Chapter 40: Escaping the Castle, Arrival at the Military Island

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Exiting the tower, I instantly pulled out my communicator, this time though I wasn't contacting Albert since there was nothing to report. This time, I was actually contacting Ada directly to inform her of what Salazar had told me.

I switched the device on and it didn't take me long to get in touch with Ada. I only had three people available on my list of contacts. They were Albert, Ada and that 'Krauser' guy who Albert also hired. Though I don't know where he was, nor did it really matter right now, as long as I knew where he'd be by the end of this whole ordeal.

Soon Ada's face popped up on the other end as she expressed slight shock "Oh Y/N, I thought you were your brother for a second. Have you found anything of interest? Do you know where Saddler or the Sample are heading?"

I nodded and replied "Indeed, Salazar was quite easy to interrogate, he told me Saddler is heading for an island not too far from here apparently we'll need a boat. How goes the search for a way out of the castle?"

Ada smirked a bit and said "Well it's funny you should say we need a boat. Because I just discovered that there is a speedboat docked right here in the castle, I'll head there now, I'll also send directions for you to follow." Again, I just nodded and said "Good, I'll meet you there." With that I hung up.

Beginning my way backtracking through the castle, following routes which I had wandered before. I encountered more of Salazar's henchmen and disposed of them quickly, I had my objective.

You may wonder why I chose to leave Salazar alive after I got the information. After all, I incapacitated the Verdugo bodyguard and I could have easily pulled the trigger. However believe it or not, I actually did it for Leon's sake.

You see, it was safe to assume that if Saddler was heading to this island, then that Ashley girl would also be there. I knew that Leon's search in the castle would lead him to Salazar and I knew Salazar would meet his end here, but not before giving Leon his information. If I had ended him there, he wouldn't be able to tell Leon this.

I don't know why I was still helping Leon. He was of no benefit to my mission and I had only seen him once the entire time I was here. A part of me believes it was still revolving around Raccoon City six years ago. Something about that incident caused me to develop a side that looked out for him.

I was broken from my thoughts as I entered a new room which I hadn't entered before and I found myself opposite another door being guarded by two of those Garrador creatures I fought earlier.

At this point I knew how to deal with them. I could easily take advantage of their lack of sight. I slowly sneaked closer to one until I got a slight view of their back. I then drew my rifle and looked through the scope until I could see the grotesque Plaga on its back. 

I then fired two shots, directly hitting the Garrador's back as the tentacles sprawled out everywhere before the creature collapsed to the ground dead. Unfortunately, this alerted the attention of the other one.

The second Garrador rushed towards me and attempted to slash at me. However unlike the one I encountered a while back, I dodged it and caused the creature to impact the wall and get stuck. I then did a sideways roll and pulled out my TMP before opening fire once again.

It didn't take long for me to finish it off for good and with both of them gone, I progressed further into the castle until eventually, after about twenty minutes, I arrived at what I believed to be the boathouse. 

According to the coordinates Ada gave me, this was the location and sure enough, as I opened the door, I saw her sat in the drivers seat of a boat. She turned to face me and a smile appeared on her face as she asked "Like my new ride?"

I smirked and said "Sure why not. Now let's go." I climbed into the boat however Ada didn't start it just yet. Instead she just said "Let's wait for Leon, may as well take him across with us as well." I simply shrugged and said "Fine. Do what you want." With that, I climbed into the boat and we waited.

Timeskip (To after Leon defeats Salazar and begins escaping the castle):

Me and Ada waited for a good few minutes maybe about half an hour before we heard a pair of footsteps slowly come into the room. Turning around, we both grinned when we saw Leon standing there, still clutching his handgun.

I leaned forward saying "Hello Leon." Ada added a question "Need a ride?" Leon just looked at us both for a moment before saying "Okay." Though he seemed to be more so muttering it to himself rather than actually answering our question.

Regardless, he climbed into the boat and set off. We rode out towards the island mostly in silence, I could tell Leon wanted to question us further however he kept his mouth shut which was completely fine with me.

Eventually though, Ada swerved the boat to the side of one of the cliff faces. Once the boat stopped Ada stood up and fired her Hookshot into the side of said cliff, she then turned around and said "Me and Y/N have got some business to take care of. See you later." With that she grappled up to the side of the cliff.

I turned to Leon and said "Good luck. You're going to need it." With that I fired my own Hookshot and also disappeared atop the cliff-face, leaving Leon alone with the boat to make his own way.

Now things would truly get interesting...

Author's Note: And that's today's second chapter done and dusted and we're onto the third part of this segment. I sadly won't be able to upload until tomorrow afternoon however I do hope you like that one. I also hope you enjoyed this one and as always, thank you for reading.

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