Chapter 18: The Cable Car, Arrival at the NEST

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(So, I have some good news. I have decided I might do a Code Veronica segment in this story. Firstly, because Wesker is featured in that game so it would make sense and also because I do want Claire to be in this story, I just couldn't find a natural way to work her into the plot of this particular segment since we're actually coming to the end of it, we have at least three more chapters left.)


With Birkin out of the way, I instantly turned my attention back to the matter at hand. I had to rescue Ada. I don't know why I was so concerned about her, I knew Albert would disapprove and tell me to sever all attachments and concerns for another person.

Me and Leon went through another door which lead us out right near the big door to the garbage area where Ada was located. With the power effectively switched back on, I went over to the lever and pulled it.

The door began to lift up slowly however I grabbed the bottom of it and forced it upwards. I ducked under it as Leon followed. I yelled out "Ada!" Leon added "Ada where are you?!" We heard her voice respond "Over here!"

I noticed her sat upright near one of the walls and ran over to her with Leon close behind. I knelt down near her before noticing a metal spike embedded in her leg. I muttered so only us two could hear "Damn it, what were you thinking?"

Ada stated "I can't get it out." I commented "Do you want me to have a go or-?" She cut me off saying "Do it, I can't walk like this." I pursed my lips together before saying "Very well." I clutched the spike and gave it a firm tug, pulling it out and earning a pained gasp from Ada.

I then pulled out some First-Aid Spray along with some bandages. I sprayed the wound before wrapping it up. I could tell Ada seemed confused as to why I was helping her but to be honest, I always helped my partners regardless.

Leon was looking around the garbage heap with his handgun and torch out in front of him just in case we were ambushed at all. Ada turned to him and said "Get yourself out of here while you still can Leon."

Leon responded "I'm not going to leave you both. Especially with you like this." Ada shook her head and said "You don't understand, the situation's worse than I thought." Leon smirked and said "You're not getting rid of me that easy."

(In this book Ada will still care about Leon and so will Y/N. However there won't be any romance between them since Leon and Claire will be together while Y/N and Ada will 'sort of' be together.)

I helped Ada back to her feet and she began limping towards the exit. She explained "We have to get to the NEST." Leon seemed confused and asked "NEST?" Ada explained "Umbrella's Lab. Right beneath us. Annette let it slip. That's where the virus samples are." She then asked "You up for this?" Leon responded "I guess I could free up my schedule." I added "Sounds like a fun little trip."

We made out way back the way we came and Ada explained "There's a cable car that will take us to the NEST." She held up her wrist revealing one of those wrist bands I mentioned earlier she said "This wristband's our ticket to ride."

Image of the Wristband:

I complimented her saying "Well done

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I complimented her saying "Well done." As Leon asked "Where'd you get that?" Ada just responded "Borrowed it. Anyway, we're almost there." We continued walking until we eventually arrived at the cable car. Ada let us in with the wristband and with that, off we went.

The ride itself was awkward to say the least. Leon voiced how he wanted the FBI to bring Umbrella down for what they'd done here. Now don't get me wrong, I wanted to see Umbrella fail as well but I also felt bad for Leon, after all, he had no idea of mine and Ada's true affiliations and by the time he realized hopefully it would be too late. Especially since Ada instructed Leon to go after the G-Virus and bring it to her.

Eventually the cable car came to a stop and Ada turned to Leon saying "Go. Please we don't have much time." She took the wristband off and gave it to Leon saying "You're gonna need this." 

Leon turned to her and said "Okay." He got up to leave before he could leave though Ada stopped him and said "Leon, I'm counting on you." Leon casually said "I know." I spoke up saying "Leon here!" 

I held out the flamethrower that I found earlier to him, he took it and muttered a quick "Thanks." I added "I'll come after you, see if I can find anything, don't wait for me though." Leon nodded before walking out, the door shut leaving me and Ada alone.

I turned to her and asked "How are you holding up?" Ada sighed and said "Hanging in there." Her face went serious when she suddenly asked "Why did you help me? Surely I would just be dead weight to you now." I will admit, I was caught off guard by her question.

I slowly sat down next to her and said "Ada, like it or not, right now we're partners. Unlike my brother I always value my partners. If you had died in that garbage dump, I would have felt guilty for not being there. That's why I want you to remain here until-"

I was cut off when Ada pressed her lips against mine!

My eyes widened as she pulled away and calmly said "Thank you. For helping me. Now go, that lab's probably a big place, two pairs of eyes looking for the sample is better than one don't you think?" 

(I will admit, I'm not the best at writing romance, I'm trying to make it natural. I also don't wish to make it all lovey dovey since Ada doesn't strike me as that sort of person.)

I chuckled at her comment before standing up and making my way to the door myself. I opened it, turning to get one last look at Ada before walking out of the door and into the laboratory. My mind was extremely confused by what had just occurred.

Regardless, I would have to remain focused on the task to come...

Author's Note: That's it for this chapter, next chapter may be interesting since I plan to include a cameo from a certain character, can you guess who it is? Anyway, I really hope you enjoyed the chapter and as always, thank you for reading.

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