Chapter 92: The Cathedral and the Return of a Familiar Face

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June 29, 2013, Tall Oaks, U.S.A.


Two days had passed since the events on the Submarine. Me and Ada had decided it would be best to stick together until we could uncover whatever Simmons game was. And our best bet was to investigate the site which he claimed would be the first target.

Sure enough, upon our arrival at the small town in America known as Tall Oaks, we found the entire place crawling with B.O.Ws. That combined with the rain and lightning, it felt like we were reliving Raccoon City all over again.

Image of a C-Virus Zombie:

What made this town particularly interesting as Simmons' first target was that, according to Ada, Simmons had a lab located near the towns cathedral

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What made this town particularly interesting as Simmons' first target was that, according to Ada, Simmons had a lab located near the towns cathedral. As soon as the structure came into view Ada commented "There's the Cathedral. Now, to find my way into your lab Simmons."

We both used our Hookshots to reach the top of the spire. We looked down at the sight below us as Ada added "Can't believe he went through with it. Poor town, this bears investigating." We made our way across the roof.

I asked "So, you worked for Simmons before?" Ada replied in a regretful tone "Yes, unfortunately. He wasn't my proudest employer, but I didn't expect him to go this far." She then raised her hand and signalled "Quiet."

She then pointed and said "Look." I turned to see she was pointing and noticed two figures kick a gate down and run into the churchyard. Upon looking closer my eyes narrowed before widening when I recognized the man as LEON!

While I couldn't get a clear look at him through the darkness and rain, I knew it was him, the hair was a massive giveaway. Ada said "Leon! So, you've been caught up in this too. Hope you have the stomach for it. I nodded and commented "Why is it that whenever us two are working together, Leon always finds a way to make an appearance? Funny. What is this, the third time?"

I turned to Ada and said in a serious tone "No matter, let's go." We both aimed our Hookshots and launched ourselves into the churchyard, away from Leon and his unknown companion. After a short walk, we came across a crypt leading underground.

We leapt into it and instantly made our way down the stone tunnel. Before we could get far though, my own blue cube communicator started ringing. We both stopped however I turned to Ada and instructed "You keep going, I'll catch up."

She gave me a look before sighing and saying "Fine. But don't take too long." With that she proceeded down the crypt as I took the cube out of my pocket and opened it up. Once again, I was greeted by the face of Ada, which was strange considering she had literally just rounded the corner ahead of me.

The Ada on the communicator grinned and spoke up, saying "Glad to see you kept my little gift Y/N." I wasted no time snapping "You have some serious questions to answer. First off, who are you? Secondly how much is Simmons paying you? Third, why did you drag me into this."

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