Chapter 60: The True Purpose of Uroboros

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I made my way through the interior of the large tanker. My aim was simple, find Albert and put a stop to his plan, whether he actually intended to eradicate all those who he deemed unworthy using Uroboros or not, I couldn't take any chances.

It was at this point that I began encountering far more Majini and kind of like the Ganados I found shortly before the battle with Saddler, these ones sported firearms, not that it made any difference. 

This time, even though they didn't attack me on sight, possibly because they still saw me as one of their masters, I couldn't afford for them get in my way or even waste my time at all, so upon sight, I rushed forward and landed a solid palm-thrust to one of them, killing it instantly.

I turned my attention to the others, at this point I didn't even need to bother using my own handgun and magnum, instead I just used the enhancements gifted to me by Prototype Virus, rushing forward and kneeing the second Majini before elbowing the third in the face, both of which met the same fate as the one before it.

With them out of the way, I was free to continue on with my objective, making my way through even more corridors and hallways until eventually arriving at yet another door, this one leading back outside.

The door lead me onto a metal balcony with a staircase heading downwards. However instead of taking that, I turned my attention to another series of crates. From the looks of things, the stairs would just lead me to where the crates were, so I decided to take the shortcut and instead readied my Hookshot.

I latched onto one of the crates and retracted the wire, causing me to zip towards the crate and land on top of it. I then proceeded to scale across the metal containers multiple times until I eventually came across a very strange sight.

What I found was a clearing and inside which was a large pile of Majini corpses, this alone was weird enough because as I've mentioned before, Majini and other Plaga infected organisms, dissolved upon death, yet these ones had been preserved and arranged into this very specific pile on the ground.

Soon enough, both Chris and Sheva ran into the clearing, I remained out of sight, not wanting to draw attention to myself. Instead I just watched the scene unfold and I will admit, I was surprised when Excella stepped into the clearing!

What caught my attention instantly was that she appeared to be in a lot of pain, clutching her stomach and groaning out. Chris and Sheva both pointed their handguns at her and snapped "Excella. What's going on?!"

Excella just cried out in agony "Why? When I've done so much, all for YOU." That's when we heard the voice of Albert on a speaker saying "Chris, how nice of you to join us. Don't worry, your mission is at its end. Uroboros is on the eve of its appearance. Six billion cries of agony, will birth a new balance."

Chris announced "Sorry Wesker, not on my watch!" Excella yelled "Albert! You said we'd change this world together, WHY?!" She dropped to her knees, still crying out in pain. Sheva turned to Chris and said "I thought they were partners." Chris then said something which caught my attention "Wesker doesn't give a damn about anyone but himself. He'd probably even kill Y/N if it suited his needs."

I snapped from my thoughts by Albert's voice on the speaker saying "Soon even you will understand Chris. Once glimpse of my new world, and it will all make perfect sense." Chris yelled "Show yourself!" However Albert just continued his speech "Unfortunately, it's too late for you, you will not live to see the dawn."

He seemed to turn his attention to the writhing Excella saying "Sorry Excella, but it appears Uroboros had rejected you. Though you have been an excellent asset. I have one last task for you." Excella exclaimed one final time "ALBERT!"

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