Author's Note: One Final Thank You!

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Hello everyone! I know I covered most of this at the end of the last chapter, but I just want to do an author's note, thanking EVERYONE who's been reading, voting and commenting on this book. I really appreciate all the feedback I've received up to now.

I did go back to the last chapter and added in a small POV for Ada at the start, just so we get her reaction to Y/N's death as well. So I hope you liked that finale chapter now that it's fully complete.

Of course, I'm going to go and finish my Devil May Cry book next. After that, I've got that other Resident Evil story 'Mold in Winter'. And while it will be completely separate from this one narrative-wise, I may include a faint reference, namely when Y/N and Chris meet in that book. Other than that they will take place in completely different continuities to one another.

Again, thank you all for your support! It really means a lot to me, especially since I had an issue with one of my other stories that kind of knocked my confidence a bit with writing in general. All your comments have been very much appreciated.

I hope you enjoy my future books as well and for the final time with this story, thank you for reading!

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