Chapter 90: The Misunderstanding and the Unusual Mission

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"Y/N?! What are you doing here?" The tone in Ada's voice held genuine confusion which lead me to feel the exact same. I let go of her and stepped back, the two of us just stared at one another for a moment in complete silence.

Image of Ada Wong:

Eventually though, I spoke up, asking "What do you mean 'what am I doing here'? Don't you remember contacting me telling me to meet you on this submarine? Why did you insist that anyway? Ever since I arrived here, I've been attacked by these stran...

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Eventually though, I spoke up, asking "What do you mean 'what am I doing here'? Don't you remember contacting me telling me to meet you on this submarine? Why did you insist that anyway? Ever since I arrived here, I've been attacked by these strange soldiers!"

Ada just continued to stare at me before finally saying "Y/N, I don't know what you're talking about, I never contacted you or told you to meet me here." I raised an eyebrow and asked "Oh really? Then you don't remember sending this to me out of nowhere?" 

I reached in my pocket and held up the blue communicator. When Ada saw it, her eyes widened a bit as she said "You have one too?" She instantly pulled out one of her own, sure enough, they were identical as I answered "Yes, and straight after I found it, I was contacted by you."

She tried saying "I didn't-." Though I cut her off by saying "I know it was you Ada, I saw your face." Ada's eyes narrowed as she asked "You did?" I nodded which caused her to add "I assure you Y/N, it wasn't me, though it does spike an interesting question."

Now I was the one confused as I asked "What do you mean?" Ada went on to explain "I was sent this exact same device however straight after finding it, I was contacted by an old employer of mine, Derek Simmons."

I asked "Derek Simmons as in the U.S National Security Advisor?" Ada nodded and replied "The very same. He also told me to come here. Though all I've found since my arrival were those soldiers, like you said. No answers though. It seems we had the same experiences."

Once again, we both fell into silence for a moment before Ada asked "So, what do you suppose we do now?" I replied "I suppose we should ideally just stick together, I want to find out what's REALLY going on here and we don't know what else could be on this submarine. It probably isn't anything either of us couldn't handle alone but it's not worth risking it."

Ada nodded and said "Sounds like a plan. It's a good thing you came when you did, I need to figure out how this door opens." For the first time since arriving in this room, I got a look at the room, unlike the rest of the submarine that had a militaristic design while this one had a rather antique and sophisticated appearance.

On the far end of the room was a metal door with a lock that was connected to some form of puzzle. It was a cylinder that consisted of three rotating chunks, it seemed we would need to find the correct combination to open the door.

After searching, I eventually noticed that a mounted bull's head actually had a lens in the back of it, moving the horns out of the way allowed us to see the painting directly opposite, normally this wouldn't be anything special but in this instance it was.

At first glance, the painting in question was nothing special, however looking through the lens in the back of the statue revealed a large black bird directly in the centre, I looked back and forth between the painting and the door before I realized.

"Ada, it's a bird, match up the cylinder so that it makes a bird." Ada replied "Didn't take you long to get that did it?" Sure enough, the door made a click and the red light on top turned to a green one before the door opened. Ada commented "Well, that was a pain in the ass."

We stepped out into the corridor and I wasn't looking where I was going, me foot landed on a pressure pad on the ground and instantly we had to duck against the wall as a motion-activated sentry turret fired several rounds at us.

Luckily, while we were unharmed by the turret, a soldier that tried to sneak up behind us was killed by it. Ada commented "I guess teamwork isn't a strong point around here." This made me comment "So long as we're careful to avoid any more of those turrets, we should be fine."

We easily snuck past the first turret and soon came to another one along with a soldier patrolling the corridor. This was an easy dodge as I just got the soldiers attention and tricked him into stepping on the pressure pad, setting off the turret and mowing him down as well.

Once that was done, we both continued until we at last, came to a single door. Opening it revealed a rather luxurious room. Inside we found a few herbs along with a stockpile of ammo and strangely enough, a projector.

I looked around, reloading my handgun as Ada interacted with the projector causing it to turn on. We instantly heard a male voice which I assume belonged to that 'Simmons' Ada mentioned saying "My dearest Ada Wong..."

We both turned out attention to the image projected on the screen in front of us. The voice continued "Jake Muller has been located in the Republic of Edonia." It brought up an image of a young man, perhaps early twenties. Something about him seemed familiar, though I kept listening to the instructions.

"Your mission is to find out if his body had antibodies to the C-Virus. We cannot allow a vaccine to be produced." Another picture came up, this time of someone I definitely recognized. SHERRY BIRKIN! One of the last people I thought I'd ever hear about again!

Simmons' voice explained "Agent Birkin will be sent in to acquire the target. Your job is to ensure they escape the country alive. Good luck." With that the projector shut off and I sarcastically commented "So, that's Simmons hmm? Seems like a delightful gentleman."

Ada replied "Yeah, real charmer that one. But did you notice? Those orders were dated six months ago. That can't be right. I don't remember those orders, maybe they were passed on to someone else." I shrugged and added "I had no idea what he was going on about. That Jake  Muller though. There was something about him-."

I was cut off when an alarm started blaring and almost instantly, soldiers were swarming the door, shooting at us. I yelled "God damn it!" Ada aimed her crossbow and fired an explosive bolt into the crowd of soldiers, it exploded and blasted them all to the ground, killing the majority of them.

Those that survived, I shot with my Samurai Edge. Once that initial batch were dealt with, I turned to Ada. The alarm was still sounded so we knew more of them would be on their way soon. She spoke, up saying "We should get out of here." I nodded and agreed "Yeah, that would be best."

Even more questions had been opened up to me now. When I first received the message calling me here, I believed it was Ada. However according to her, she constantly claimed she had nothing to do with it. On top of that, we came across orders from Derek Simmons, a National Security Advisor for the President! Orders that were left for Ada about six months ago! I wanted answers, and I could tell Ada wanted them as well.

In the end though, we were just pieces in a chess game being played across the world...

Author's Note: And that's it for this chapter, I felt this one went much better than the last one so I really hope you enjoyed it and as always, thank you for reading.

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