Chapter 107: A Last-Minute Rescue

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I rushed further down the corridor, desperately searching for the 'west sector' of the facility where Jake and Sherry were apparently located. I had doubts that they were even there, as I was simply going of the words of a single Neo-Umbrella soldier, but at this point, I was too desperate to not jump at the opportunity.

You may also think it was stupid of me, handing my Samurai Edge handgun to Chris. However I had my reasons, besides. I still had both my Killer7 and my sniper rifle at my disposal, they would serve me well enough until my business concluded here.

Suddenly though, as I headed down one corridor in particular, the ground and presumably the entire facility began shaking violently. I stumbled for a second by quickly regained my balance, muttering to myself "I don't know how long this place has left. I'd better hurry." And with that, I picked up the pace even more, I had a hunch that this entire facility would eventually collapse on itself, taking me down with it if I wasn't careful.


The tremors continued as I ran further and further. I didn't encounter any more soldiers which was a good thing. I couldn't afford a single distraction, now more than ever especially!

At last though, I reached a large metal door, it appeared to be damaged as the metal was bent inwards preventing it from opening on its own. Fortunately for me, enhanced strength from the Prototype Virus meant that about three firm, powerful kicks forced the door open. 

My eyes widened at what I saw, a large open room. Metal walkways and pipes were suspended over a giant pit of lava. Several of the walkways appeared to be breaking away, falling into the molten substance below.

One of the lower walkways in particular caught my attention as I noticed Jake standing on it, face to face with a giant B.O.W, its likeness could only be related to that Nemesis I fought in Raccoon City, aside from that minor resemblance, it was unlike anything I'd encountered before now.

Image of the Ustanak:

Sherry stood on a walkway overlooking them, and from the looks of things, it appeared that Jake was actually attempting to fight the monster hand-to-hand

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Sherry stood on a walkway overlooking them, and from the looks of things, it appeared that Jake was actually attempting to fight the monster hand-to-hand. I will admit, I was impressed to see that Jake was certainly adept at martial arts and from the display he was putting forward, it seems he may have even inherited some of Albert's enhancements as he was actually making the creature flinch.

His success was short-lived as the hulking B.O.W grabbed Jake by the head. He lifted him up off the ground before tossing him over to the other side of the walkway. It let out a loud roar and charged forward, just as Jake stood up, he was forced back. He staggered by soon recovered, entering a combat stance saying "Alright, that might have hurt a little!"

I chose now to reveal my presence. Drawing my sniper rifle, I looked down the scope and aimed directly at the monster's head. There was a loud bang as the bullet whizzed through the air, hitting the B.O.W in the back of the head.

It dropped onto all fours for a moment before standing back up, turning in my direction and roaring once again. I lowered the rifle and couldn't help but smirk at the shocked stares I got from both Jake and Sherry.

Next I raised my Hookshot, using it to grapple onto one of the higher walkways, I leapt from the broken doorway, swung through the air. Before landing though, I made sure to give the B.O.W a powerful kick to the face, causing it to be knocked back.

As soon as I did land on the walkway, I heard Sherry saying in a shocked and angered tone "You!" Behind me, Jake muttered "So the uncle shows up." I will admit, I didn't expect Albert's son to be polite but I also didn't expect him to be just as arrogant as his father.

I turned to him and said "Yeah, that's right. When did you find out?" Jake replied "Sherry told me." By this point the  Ustanak began approaching us once again. Both me and Jake turned to look at him as I asked "So, what's the score? What's this thing?"

Jake replied "Just some freak who's been constantly following us. Why are you even here anyway?" I turned to him and said "Why else? I'm getting you and Sherry out of here. Seems this thing is our obstacle."

To this Jake chuckled "Yeah, seems that way. Feel free to stick around if you want." I simply stated "Don't mind if I do." And it was as these words were spoken that the battle FINALLY began!

Sherry yelled "I'll cover you!" Jake replied "Thanks!" And rushed forward. Sherry opened fire from the upper walkway, while I drew my Killer7 magnum and began shooting at the creature myself.

To my surprise, it seemed the durability on this thing was unlike anything I'd faced before. No matter how many magnum rounds I shot into his head or body, the B.O.W seemed to just keep going, it flinched, but the damage was minimal, almost none-existent. And eventually the gun ran out of ammo, letting out faint clicking sounds.

Going to reload, I found that I had no leftover magnum rounds. I growled and swiftly placed the gun back in my holster. Next I drew my sniper, I was about to aim it however much too my surprise, with a roar, the creature spun around and swatted the rifle from my hand, causing it to fall into the lava next to me.

I spat "Damn it, well, that narrows down my options." I cracked my knuckles and added "Well, I guess we have to do this the long and tedious way then." With that, I dashed forward, landing a powerful uppercut to the powerful B.O.W.

For the first time in this fight, the creature showed signs of being damaged as it flinched from the uppercut and finally fell backwards. Jake was about to land a few more blows of his own however at that moment the B.O.W lashed out with its large metal arm.

A huge ball on a chain detached from its hand, struck Jake and caused him to fall onto his back. I was luckily able to dodge it by flipping backwards. The B.O.W stood up just as I went in for a swift knee, making it double over in pain.

I went in for a palm-thrust that pushed the monster back however as I was going to land a third blow, it swung out with the metal ball once again, this time I was able to dodge, but I ran right into a punch from the other arm.

I hit the ground face-first however the next thing I knew the B.O.W picked my up and lifted me off the ground. I instantly grabbed hold of the arm holding me and squeezed tightly. From the roar the creature made, I could tell I was hurting it, however it managed to maintain its grip.

Eventually, the pain I caused became too much for it and it let go, throwing me to the floor, making me roll a bit before coming to a stop on my back. And that's when I heard a faint clink along with the feeling of something dropping from my jacket.

Looking at the walkway, my eyes widened when I saw the vial containing the Uroboros sample I stole from Alex's laboratory. Like I'd said before, the reason I kept it on my person at all times was because it was the last sample of the virus in existence. I couldn't allow it to fall into the wrong hands. But now-.

I stared at the vial for a moment, I glanced up at the B.O.W that was approaching once again. I glanced at Jake, then Sherry, then back at the virus sample on the ground. Was this the only way? So far this creature had been nearly invincible, showing next to no damage after the beating it had sustained.

Reaching out, I took the vial in my hand. A smirk appeared on my face. At that time, this seemed like my only option. I had no doubt that I'd be able to eventually slay this B.O.W. But that would take time, something I didn't have any of right now. This building could crumble at any moment.

I jokingly muttered "Albert, Alex and me. Impaled on our own sword. But that's fate I suppose." And they were my last words before I jabbed the vial into my neck!

Author's Note: And that's it for this chapter, two more to go! I really hope you like both of them, I also hope you enjoyed this one as well and as always, thank you for reading.

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