Chapter 36: Wesker's New Assignment, Eliminate Leon!

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I went down another corridor through the castle until I came across a door off to the side. Initially I just assumed it would be either another route around the castle or just another storage room where I may find some supplies. But I was wrong.

As I opened the door, I found myself in a rather spacious looking room, off to the side I instantly noticed a familiar burning blue fire and standing next to it was that same mysterious hooded Merchant me and Ada had met in the village.

Approaching the Merchant, he looked up at me from his hunched stance before speaking in that same accent. "Ah, I was wondering if I'd be seeing you here. Interested in a quick browse at my wares?" He opened his cloak to reveal some ammo once again.

(Quick question. Would you say the Merchant has a British Cockney accent? In all honesty, that's what I hear every time he talks.) 

I glanced at the wares briefly before saying "Sure I'll take a quick look." The Merchant chuckled before saying what I believed to be his catchphrase at this point. "What're ya buyin'?"

I browsed his selection of weapons and healing items before noticing something else of interest to me. I pointed at it and said "I'll take that." The Merchant looked down and said "Ah, the TMP. A worthy choice if I must say so myself." He plucked the automatic weapon from its holster and held it out to me.

Image of the TMP:

Before leaving I also eyes something else up, I scope for my rifle

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Before leaving I also eyes something else up, I scope for my rifle. I said "And I'll take that as well." The Merchant didn't comment this time, instead he just nodded and handed the scope to me. I attached it and handed over the necessary PTAs before saying "I trust I'll come across you again?"

The Merchant didn't respond to that and instead just continued to stare at me intensely. I will admit, he was pretty intimidating when he just stared at you like that. Regardless, I gave a final farewell before exiting the room he was located in.

I turned to head back down the corridor and resumed on my initial path, making my way around the seemingly endless corridors of Salazar's castle until I found myself back in that same large opening room where I encountered  Salazar himself.

Luckily this time, I noticed that there was a large opening now visible under the balcony. I knew instantly who was responsible and muttered to myself "Thank you Leon." I was about to go through it however I stopped when my communicator began beeping.

I pulled it from my pocked and switched it on, not surprised in the slightest to see Albert on the other end, staring emotionlessly at me. Instantly he explained "I feel I should tell you that Luis has succeeded in recovering the sample. He's waiting for you in the castle, meet up with his as soon as you can."

I nodded and said "Very well." I expected him to just hang up abruptly again however this time he stayed and said "I also have another task for you to fulfil." Tilting my head I asked with curiosity "And what would that be?"

Albert began explaining "As I'm sure you already know, your old friend from Raccoon City, Leon Scott Kennedy?" I nodded again as he continued "I believe he may pose a threat to our plan. I want you to eliminate him, now questions asked."

My eyes widened as I asked "Why would he be a threat? He's only here for the President's daughter. Once he has her, he shouldn't be a problem." Albert however retorted "You know as well as I do that we can't afford any distractions, take him out as soon as you can."

With that he hung up, leaving me standing there motionlessly. In all honesty, I didn't want to kill Leon. Though I also knew how Albert could get if someone disobeyed a direct order. I was mentally torn right now.

Nevertheless, I put my communicator away and resumed walking my initial path.


I was waiting in the shadows of a room as I saw Leon walk in with his back to me. I stepped closer and aimed my gun at his back before sternly ordering "Put your hands where I can see them."

Leon replied "Sorry, but following a lady's lead just isn't my style." I raised the gun higher and said "Put them up now." Suddenly he spun around and grabbed my arm. I was able to escape his grip by doing a flip. My handgun went up into the air as he raced towards me.

Our little skirmish ended with me grabbing my handgun but Leon got right up close with his knife at my throat. He then said cockily "Try using knives next time. Works better for close encounters." He snatched my handgun, emptied the clip and tossed it aside.

I couldn't help but grin as I said "Leon, long time no see." Leon's face looked shocked for a moment but he hid it as he said "Ada. So it is true." I tilted my head and asked "True? About what?" Leon replied "You, working with Wesker."

Deciding to mess with him a bit I asked "Which one?" Leon answered bluntly "If this is anything like last time, I assume Y/N is not too far away. And I assume he's taking orders from his brother as well." I dropped a pair of sunglasses I was holding and said "I see you've been doing your homework."

Leon asked "Why Ada?" To this I bluntly said "What's it to you?" Leon elaborated "Why are you here? Why do you keep showing up like this?" I didn't even answer because my sunglasses exploded in a flash and emitted a plume of smoke.

I used this opportunity to escape, grabbing my handgun I raced to a nearby window, turned back to Leon and said "See you around." He called after me "ADA!" However I ignored him and instead leapt from the window.

Reloading my handgun, I ran into the gardens before my communicator started beeping. Turning it on, I saw Y/N's brother on the other end who instantly began explaining "Luis has succeeded in recovering the sample, he's waiting in the castle. Get in contact with him ASAP."

I replied "Understood." However he added "And that U.S Government lapdog Leon, if you do happen to encounter him, put him out of commission. We can't let him interfere with our plans."

I made the excuse "He has no idea what's going on. He's nothing we need to worry about." Wesker then said "That was Y/N's answer as well. Leon's a survivor of Raccoon City, we can do without the extra distraction, take him out."

With that, he signed off. I looked down for a moment before saying "Leon."

Wesker POV

After finishing my orders to Y/N and Ada. I shut down the console for a moment and just sat back in deep thought. This new task would serve as the perfect test, not only of Ada's loyalty, but Y/N's as well.

In the old days, Y/N would follow any order given to him without a single complaint, just like at Spencer's mansion in the Arklay Mountains. However I believe something happened in Umbrella's underground facility in Raccoon City six years ago.

Either Leon or Ada had a lasting effect on Y/N's mind. I first noticed it on Rockfort Island and in Antarctica where Y/N wanted to show mercy towards Chris's sister. I sat back in the chair as a dark smirk spread across my face.

"It's time to finally see where your loyalties lie Y/N..."

Author's Note: And that's it for this chapter, this chapter was another of those that I had a lot of fun writing, so I really hope you liked it. I will try to get the next chapter up tomorrow though I don't know if something will come up. Either way, I do hope you like what comes next and as always, thank you for reading.

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