Chapter 77: The End of Neil

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As I rounded a corner on my way out of the tower, some of the last people I wanted to run into were Claire and Moira, yet here they were standing right in front of me. Claire initially aimed her handgun at me however upon realizing it was me, she lowered it and asked "Y/N? When and how did you get here?"

I just stared back and forth between the two before saying "I got here about two hours ago, but that's not important, you both need to get out of here NOW. It's your friend Neil he-." I was cut off when Moira interrupted saying "We know, I already figured it out sooner, he was the one who ratted us out. But we need to find the Overseer, do you know where she is?"

Nodding, I just made a faint pointing motion before saying "Of course, she's at the top of this tower, she has some sort of apartment/laboratory set-up up there. But I suggest you not waste your time. Everything that goes on here, does so on her terms, if you go up there, you will be playing directly into her hands."

Claire began questioning my statement "We need answers. And you also need to tell us what you know about the Overseer remember?" I sighed and said "I had hoped you'd forget about that." Moira then said sharply "Then spill, what do you know about her?"

I paused for a moment looking between the two before sighing a second time and saying "Fine, the biggest surprise for you is the fact this 'Overseer' is called Alex Wesker, my older sister." This caused both of them to gasp as Claire asked "Another Wesker?" I nodded and continued my explanation.

I told them about my encounter with Alex, telling them both about the experiment and how Alex had finally found the perfect host for her reincarnation in little Natalia. I didn't mention things like why she'd brought me here because that wasn't important for them to know.

Afterwards though, I warned them "It's not worth it going to the top of the Monument, you won't find anything worthwhile aside from death." Claire just ignored me and walked right past me down the corridor back towards the elevator shaft.

I stared at the two women before asking "Did you not hear what I said?!" Again they said nothing to me and I just growled angrily before saying "I suppose I should follow you in case I need to save your ass. Very well."

With that, I just took off after them as they began making their way back through the corridors I had already navigated before this point. As we went, I noticed something about Claire, she seemed upset and I think I had a hunch why.

"Is it Neil?" That was all I asked and this caused Claire to tense up before asking in a hostile tone "What's it to you?" I shrugged her aggression off by saying "I can tell something is bothering you and I'm merely piecing things together. He means a lot to you doesn't he?" Claire didn't answer and that was all the evidence I needed.

We eventually we arrived back in the large round room and we saw that the elevator was now at the ground floor. I just stared as Claire and Moira began approaching the lift. The automatic doors opened and just as I had thought, Neil suddenly emerged and fell forwards, landing on Claire in the process.

It seemed that Uroboros was taking effect, Claire looked down at him with concern calling "Neil, NEIL!" Neil just looked at her and gasped out "I did what I thought was right..." Claire responded "It wasn't." I assumed she was talking about how Neil had sold out Terrasave for the sake of his goal.

Neil slowly reached up towards Claire, honestly I don't know what the relationship between these two was or if Leon knew about it but I remained focused on the scene before me as Neil suddenly let out a gargled noise and began convulsing.

He abruptly threw Claire away and yelled "GET AWAY FROM ME!" He continued spasming and convulsing on the ground as the familiar black tentacles of Uroboros began growing from his body. I heard him rasp out "There's no bringing the FBC back! I failed Lansdale!"

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