Chapter 53: The Masked Stranger and Ditching Irving

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(This chapter is the final chapter in part 1 of the RE5 segment. After this we can finally move onto the part which will actually be important to the overall plot of the story. This was originally planned to be uploaded yesterday, however I ended up having to hold off until today, it also will be a shorter chapter. I'm sorry for any inconvenience.) 


After my encounter with Chris and his new partner, I retreated back into the facility and made my way back into the large command centre where Irving was still held up. However this time, he had company.

Standing in front of him was a figure clad completely in a black robe, wearing a matching black mask that completely covered their facial features. I had heard from Albert about a masked enforcer that answered directly to only him and Excella, though I had never met them until now.

Image of the masked enforcer:

Irving noticed me come in and despite clearly looking scared of me still, he commented "Well, look who FINALLY decided to come back!" I growled at him causing him to squeak a bit in fear

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Irving noticed me come in and despite clearly looking scared of me still, he commented "Well, look who FINALLY decided to come back!" I growled at him causing him to squeak a bit in fear. However my focus soon shifted when the mysterious figure stepped forward towards me.

They spoke in a voice which I'm certain was being disguised by their mask. I could just about make out that they were female. However other than that, their voice was too distorted and altered to actually be able to understand what they actually sounded like. Though I could still understand what they were saying.

"Y/N Wesker, you have been ordered by your brother to come with me. Immediately." She instantly turned away and without another word, walked back towards where the boats were parked.

I turned to Irving and ordered "The BSAA are here. Your Majini are already dead. I suggest you get out of here as well if you value your life." Irving was clearly still terrified by me threatening him as he just nodded weakly before hurrying out of the door as well.

I exited the room and we soon found ourselves back at the docks where we initially arrived. Irving instantly headed towards a large boat which made me grin. I knew full well that the BSAA would prioritize going after him, even over me. So he was just painting an even bigger target on his back.

Meanwhile, me and the mysterious masked emissary, headed over towards a much smaller speedboat, one which I don't believe was there before, so I assume that's how she had got here in the first place.

Speaking of the BSAA, the door to the refinery burst open once again as Chris and Sheva both emerged, with weapons drawn. Just as I thought, they instantly noticed Irving, Sheva exclaimed "There he is!" They turned to us and I heard Sheva mutter "Wait, isn't that..."

Chris exclaimed "Y/N! Wait!" I ignored him and soon their attention was taken when Irving yelled "Ah! Splendid timing! You two are just in time for the fireworks show! BOOM!" He began laughing maniacally before giving them a salute with his boat setting off.

I turned to the woman and said "Get us out of here. I don't want to have to here that little shit make another sound." She didn't verbally respond though she set the speedboat off and we both soon disappeared from view the last thing I heard from them was Chris calling after us "Y/N!" Before naturally returning his focus to Irving.


The two of us remained seated as the speedboat travelled through the swampy marshland. We had remained completely silent the entire journey, the woman stared directly ahead while I steered the boat, following the coordinates she gave me. Occasionally I would shoot her a glance, trying to figure something out  that was bothering me.

There was something about this woman that was off to me. Even though we had never encountered one another before, I felt an immense amount of hatred towards her. Eventually I spoke up.

"Do you think Irving stands a chance?" There was a long pause before I heard the woman simply say "No." Next I asked her "Who are you?" I wasn't going to ask her why I suddenly hated her though there was no point as she didn't even answer my initial question.

This was enough to make me fall back into silence. I will admit, I was curious as to why Albert suddenly wanted to meet with me. I imagine he had no confidence in Irving to slow down Chris and Sheva so I guess he didn't want me wasting any more time on a doomed project.

Though little did I know, this was just the calm before the storm...

Author's Note: And that's it for this chapter, I'm sorry for it being short and if it was bad. I'm glad to say we can finally move onto the part which will hopefully be good, I hope you like it. I still hope you enjoyed this chapter though and as always, thank you for reading regardless.

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