Chapter 52: Chris and his new Partner

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I don't really know why I chose to retreat from that Josh guy. After all, I could have easily wiped him out even though I was temporarily stunned by that RPG explosion. I honestly don't know what was wrong with me these days.

Ever since Raccoon City, I had felt different. In the past, I always agreed with Albert's decisions and orders, regardless of how immoral or ruthless it happened to be. Though ever since that incident in Umbrella's underground facility, I found myself questioning Albert's ideas. For instance the Majini. Whether Albert had noticed this, I don't know.

I continued to make my way through Tri-Cell's refinery. There wasn't much going on since any Majini Josh had killed had dissolved into bubbles or dust. Exactly the same as what the Ganados had done. 

Eventually though, after making my way through a series of different corridors, hallways and staircases, I finally came out into a large open courtyard presumably near the main entrance to the refinery, me and Irving arrived through a back entrance so I hadn't been to this part of the facility yet.

Instantly, I was treated to the sound of gunfire along with chainsaws revving. A smirk spread across my face as I muttered to myself "Seems that Josh brought some of his friends along for the ride."

I stood on a balcony overlooking the large courtyard, there were several elevated platforms that went above a series of narrow passages. And it was here that I noticed two Majini clutching Chainsaws. These strongly reminded me of the Ganado I briefly encountered that was the exact same.

Image of a Chainsaw Majini:

I was beginning to notice more and more similarities between these Majini and the Los Illuminados Ganados I fought years ago

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I was beginning to notice more and more similarities between these Majini and the Los Illuminados Ganados I fought years ago. Even their weaponry was similar in the sense that they just seemed to use casual items like shovels and occasionally chainsaws. I assume this preference was just a product of the Las Plagas parasite.

My focus then drifted to the gunshots firing at the Majini, it seemed they were running around the narrow passageways of the courtyard so I couldn't see them at first, however eventually they briefly came into view my eyes widened and a smirk spread across my face.

CHRIS! Just as I had anticipated. I will admit, even if I expected his arrival, it still surprised me to see him so soon after Jill's disappearance or death. Though him being here made things all the more interesting.

Image of Chris Redfield:

(Since Wesker dies and Jill never appears again after RE5

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(Since Wesker dies and Jill never appears again after RE5. I'm going to make it so Y/N and Chris become rivals instead. Though it will be slightly different that previous rivalries in the book.)

He was with another woman whom I assume was his new partner. I didn't recognize her though. Nevertheless, I waited on the balcony and watched the cat and mouse game ensuing between the two BSAA operatives and the two chainsaw wielding Majini.

After a few minutes, the chainsaws stopped as the Majini finally collapsed to the ground before dissolving. I watched as Chris and the woman both regrouped with one another and looked as though they were about to progress, this was my chance to strike.

Aiming my Hookshot, I latched onto a pipe hanging overhead. I grappled upwards and used the pipe to swing downwards and round. Instead of landing calmly though, I purposefully stuck my foot outwards and collided with Chris, landing a kick to his side in the process.

Chris stumbled back and fell flat on his face. The woman tried opening fire however I just took the shots head-on with next to no visible damage. As Chris stood up, his face displayed shock as he exclaimed "Y/N?!"

I smirked before saying "In the flesh." Chris quickly aimed his gun at me and asked "Why the hell are you here?! Are you with Irving?" I growled and muttered under my breath "Regrettably." Chris asked "What?" To which I simply said "Nothing."

There was a moment of silence between us before I turned to the woman and asked "And who are you supposed to be?" The woman asked in a hostile tone "What's it to you?" To which I then said "I always like learning the names of my adversaries, especially a friend of Chris'." This lead to the woman saying "Sheva Alomar."

Image of Sheva Alomar:

We fell into silence once again and at this point Chris must have realized that I wasn't going to tell him anything so he aimed his handgun at me and spoke sternly "Okay Y/N

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We fell into silence once again and at this point Chris must have realized that I wasn't going to tell him anything so he aimed his handgun at me and spoke sternly "Okay Y/N. You're coming with us." I just maintained my smirk before saying "IF you can catch me first."

The duo wasted no time shooting at me, firing multiple handgun rounds towards me. However as you may have already guessed, I simply dodged each shot with only minimal effort before springing forward.

Naturally I targeted Chris first and swiftly punched him in the gut before rapidly kneeing him in the face. I then spun around towards Sheva and opened fire with my Killer7 Magnum which I still had kept even after Saddler's defeat. This forced Sheva to take cover.

I became too distracted on her though and I was suddenly tackled to the ground by Chris. He reached over his back and pulled out his machete, he went in for a stabbing attack, knowing he could only incapacitate me with it.

Regardless, I raised my hand and held his in place. I then kicked him, knocking him off me before using my Hookshot to secure some distance between us before drawing both my Samurai Edge handgun as well as my Killer7 magnum.

I duel-wielded the two weapons and shot at the BSAA operatives. They hid behind cover and I initially thought I had them pinned down however Chris suddenly emerged and threw a grenade towards me!

It instantly exploded and I had to raise my arms to shield the majority of the blast. He then pulled out a shotgun and ran at me, firing the wide-spread rounds. Eventually, I grabbed the end of the gun and palm-thrusted Chris away.

I then felt an electrical current flow through me as Sheva jumped me from behind and hit me with a stun rod. I elbowed her as well and now we all just stared at each other. I grinned to myself before speaking up.

"As much as I'd love to spend more time with you. I have places to be and I'm pretty sure you do as well." I suddenly raised my Hookshot and zipped back up to the balcony where I was before. I turned to look back at Chris and Sheva one last time before fleeing back the way I came.

Chris POV

I stepped forward as Y/N disappeared from sight. I heard Sheva ask behind me "Did you know that guy?" I nodded and said "Yeah, that's Y/N Wesker who I told you about. I didn't expect for him to be working with Irving though."

Sheva then asked "Is he really as dangerous as you said he was?" I sighed before responding quietly.

"Y/N isn't the one we should be worrying about..."

Author's Note: And that's it for this chapter, we only have one more left in the Irving portion of the story. Then we can finally move onto the part most of you may actually care about. I still really hope you liked this chapter and as always, thank you for reading.

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