Chapter 23: The Other Redfield

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I released the cord on my Hookshot and crashed through a nearby window. I did a slight roll before catching myself onto one knee. I quickly stood up and looked around at my surroundings. It seemed I had crashed into some sort of small office-like room.

Looking around, I managed to locate a green herb in a plant pot on the side. I plucked it and took it with me. I was also able to find some additional handgun ammo which was also of use to me. Other than that, I found nothing else so I simply made my way out into the corridor.

Here, I instantly was met with an all too familiar growling sound, and sure enough, looking down the hall I saw two zombies shuffling towards me. I just smirked before rushing forward and using my enhanced strength to kill both Zombies and not even needing to fire a single shot.

(Now I feel I should mention, that even though Y/N has the same abilities as Wesker, he will still be slightly weaker. I chose to do this so that Y/N would have trouble against some of the higher-up creatures like Nemesis. Basically I did it to make the story more interesting and suspenseful.)

Once those Zombies were taken care of, I continued making my way down the corridor, I checked in some of the side-rooms however I found nothing of interest aside from a Typewriter and some additional handgun rounds which I pocketed for later use.

To be honest with you, I don't know why I was searching this building. This was basically the same thing that happened at the Spencer Mansion earlier this year. Albert just had a habit of sending me after Chris without any indication of his location.

Nevertheless, I pressed on. Searching the building however just as I should have suspected, I found nothing. I headed back down to the bottom floor and exited the building. It was raining at this point however I payed it no mind and made my way into another building in the facility that was just adjacent to the original one.

As I was making my way through this one, I heard a female voice up ahead muttering angrily. "Damn it! Another locked door." I walked around the corner and was somewhat surprised to see a woman standing by a door. I assume she had tried to open it only to be met with failure.

She turned around and noticed me there. Instantly she reached for her weapons, two M100-P Submachine guns. I myself raised my handgun at her and said "Now now, we wouldn't want any accidents now would we?"

The woman stared at me and asked "Who are you?" I continued to stare at her through my sunglasses before responding "Who I am doesn't matter. Who are you?" The woman responded sternly "Claire Redfield."

Image of Claire Redfield:

My eyes widened a bit before a slight smirk appeared on my face

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My eyes widened a bit before a slight smirk appeared on my face. "Redfield hmm? No doubt you're related to Chris Redfield then?" Claire looked confused and said "Yeah, he's my brother. What about it?"

I will admit, I was surprised that she didn't know who I was. But nonetheless. I stepped forward and introduced myself. "My name is Y/N Wesker. I am an old ''acquaintance' of your brother." Her eyes widened at my statement.

She suddenly said "Wait, Y/N Wesker? You're the one Leon told me about." I looked confused "You know Leon?" She nodded and said "Yeah, we escaped Raccoon City together. He told me about you and a woman called Ada Wong."

I grinned even more now and commented "Well, isn't this a small world then. It's unfortunate we didn't meet in Raccoon City." My face fell serious before saying "Now, I'm going to give you a chance. Tell me where your brother is and I will let you go."

Claire glared at me and said "Not a chance. Chris also told me about you, I know what you and your brother are like." She suddenly raised one of her machine guns and opened fire at me.

I dodged the shots before dashing forward, I elbowed her and caused her to fall down. She quickly sat up and fired at me with both guns, I was just about able to dodge each burst of fire. Though when I attempted to counter-attack, we were interrupted.

Once again, the sound of Zombies could be heard, several of them, we're talking about five or six, were coming down the hallway. Claire seemed distracted by the approaching horde and I myself couldn't be bothered dealing with them.

It was obvious I would never get answers from Claire and I didn't want to waste time, forcing her to tell me everything. I raised my handgun and shot at the window, shattering it to pieces. I then aimed my Hookshot and released the cord outward. 

Pulling the trigger again, I was then flung from the window, following the wire. I released the cord and landed just outside the building. I could hear Claire's gunfire above me however I payed it no mind, continuing my search elsewhere.

I just hoped that I would locate Chris sooner rather than later, I didn't want to waste any more time.

Author's Note: And that's it for this chapter and Claire has finally been introduced, I'm sorry if it was a bit underwhelming but I still do hope you enjoyed it nonetheless. I'm actually on holiday at the moment but luckily the place where I'm staying still has Wi-Fi so if all goes well, I should be able upload like usual. Anyway, I hope you liked the chapter and as always, thank you for reading.

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