Chapter 33: Entering the Castle

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After meeting with Luis, both me and Ada fled the scene shortly afterwards, wanting to avoid an encounter with Leon if we could help it. It wasn't that he was a threat to us exactly, more so that we didn't want someone with ties to the U.S Government sniffing around, or I didn't at least, Ada hadn't exactly voiced her thoughts on the matter.

We both ventured towards two large wooden gate on the other side of the field where the house was located. These seemed to be the only route available to head forward so I turned to Ada with a simple question. "So, right or left?"

Ada thought for a moment before responding "According to this map, both routes lead us to the same spot, though the right door is much more direct. I'd suggest that way would be our best bet."

I looked at the map and she was right, I just nodded in agreement and said "Very well, if that's what you think. Then let's go." With that, we both went through the door the large gate to the right and found ourselves in a narrow canyon-like passage.

We treaded lightly, constantly glancing towards the cliff-faces on either side of us, expecting a Ganado ambush at any second. Though it never came, instead when we were about half way down the passage, we heard loud, stamping footsteps up ahead.

Suddenly, we found ourselves confronted with a huge creature, it towered above us in height with its brutish form. Ada raised her handgun towards it though I doubted what good it would actually do.

Image of El Gigante:

I lifted my hand, stopping her from opening fire and wasting bullets before saying "I will deal with this brute, you just get around it and get onto the other side of this crevasse

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I lifted my hand, stopping her from opening fire and wasting bullets before saying "I will deal with this brute, you just get around it and get onto the other side of this crevasse." Without a word, she nodded and we turned back to the creature.

Ada raised her Hookshot and latched onto a thin plank of overhanging wood. She then grappled herself upwards, over the top of the wood and behind the large creature. It didn't see her and instead remained purely focused on me as I cracked my knuckles a bit in anticipation before striking.

I didn't even speak as I dashed forward and palm-thrusted the giant creature in its left leg, causing it to fall over dramatically onto its back. I just stared at it blankly and watched as it slowly stumbled back up to its feet.

The creature tried to grab hold of me however I backflipped before elbowing it in the OTHER leg! This gave me the same result in the sense that the giant collapsed to the ground, this time on its front.

I didn't waste any more time on it though and instead used my Hookshot to repeat the same motion Ada did and leapt over the giant creature's body and raced away through the chasm before it could get up.

I caught up with Ada and escaped the creature easily. Now we stood in an open area once again. To the right was a small wooden cabin. We went inside and found some ammo along with another Typewriter and a few herbs. Other than that, there was nothing of relevance here so we soon left. 

We saw what seemed like a cable car lift that headed down to some kind of station on the opposite side to the cliffs that ran by this area. However the detail which caught our attention the most was a large medieval looking castle.

Due to the rain, thunder and overall darkness, we couldn't see much of the castle however I still turned to Ada and instead said "I think that's our best bet." Ada just responded and said "I agree. I believe the path to it is back up that way." She pointed behind us.

I agreed and we returned back to the path we were on before. Unfortunately, we came to a gate which appeared to have a retinal scanning unlock mechanism, rendering it virtually impossible for us to access.

Nevertheless, we just nodded to one another and raised our Hookshots, using them to propel ourselves over the rock the door was built into. We made our way up another narrow path, fought some more Ganados and finally found ourselves right outside the castle itself.

Luckily the drawbridge was down so we raced across it just in time for it to lift up and close behind us. We looked around at the seemingly antique architecture before we once again turned to one another as I made a proposition.

"We should split up again, this castle's quite large we'll cover more ground that way. Just don't get into any more trouble okay?" Ada smirked and folded her arms before jokingly saying "I'll try my best." This caused me to smile slightly as well.

Without another word, we both went our separate ways. Little did I know, the village was a cake-walk compared to the hijinks that awaited me in the castle...

Author's Note: And that's it for this chapter. I know I hyped up this segment a lot, however I'm finding it really difficult so I'm sorry if you are disappointed, I am trying really hard and I still do hope you like it anyway, as always, thank you for reading.

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