Chapter 84: The Hideous Form of Alex Wesker

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(Before we begin, I just wanted to mention that I've been thinking about how I want this story to play out. I don't know if I want to include RE7 or Village in this book or do a separate, unrelated book for those two games. This is mainly because Y/N's arc will kind of conclude with RE6 so anything after that would possibly negate all that, besides this book is already a really long one. I'm still not sure yet though so I still need to think about it. By the end of the RE6 segment I will definitely have an answer though.)


I slung the sniper rifle over my back before beginning to descend into the mine's exterior myself. Due to my earlier efforts, I didn't encounter any obstructions or opposition and easily made my way to the elevator which then took me to the entrance to the mine itself.

Looking around, I was beginning to get the feeling that I was being watched. However I couldn't see anyone so I shrugged it off and headed into the dark and gloomy mine. I drew my handgun and squinted as I looked around.

Unfortunately, I didn't have any form of light source, so I was going in with my vision alone. I encountered a few Afflicted, I could only assume Barry had missed them, I didn't make that mistake though and dealt with them swiftly.

I continued to navigate the network of underground tunnels, hoping that I would at some point catch up to Barry and Natalia somewhere. However I could only assume they were just very far ahead of me since I didn't find their bodies so I knew they were alive.

The caves began to connect to what looked like concrete passageways that I assumed were there as part of the mine. It was also at this point that I began to encounter some green gas that made me cough upon impact so I just covered my mouth and held my breath.

The gas only seemed confined to the lower levels of the mine though so I was easily able to escape it by climbing flights of stairs. I was still finding Afflicted and the odd Revenant here and there but right now they were of no concern.

Everything was fine until I once again began to feel that I was being followed from someone in the shadows. This time though, I wasn't taking any chances. Clutching my Samurai Edge, I spun around and opened fire in numerous locations.

One of these shots made a squelching noise as it impacted something or someone as I heard a distorted female grunt come from whatever I hit. This caused me to keep my handgun aimed in that location as I spoke "I suggest you come out. Unless you want several more bullets in your body.

At this warning, the figure emerged. It looked almost hag-like with a hunched over posture, a black cloak was draped over its body and it was just all-around hideous to look at. Though even under all that mutation, I still knew that this was Alex.

Image of Mutated Alex Wesker:

I looked at Alex with disgust before saying "Look what has become of you

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I looked at Alex with disgust before saying "Look what has become of you. Impaled on your own sword as it were. You wished to surpass Albert and myself yet you have morphed into 'that'. A true reflection of what lies within you."


Again I just smirked at her before saying "You 'ambition'? You mean the same exact ambition that resulted in you being turned into that." I gestured towards her before continuing "No, I'm afraid you're the one who's no longer required."

I aimed my handgun at her once again before saying "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't just terminate your pathetic existence right now Alex." I know I was being harsh but at this point I had zero patience for her games.

Alex just grinned maliciously before asking "But are you so innocent?" I raised an eyebrow at her as she continued "You forget, all the 'atrocities' you committed in Albert's name. You helped exterminate the members of S.T.A.R.S. You helped gather the samples of different viruses to create Uroboros. So the power you fear so much was created by your own hand. We're not too different you and I-."

I cut her off saying "And that's why I dread Uroboros so much. I know I was partially responsible for its creation. You on the other hand openly embrace what you've done. You relish in it and that's why you must be put down."

"Who was it?" Again I just looked at her confused as she elaborated. "Who was it to cause you to go so soft? Perhaps it was the Redfield family? No, I don't think so, after all your fights with them were most amusing."

This made my eyes widened as she explained "Remember what I said, I've had drones observe you for years, I know more about you than you think. Now tell me, was it that rookie police officer, Leon was it?" I just growled at her as she smirked "Or perhaps that Chinese spy you are so fond of. Ada I believe her name was?"

Without warning, I fired three shots at Alex in a fit of rage. All three hit their mark and this caused her to stagger back before charging at me with an ear-splitting shriek. I blocked her as she tried to claw at me with her hands however she lunged over me before racing down the tunnels out of sight.

I just watched as she disappeared, panting to catch my breath. It was settled now. I knew what needed to be done. Alex Wesker needed to DIE!

Author's Note: And that's it for this chapter, this was another one I enjoyed writing quite a bit so I hope you liked reading it and as always, thank you for reading.

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