Chapter 101: The Fall of Carla Radames

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The file and the recording had given me all the information I needed. The truth behind the doppelganger, the involvement of Simmons. Now my only question was how I factored into the equation and there was only one person who I believe could answer that for me.

The woman who brought me into this mess in the first place, Ada's doppelganger. Or as I now knew her as, Carla Radames.

As soon as I'd listened to the recording and read the file, I placed both back down on the desk. I also contacted Ada, telling her I'd found something of interest. And once I'd hung up, I set a beacon for her to follow and placed the device on the desk.

Just as I was about to leave, a voice was heard over the speakers, broadcasted across the ship. I recognized the voice as that of Carla. What she said though was peculiar, it appeared she was talking to Simmons.

"Can you feel it spreading through your body yet? I'm just giving you exactly what you gave me Simmons." Her tone sounded calm but there was a clear malice masked with each word. "At first, you'll be afraid. But don't worry. You're just becoming the monster you always were. You and everyone else on the planet."

I turned my attention to a nearby door that lead outside as Carla's broadcast continued "You and your family may have shaped the world into what it is today, but starting tomorrow. It's all going to change."

With that the broadcast switched off. I growled to myself, there wasn't much time left. With the new information that I'd learned, I had developed a layer of sympathy for her. But that didn't mean I was going to allow her crooked ambition to come to pass!

I approached the door and opened it, revealing a small ledge. I turned back to look at the desk where my communicator still rested on it, alerting Ada to its location. I sighed and headed out onto the small exterior walkway.

Looking up, I saw a small outcropping that I assumed belonged to some form of helipad. Raising my Hookshot, I grappled onto the edge and propelled myself upwards. I flipped over and landed in the centre of the helipad, creating a crack in the concrete beneath me.

I looked up as soon as I heard a voice behind me "Y/N?" Turning around, you can't believe how surprised I was to be met with the face of none other than Carla Radames, her expression was initially one of shock however it soon took a more serious tone as she added "So, you finally made it. Did you think about what I told you? I'd very much enjoy having your assistance."

Standing up I turned to face her with an aggravated expression on my face as I answered "I came here to get some last minute questions from you." Carla just let out a condescending laugh before asking "What, did you really learn nothing? Perhaps I was wrong about you."

I cut her off, retorting "I know more about you than you think CARLA!" The use of her real name caused her to go rigid however she masked it behind a confident smirk. I then added "I just have one last question to tie up loose ends."

I paused for a moment before finally saying "And that question is this. Why am I here? I understand why you want revenge on Simmons and somewhat understand why you'd drag Ada in, but why me? What did you gain by bringing in another asset that may or may not hinder your plans?"

Carla remained silent for a moment before sighing and replying "I already told you, you were nothing more than a scapegoat like my counterpart who you associate yourself with. However as time went on, I began to have other ideas."

Raising an eyebrow I asked "And what ideas were they?" Carla slowly began to step forward however I swiftly aimed my Samurai Edge at her. She stopped and at last, answered my question. "You would be the perfect weapon to use against Simmons."

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