Chapter 57: The Truth Behind Jill Valentine's Fate

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It didn't take me long to catch back up with Excella and the masked woman. Upon doing so, I instantly asked "What the Hell was that?! What happened?!" Excella just looked at me with fake confusion on her expression as she asked "Whatever do you mean?"

I glared at her, stating "You know full well what I'm referring to. What happened to that test subject?" Excella simply grinned before saying "Oh, that. Like I told you, I do not know what happened. It must have been a mistake in the experiment."

Again, I still wasn't buying Excella's excuse. However I nodded and simply ordered her "Take me to Albert. Now." If she wasn't going to give me clear and concise answers to my questions, then perhaps Albert would.

Excella turned to me properly and said "You're in luck. Albert had informed me that we are to meet him at this designated location." She held up a device showcasing a flashing beacon which I assumed was Albert's location.

It did confuse me as to why Albert didn't inform me of this. Though I just chalked it up to the fact that he knew I would be with Excella so there was no need to send us the same exact message and signal if we would both just wind up seeing it anyway.

Either way, I just nodded and we both were silent as we made our way back through the laboratory, following that same series of corridors until we finally accessed parts of the laboratory that I hadn't seen before now.


We eventually found our way out of the laboratory and now found ourselves following a network of cave tunnels. We were drawing closer and closer to the beacon and eventually we tracked it down to a large stone building within the underground chasm itself.

Crossing the bridge, we had it raise behind us and ventured into the building, the door had the Tri-Cell logo on it. Now we found ourselves in a large-open room with two staircases heading up to a second floor as well as doors going off to the side.

I stepped forward and asked "So, where's Albert?" Excella looked at the device and spoke "He should be right in this room." Before either of us could say anything else, we heard the door open once again followed by an all too familiar voice ordering "Excella Gionne! Y/N Wesker! Stop right there!"

Excella just began clapping sarcastically before turning to face them saying "Bravo." Chris once again asked "Damn it, where is Jill!" Excella just laughed to herself before retorting "Jill? Maybe I'll tell you, maybe I won't."

This only solidified my theory that Excella knew something about Jill's whereabouts, though before I myself could voice my concern, the masked figure lunged at the two BSAA operatives and attacked them.

She did a good job fending the duo off before Chris fired a gunshot that sent her mask flying. Her face remained concealed with her hood though as she backflipped away, dodging a series of bullets in the process before coming to a stop right in front of us.

Chris and Sheva both maintained their aim on us as the former snapped "Stop playing around, we want some answers." And that's when we finally heard Albert's voice from behind us saying "You haven't changed!"

Turning around, I saw him at the top of the stairs behind us. Chris stated "Wesker, so you ARE alive." Sheva simply asked "This is Wesker?" Albert began descending the stairs saying "We last met at the Spencer estate, wasn't it?" He came to a stop in next to me and Excella but behind the now-hooded woman.

He smirked at the pair and said "I would expect you'd be happier to see us." Chris just asked "Us?" Which made Albert then say "So slow to catch on." He then pulled the woman's hood down and I kid you not, my blood ran cold and I was left frozen in shock.

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