Chapter 109, Epilogue: One Final Act of Forgiveness, the End of Everything

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As soon as Y/N had hung up, I wasted no time, heading back to the helicopter and flew out to the oil field, luckily, I'd heard about an oil field not too far from the city, so I had a strong hunch that that was where Y/N was.

I was determined to reach the location before it was too late. However it was all for nothing, as I arrived at the site of the oil field, I was met with nothing but a pile of semi-submerged rubble and pillars of black smoke coming off it.

I pulled my communicator out and swiftly attempted to contact Y/N, after the first time resulted with no connection, I tried again, this time more panicked. After that, I tried again, this time muttering "Come on, come on! Pick up!"

It was only after several attempts that reality hit me abruptly. I just remained motionless for a moment. I don't know why, I'd lost allies, co-workers and even partners in the past, but Y/N was different.

He was perhaps the first person I'd met to view me as a friend. And of course that friendship developed into something more. Something I'd never thought I'd experience in my lifetime. And yet, I felt it anyway. Love.

A lone tear rolled down my face, I wasn't the crying sort so that was all life would get from me. In the end, I just sat back, closed my eyes and muttered his final words to me "Goodbye, Y/N Wesker. We'll maybe meet again in another life, under better circumstances..."

Timeskip, a few days after the incident in China and Y/N's death...

Chris POV

As my car came to a stop, I just leant against the head rest with my head in my right hand. The events in China continued to weigh on my mind. First all my men were gone, then Piers and lastly but most surprisingly Y/N...

Shortly after I escaped the oil field, I came across Jake and Sherry. I instantly noticed that Jake seemed strangely quiet. No aggression towards me for his father's death, not even a single snarky comment.

Questioning them, Sherry explained everything. Apparently Y/N purposely infected himself with Uroboros in order to take down a B.O.W they were fighting. And much like Piers, he insisted on staying behind. But for different reasons.

Not because of his mutation,  but because he wanted to atone for the wrong-doings of not just him but his siblings as well. I'd heard about Alex Wesker and Y/N's contribution to stopping her. His actions here though definitely were a surprise.

I reached round and took Y/N's Samurai Edge out of its holster. Looking at it now, I understood his reason for giving it to me. He must have thought about sacrificing himself. Now I guess all I could do was honour his last wish.

Getting out of the car, I stared up at the house in front of me. I sighed to myself. Of course Y/N would want me to come here. But I was still surprised, after everything that happened. It seems he never really forgot one thing.

Slowly approaching the door, I gave it a faint knock...

Rebecca POV

A sudden knock on my door snapped me away from my work. I closed the laptop in front of me before standing up and heading over to the door. I unlocked it before opening it and my eyes widened when I saw Chris standing there, a sad smile on his face.

I offered a warm one in return and said "Chris, good to see you." Chris just gave another smile saying "Hey Rebecca. Good to see you too." I held the door open wider for him and offered "Why don't you come in?" 

Chris nodded and sat down on the living room sofa. I sat on another one across from him and asked "So, how are you? What brings you to this neck of the woods?" I said the last part jokingly however Chris' expression remained sad. He reached around back and too my surprise, he pulled out a handgun!

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