Chapter 42: Stopping Leon's Assassination!

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(So, I've decided that I might actually do a Revelations 2 segment for this book. After some thought, I realized that having Y/N and Alex Wesker interact with one another was an opportunity I didn't want to pass up. Though I'm still trying to plan how this will play out since Revelations 2 takes place after Resident Evil 5.)


I retracted my Hookshot's wire and descended into the industrial buildings that surrounded me. Somehow Ada knew where Leon and Krauser would be battling so all I needed to do was simply follow her and she would lead me to the objective.

I still don't know if I was making the right choice here, directly going against Albert's instructions. Was Leon's friendship even worth this? He was a good guy, don't get me wrong. But I knew how Albert could be when he was angered.

As I was making my way through the strange factory-like complex though, I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts when I found my path blocked by a huge Ganado wielding a minigun. I angrily muttered "I don't have time for this."

Image of the Minigun Ganado:

Using my enhanced speed, I was just about able to evade the rapid succession of fire from the Ganado before lunging forward and swiftly elbowing the hulking individual in the stomach

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Using my enhanced speed, I was just about able to evade the rapid succession of fire from the Ganado before lunging forward and swiftly elbowing the hulking individual in the stomach. To my surprise though, he only faintly staggered.

I smirked a bit and said "So, you've got some durability in you hmm? No matter. Try this." I reached for my TMP and initially fired directly into its chest however this Ganado seemed to wear a metal jacket that made his torso safe from bullets.

Luckily, his head wasn't so lucky, so I just raised my arm and continued my TMP fire as each bullet hit him directly in the face. This eventually lead to the Ganado to collapse to the ground dead as I just smirked.

Looking up though, I realized that Ada had gone off ahead of me and I'd lost sight of her. Fortunately for me though, where I currently was, there was only one clear route forward which I instantly took.

I encountered many more Ganados along the way, some of these also had firearms which made me laugh. Was this Saddler's endgame? After all, the Villagers relied on throwing pitchforks and bottles at you and the Zealots in the castle had these easily dodge-able crossbows. I guess he was really showing off the big guns now, note the sarcasm.

Guns or not, the Ganados were nothing more than cannon fodder for me to take out easily. You know, at first I was actually relieved to be facing new enemies aside from just zombies and the other T-Virus creations I fought in the Spencer Mansion, Raccoon City and Rockfort Island.

But now, I realized these Ganados were just as worthless as the zombies. The only difference was that they were actually sentient enough to use firearms and other weapons. Nevertheless, I treated them the same way, and if the Plaga parasite emerged once I destroyed the head, then I just destroyed that as well.

After a while of fighting my way through multiple Ganados. I eventually caught up with Ada, upon doing so she turned to me and jokingly asked "What took you so long?" I just smirked back at her and said "Just had a fun little encounter with the local populace. You know how it is."

Ada let out a laugh which I will admit was kind of soothing and surprised me due to Ada's usual cold, occasionally flirtatious persona that she put on during business. It was nice to see another, more casual, side to her for a change.

Regardless of that little discussion, we eventually arrived at a metal balcony overlooking a platform directly in front of us. We could hear the sounds of knives clashing against one another and sure enough, we saw Leon and Krauser fighting each other.

Image of Leon vs Krauser:

Me and Ada simply watched two former allies turned enemies slashed and stabbed at one another

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Me and Ada simply watched two former allies turned enemies slashed and stabbed at one another. Leon managed to slash across Krauser's chest, drawing blood however he soon recovered, chucked and raced forward again.

He tried to stab Leon however the latter caught his arm and this lead to the two clashing for a moment. Krauser broke said clash when he spun around and kicked Leon from behind, sending him hitting the floor on his back.

As Krauser stood over Leon, I heard him finish a sentence saying "-All for Umbrella's sake." My eyes widened at this revelation. Albert's goal was to restore Umbrella?! Why wasn't I told of this? More importantly, what other secrets was he keeping from me.

Leon looked up at him and asked "Umbrella?" Krauser responded "Almost let it slip. Enough talk, DIE COMRADE!" He raised his knife and went into to finish him off. Leon caught his arms and the two remained like this before Ada intervened.

She shot the knife from Krauser's hand causing it to hit the ground nearby, also giving Leon the chance to kick Krauser off him who got back to his feet. Ada stepped out of the shadows first as Leon exclaimed "Ada!"

Krauser looked up with a glare and said "Well, if it isn't the bitch in the red dress." Ada kept her handgun aimed on Krauser as she said "Look's like we have the upper hand here." Leon simply asked "We?"

That's when I stepped out of the shadows as well, standing next to Ada with my handgun also aimed at Krauser who spat "So, you are going behind your brother's back huh?" I just smirked and said "I warned you Krauser, you over estimate your own importance in this operation."

Krauser just laughed before back-flipping onto a higher ledge. Looking down at us, he yelled "You may be able to prolong your life! But it's not like you can escape your inevitable death is it?!" With that he disappeared from sight and escaped.

Me and Ada hopped down near Leon as Ada asked "You two knew each other?" Leon replied "More or less. Maybe it's about time you told me the reason you're both here?" Ada casually walked past him with me following close behind as she said "Maybe some other time."

Once we were out of sight and earshot of Leon, Ada turned to me and asked with a concerned expression "Are you sure you're fine going against your brother's orders? You should have just let me handle Krauser."

I sighed and said "What's done is done now. There's no turning back. We just need to locate Saddler and ensure we get that sample." Ada nodded and said "Sound's like a solid game plan." With that we split up.

Little did we know, Saddler was far more dangerous than even I could have anticipated...

Author's Note: And that's it for this chapter, of course I will try and upload a second one later on today. There are going to be four more chapters of this segment and these ones are going to be interesting hopefully. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and as always, thank you for reading.

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