Chapter 4: Enter, Lisa Trevor!

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(So, I've decided that I will be including the Resident Evil 3 Remake in this story, since from what I've gathered it takes place at the same time as the 2 Remake so those two will kind of blend together into one segment.)


With Chris accompanying me, the two of us just resumed our trek through the mansion. I had to wait for the right moment to execute my plan. I could easily just shoot Chris now. But what if Jill, Barry or Rebecca were to happen upon the corpse? They would see the gunshot wounds and immediately suspect foul play.

That is why I had to wait, buy my time until the opportunity arose. My plan was to knock him unconscious and bring him down to the laboratory located UNDER the mansion. That was where me and Albert had been planning to meet.

You see, the reason me and Albert were here was simple. In the previously mentioned laboratory, there were files that solidified our affiliation with Umbrella. Not to mention the literal T-Virus outbreak that was present here! Our goal was to destroy this entire facility along with any evidence.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Chris asking behind me "So, where did you say Rebecca was?" I sighed to myself and turned to him before responding "She was in a storage room not too far from here."

We continued to make our way down the hallways, only encountering a few zombies, luckily there were no Hunters around. Eventually we arrived at the entrance to the storage room where I was earlier. I knocked before saying "Rebecca! You in there?"

There was no response so I slowly opened the door and entered the room only to find it completely empty. No sign of Rebecca or any form of struggle. I scouted the room for a moment until I noticed a note on the table. I picked it up and read it.

To any S.T.A.R.S member who finds this,

This is Rebecca Chambers of Bravo Team, I've been forced to relocate due to a scarcity of supplies in this area. If you're reading this, there has also been an increase in strange reptilian creatures in the area. I have some spare ammo stashed away, take it.

Good luck,

Rebecca Chambers.

I turned and showed the note to Chris and he asked "Do you have any idea where she could be now?" I shook my head and said "No, the note has no mention of another location, just an ammo stash in this room."

We looked around the room and sure enough, in one of the draws, we found a few boxes of Handgun ammo. Taking it with us, we left the now-empty storage room and resumed making our way back through the mansion, back towards the main entrance hall.

As we entered the hall though, we instantly went up the stairs and exited another door. We continued on like this for a while until eventually we arrived outside, the sky was still pitch dark and gloomy.

That's when we heard the sound of clanking and dragging chains, accompanied by laboured gurgling. We stepped further into the room and listened closely, the sounds seemed to only be drawing closer.

We turned around and we noticed the coming up towards us, was a hunched-over figure. She looked human enough however she was grotesque and deformed. What was worse is that I RECOGNIZED this girl, or at least I did originally...

Image of the creature:

Her name was once Lisa Trevor, I remember seeing pictures of her and reading files within the laboratory

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Her name was once Lisa Trevor, I remember seeing pictures of her and reading files within the laboratory. Apparently she was one of Umbrella's test subjects for the Progenitor Virus. While I myself had never directly encountered her until now, Albert had partially contributed to the abomination before me now.

Chris yelled at Lisa "Stay back! I'll shoot you I swear!" Lisa just continued to slowly move towards us before suddenly letting out an ear-piercing howl mixed with a sheik. She picked up her pace and was now moving quicker than before.

Both me and Chris opened fire, shooting several Handgun rounds directly into her body. Though to Chris's surprise and my realization, she just shook it off as if it barely tickled, in fact it seemed to only anger her further as she let out another shriek and continued moving towards us.

I soon stopped shooting, from the data I had read on her in the past, I believed she would likely be immune to any form of weapon. The only clear course of action would be to retreat back into the mansion for now and hope we could lose her. Chris however was still shooting away, burning through his ammo.

I yelled "Chris! Come on, it's useless. We need to fall back." He finally ran out of ammo, his gun clicking as he tried to fire it and turned to me. He nodded and with that we both ran for it, leaving Lisa Trevor behind who let out one final shriek as we retreated back into the mansion once again.

Once inside, Chris hunched over and caught his breath as I just stood behind him. He asked, still panting "What the hell was that thing?" I responded "A monster is all I can use to describe it." I then turned around to stare at Chris with an emotionless expression.

Now was my time to strike, I simply spoke in a monotone voice "I'm sorry Chris." With that, I raised the arm clutching my gun and pointed it at him. Chris looked at me shocked and asked "Y/N? What are you doing?!"

I responded bluntly "That's nothing you need to concern yourself with. I just can't have you interfering with Albert's plans." He pulled his gun out and tried shooting at me however there was just a faint clicking signalling that he was out of ammo.

I smirked before saying "It's awfully convenient that you wasted all your ammo taking down that creature outside. That makes this much easier." Chris glared at me and asked "So you're a traitor then?" I shrugged and said "Not particularly. But I don't expect you to understand."

What I didn't notice was Chris suddenly reach up for his knife, he slashed my arm and caused me to clutch it tightly. I raised my gun and fired, hitting him in the side but not enough for it to be lethal.

I approached Chris who was nursing the gunshot wound in his side and said "I am sorry Chris, I truly am. Just know that this isn't personal. Just like I said before, I can't have you interfering with Albert's plans."

Chris looked confused "Albert? You mean Wesker's in on it as well?" Nodding I said "Of course, who else would I be taking orders from." Without another word, I raised my arm up and brought it down on the back of Chris's head, knocking him out with the handle of my gun.

He fell to the ground unconscious as I stared down at it. I then pulled out a personal communicator for mine and Albert's uses only. I turned it on and soon saw Albert's face on the other end asking "Yes? What is it?"

(Y/N's communicator is like the one Ada has in Resident Evil 4.)

I eyed Chris's body and said "It's done, Chris has been dealt with, I am bringing him down to the laboratory now." Albert responded "Good, you've done well. The way to the laboratory should be already open, there is another concern though."

I grew confused and asked "What's wrong?" That's when Albert responded "In your absence, Jill has made her way down here, I fear SHE may be closer to figuring out our secret, get down here as soon as you can."

I finally said "Alright, I'm on my way." With that I turned the communicator off. I guess this wasn't over yet...

Author's Note: That's it for Chapter 4 of this story. Now we're also getting close to the end of the Resident Evil 1 segment however I plan to have a brief Umbrella Chronicles based area centring around Wesker escaping the mansion in which Y/N will escape as well. I do hope you enjoyed the chapter and as always, thank you for reading.

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