Chapter 46: The End of Saddler, Sample Secured

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I awoke slowly with a dizzy feeling in my head. The last thing I remembered was me and Ada battling Saddler. We thought we had defeated him however he just got back up and knocked Ada out, he must have done the same to me somehow.

I didn't even need to open my eyes to realize that my hands were bound tightly behind me with rope and I seemed to be hanging in the air. Though when I did open them, I couldn't fight the glare that I showed.

Ada was opposite, in the same predicament as me though she was still unconscious. I also looked down to see Saddler staring up at us with a smirk. Upon noticing me staring back at him, he smirked and said "Good, you're finally awake."

I stared down at him and spat "Why did you leave us alive?! You could have killed us." Saddler just responded "Oh indeed, it would have been so easy. But I have something special planned for the two of you." I asked curiously "And what is that?" I just needed to stall him while I worked on getting out of the ropes.

Saddler answered "Once of have dealt with that American puppet Leon, I shall infect both of you with my very special gift. Once injected with Las Plagas, it will only be a matter of time for the eggs to hatch and for you to become my devoted puppets."

I grinned myself when I was finally out of it though I didn't make it known yet as I said "Well I must admit, you've thought this out quite well. Though you shouldn't have underestimated me." Saddler looked confused until I tore through the ropes and landed back on the ground.

Getting to my feet, I reached for my weapons but I growled when I realized Saddler had taken everything except my handgun, Hookshot and knife. Nevertheless I aimed my handgun at him getting a simply laugh in response followed by arrogant speech.

"Mr Wesker, you think you can take me down alone? I have have no doubts in your abilities. But you are a fool to think you can stand in my way." I just kept glaring, clicking the Samurai Edge handgun.

Suddenly though we heard the elevator going up behind me. Turning around, I was surprised to see Leon standing there. He rushed out upon seeing us and called out "Ada! Y/N!" However his attention soon turned to Saddler who extended his hand out in front of him.

I didn't know what he was doing but when nothing happened he let out a surprised yet angry noise. Even more so when Leon raised Krauser's knife and said "Better try a new trick because that one's getting old." He then threw the knife, cutting Ada's rope and causing her to land on a cushioned surface under her.

Leon turned to her and asked "You okay?" Ada just responded "I've been better." He then turned to me and said "What about you?" I said "Hanging in there." Leon smiled and said "By the way, I got something for you. You could use an upgrade in firepower."

I handed something to me and I was surprised to see that it was a Killer7 magnum. An extremely dangerous weapon. I took it and grinned, briefly nodding in thanks before putting my handgun away and instead aiming my new weapon at Saddler.

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