Chapter 17: Rescuing Ada and Encountering a Familiar Face

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I found the entrance to the sewers no problem. And from there, I just followed the path which I knew lead directly to Umbrella's underground laboratory known as the NEST, that is where I believe Leon and Ada were heading.

I never really understood why Umbrella built an entrance to their laboratory that could be accessed via the sewer line, but I never really questioned it either. The Birkin's were always a curious pair in my eyes, I just learned to keep out of their business.

Continuing to make my way through the sewers, ignoring the foul stench in the air, I eventually came across a door that was seemingly locked. I had no problem simply palm-thrusting the door right off its hinges, causing it to hit the ground with a loud crash.

I stepped through the door and my eyes widened at what I saw. There was a burnt Zombie lying on the ground and next to it was LEON unconscious with Ada's coat  wrapped around him. I ran towards him and squatted down exclaiming "Leon?!"

He slowly began to stir before his eyes opened, he looked at me confused "Y/N?" I quickly asked "Leon what the hell happened?!" I then noticed his arm which had been bandaged up to cover a gunshot wound. I looked around noticing that Ada was absent so I asked "And where's Ada?"

Leon looked around saying "She was just-" He cut himself off when he noticed she wasn't there. He then explained "We encountered a blonde woman I think she was called Annette, she shot me." I just nodded again in understanding before regaining my composure.

"She can't have gotten far, I've not been gone that long." Leon stood up and grabbed his handgun before saying "Okay." He then looked down and noticed the wound in my side from that monster's tentacle "Y/N, you're injured."

I placed my hand on the still bleeding wound and grinned saying "Yeah, it will take more than this to stop me." It was true, while the injury hurt like hell and made breathing a bit difficult due to the positioning of the hole, it was nothing I couldn't live through easily.

With that the two of us set off through the sewers, even having to wade our way through the disgusting green liquid. Eventually though, we got out of the water and made our way through a series of passageways that branched from the sewers itself.

We encountered a few Zombies along the way though they were nothing we couldn't deal with. And once again we found ourselves crawling through murky green water before suddenly there was a drop.

We slid down the bank and came to a splash at the bottom. Leon muttered "Argh, shit!" I added "That's probably what's in this water as well." Leon added "Thanks, I didn't need that image." I just shrugged at him as we continued.

Eventually though, we were confronted by a large creature that suddenly burst from the surface of the water. From its appearance, I guessed it was a victim of the G-Virus, it intrigued me to see what the results of this virus actually looked like compared to the T-Virus victims.

Image of the G-Virus creature:

Image of the G-Virus creature:

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