Chapter 15: Escaping the Police Station

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With our contact dead, me and Ada were left to find another route out of the Police Station, the two of us went into one of the other rooms out of the car park and followed it around. Along the way we found more ammo and other supplies which may come in handy when we finally got out of here.

Suddenly though, the wall next to me smashed to pieces sending debris everywhere in the corridor, I pushed Ada out of the way and turned to see the same Tyrant from before stepping towards me.

I angrily yelled "Oh?! So you're for round 2 are you?!" Naturally the Tyrant didn't answer and instead, attempted to punch me in the face however I ducked out of the way and managed to land a jab to its side.

The Tyrant only staggered a little before swinging its arm outward and sending me crashing into another part of the wall, Ada suddenly yelled "Y/N!" Before shooting at it however the bullets just bounced right off its coat.

I soon recovered and managed to knee the Tyrant in the face before pulling the Hand Grenade out of my pocket and instantly pulled the pin, I threw the grenade in the Tyrant's direction and it exploded directly in its face.

The Tyrant dropped to its knees and remained motionless however I knew it would just get back up again soon. I turned to Ada and said "Come on, we've got to get away from here before it wakes up NOW!"

Ada looked at me confused and asked "What are you talking about?" I responded "It isn't dead, just stunned, it will recover soon and it is important that we aren't anywhere nearby when it does." She just nodded and the two of us ran down the hall, leaving the Tyrant behind.

(Like I said earlier, Y/N is capable of fighting a T-003 Tyrant hand to hand, though there will be some creatures later on he won't be able to fight.)


We continued looking around for an exit though no matter where we looked, we found nothing. Ada muttered damn "There has to be some way out of here..." I just thought for a moment before saying "The only thing I can think of is the car park, there's a route there that leads to a sewer opening." I suggest we head back that way."

As if on cue, we heard the familiar sound of a wall being smashed down, though unlike before, this one sounded almost like it was actually further away than before. Though to make matters worse, it sounded like it was coming from the car park.

We both rushed there and sure enough, we saw the Tyrant once again, this time though he was holding Leon off the ground and choking him! We remained silent until we both noticed a S.W.A.T van a short distance away, Ada ran over to it before leaping inside.

She started the van's engine, causing the headlights to switch on, getting the Tyrant's attention before smashing the van right into the creature and crashing into the wall. Leon remained on the floor coughing as Ada got out and spoke to him coldly "This is getting old, saving your ass that's twice."

Leon stood up and joked "I didn't realize you were keeping score." I stepped forward myself and just said "Hey Leon, you alright?" He nodded and said "Yeah, I think." Ada scolded him saying "Look, this isn't a game!"

Suddenly though, the truck began to move as the Tyrant slowly pushed it outwards, making room to escape. Leon muttered "You've got to be kidding me." Ada added "Nothing dies down here." She swiftly pulled out a detonator and pressed the button.

The van exploded into flames, hopefully killing the Tyrant along with it. I turned to Leon and commented "I take it you have the keycard." Leon responded "Yeah, and this." He pulled out a recorder and threw it to Ada. He added "I was hoping you could explain what's on it."

Ada shrugged and said "Maybe, after I hear it. Let's get out of here." Leon approached the machine by the shutter and pulled out a keycard. He inserted it into the machine and just like that, the shutter opened up.

Image of the Parking Permit Keycard:

As we walked out Ada listened to the recording Leon found, I would have her tell me about it later

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As we walked out Ada listened to the recording Leon found, I would have her tell me about it later. Eventually we arrived back outside, it was still raining heavily as we all approached a nearby gun shop.

Before going inside though I turned to both of them and said "You two go on ahead, I have something I wish to do first, I trust you know the route I mentioned earlier, right Ada?" She nodded and said "Yeah, we'll continue, join up with us later though."

I nodded before turning and walking away. Once I was certain that Leon and Ada were far enough away, I pulled my communicator up and I saw Albert's face appear on the screen. He spoke in a blunt tone and asked "What do you have to report?"

I responded quickly saying "The contact was already dead before we got to him." Albert simply asked "And have you rendezvoused with Ada yet?" I answered "Yes, I've met her." Albert commented "Good, Y/N, I need you to keep an eye on her, there has been questions of her loyalty to our organization, I want you to ensure she remains on track."

(The reason Wesker sent Y/N to Raccoon City in the first place was to keep an eye on Ada and ensure she completed her task. This will be the same concept in the Resident Evil 4 part however he'll also be supervising Krauser as well.)

I sighed and said "Very well." I added "We did have some external support though?" Albert's eyebrow raised as he asked "And who was that?" I responded "An R.P.D rookie, Leon S Kennedy he calls himself, rest assured, he knows nothing about our true motives."

Albert stated "Good, make sure it stays that way. We can't afford for him to get too involved in your task otherwise he will become a liability, if it does come to that though, terminate him. Is that clear."

Nodding in understanding I said "Of course brother." With that I hung up. I wanted to regroup with Leon and Ada though before I could do that, there was one final task I needed to accomplish...

Author's Note: That's it for Chapter 15, I really do hope you enjoyed it. Next up will be the second and last encounter between Y/N, Jill and Nemesis in Raccoon City, after that the story will purely focus on Y/N with Leon and Ada. Now, I sadly might not be able to update tomorrow or Friday, due to starting some voluntary work that takes up the entire day, sorry for any inconvenience. Anyway, as always, thank you for reading. 

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