-" I was cut off when Jill raised her handgun and rapidly shot me in the face. The bullet hit me head-on and caused me to lurch my head backwards at the force of the round however I wasn't really hurt by it.

Glaring back at her with a smirk, I instantly grabbed her by the neck and said "You know what, I'm beginning to run out of patience with you. I think it's best that we end this little rivalry of ours for good this time."

I was about to start choking her however she pulled out a knife and stabbed me in the arm, causing me to drop her, as she fell, she kicked me in the chest, causing me to stagger back faintly. I glared at her before snapping "Oh, so that's how you want to play?!"

Kicking her myself caused her to roll a bit before landing on her back again. I stood over her and pulled out my own Samurai Edge handgun which I still kept even after all these years. Giving it a click, I raised it and said "I would love to make you suffer, but I frankly can't be bothered with you. Goodbye Jill."

Just as I was about to pull the trigger though, I heard Chris let out a grunt. Turning around, I saw him hit the ground as Albert slowly began approaching him, he picked Chris up and said "Let's finish this". I smirked and turned back to Jill only to be met with a Flash Grenade being thrown directly at my face!

There was a bright flash which temporarily blinded me, I had to shield my eyes as a result and when I lowered my arm, I was left shocked. Jill got up, ignoring me, she sprinted towards Albert and tackled him.

Both of them crashed into the window, causing it to shatter as both of them disappeared down into the abyss below and out of sight. Chris ran over to the window and exclaimed with his hand outstretched. "JILL!"

I just remained frozen, unsure of what to do. I had no doubt that Albert had survived, it was just a matter of finding him. I noticed Chris turn to me with a glare, he got back to his feet and aimed his handgun at me.

I didn't fight back though, instead I just stated "Take time to mourn Chris, we'll finish this another time." I left the room, ignoring Chris calling after me "Y/N wait!" Little did I know, this encounter was only a prelude to the true nightmare that would come a few years later.

Author's Note: And that's it for this chapter, I really hope you liked it. I don't know if I'll upload tomorrow or the day after, you see I'm actually starting writing as soon as I get home from my internship and not finishing it until right before tea so I just want some more time to myself. On Friday though, I finish early and I also have Weekend so I will still upload then. I may still upload tomorrow and Thursday as well, I'm not sure yet. Regardless, I hope you liked the chapter and as always, thank you for reading.

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