Author's Note: A Thank You, the Future of this Book and Other Potential Stories

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Hi everyone, as the title suggests, I first want to give a big thank you to everyone who's been reading, voting and commenting on this book so far. You've all been really supportive, any criticism I've received has been constructive and helped me improve both on this book and on some of my other stories. I've not received any aggressive or hurtful comments like on some of my other books.

As for the future of this book, I have some news which some of you may dislike. I'll get that out of the way first. Pretty much, I have decided that I likely am going to be ending this book with the Resident Evil 6 segment which I will begin work on once I've finished my Devil May Cry book.

The reason I'm heavily considering doing this is because it fit the book's narrative overall. Even though I did partially want to include 7 and Village, I felt that I liked the original ending I had planned for this book that would have originally ended with RE6. I felt that ending would fit the plot and Y/N's character much better. I am sorry for any inconvenience this causes though.

If it's any consolation, I actually am considering doing two different Resident Evil stories completely unrelated to this one. Either way I think you may find them interesting.

The first of these was actually requested by one of my readers, so thank you for the idea. In this book the main character will be the younger brother of Mia Winters. The initial request was that the main character be in their teens however I'm thinking of bumping it up a bit to early twenties (18 at minimum). Naturally this story will include both RE7 and Village so I will use the few ideas I initially came up for this book in that one instead. This book is the one that's most likely going to happen though I'm not sure when I'll finally get round to working on it. I still need to get certain plot-relevant moments sorted out before this is ready.

The second of these I only came up with recently so I'm still working out some more specific details. The general consensus though is that the main character will be a member of the Organization. I will include segments based off of games already featured in this book like Resident Evil 2 however I will add a segment devoted to Revelations which I sadly didn't get chance to include in this book but I came up with several ideas so I want a chance to include them. Again, I'm not sure when I'll work on this one either though this story will be more focused on the Survival element as the main character on this story won't have any enhanced abilities.

I'm sorry if you're disappointed with this, another reason I chose this route is because I've been working on the same three books for months and I want to get this and my Devil May Cry story done before I can start a new one. Though it was mainly because I could get a better ending for my story out of Resident Evil 6 as it basically concludes Y/N's arc over the course of the book.

I really do hope you enjoy the final segment of this story, I do intend to make it an interesting one since there's quite a lot that's going to be happening, even if you didn't like Resident Evil 6, I hope you enjoy this coming segment and as always, thank you for reading.

The Wesker Brother (Resident Evil, Ada Wong x Male Wesker Reader)Where stories live. Discover now