Chapter 82: A Reluctant Alliance

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Timeskip, a few hours later...


I was startled by a knock on the door to my safehouse. Now initially I suspected that it may have just been an Afflicted that happened to wander out towards my safehouse however as you probably already know, they wouldn't knock.

Nevertheless, that didn't mean whoever it was were friendly either so I instead grabbed my handgun and slowly approached the door. Before opening it I lifted the metal flap and peered out. I will admit I was surprised to see both Barry and Natalia standing at my door.

I asked in a harsh tone "What do you want?" Barry sighed a bit before saying "We need to talk. Could you let us in, I'd rather not get interrupted by more of those things." I just stared at him through the narrow hatch in the door.

My eyes then shifted to little Natalia who was partially hiding behind Barry, though she was still peering round him and staring me dead in the eye. This was what eventually caused me to pause for a moment before eventually sighing myself and saying "Fine. One second."

I closed the hatch before pulling out the rusting key and unlocking the door. I then opened it and said "Come on in, make yourselves at home." Both of them walked inside, I let Natalia sit in the chair.

Barry commented "Quite the set-up you've got here." I just nodded and replied "Well you're trapped on an island for six months you learn to improvise." I turned to him and asked "Now, why are you here?"

Barry looked at the ground briefly before saying "Look, it seems I was wrong about you hurting Moira." Folding my arms I sarcastically remarked "Took your time figuring that out. But continue."

Barry looked at me before saying "I know about Alex..."

Flashback, to the end of Chapter 81...

Barry POV

We both stared at the hideous hunched over figure before us. Since she had said Natalia's name, I turned to look at the child only to see her with a surprised and even somewhat scared expression on her face.

She looked at me before violently shaking her head. The figure began to laugh as it took it's mask off revealing a deformed female face. She continued laughing and it was at this point Natalia gasped before stating "Alex!"

I just stared at the figure as she continued laughing maniacally. Thinking back to the picture I muttered to myself "Alex Wesker? It can't be the same woman." Nevertheless I raised my handgun and asked "Where's Moira?! What have you done with her?!"

The deformed B.O.W-like woman turned to me and rasped out "I buried her, and the rest of them. Beneath a mountain of fear and despair." After that, I was left shocked, my own daughter, was dead.

I just stammered out "You, you killed her. Y/N had nothing to do with this?" At the mention of Y/N, the deformed woman who I now knew was Alex let out an even more psychotic laugh before exclaiming "Y/N?!"

She paused before calming down slightly and continuing "Y/N was just another piece to me. I had thought he died with your precious daughter, yet he lives. I will deal with him another time." 

Slowly, Alex turned her head towards Natalia and stated "There's two more to kill." I turned to look at Natalia however suddenly a horde of those strange Revenant creatures began emerging from the shadows.

Alex resumed laughing loudly to herself as I readied my handgun to fight them. I felt Natalia tapping on my back and turning around I saw her point to a door saying "Barry, over there." With one last glare towards Alex I declared "I'll kill you later."

I then shot the supports, causing them to fall on top of the horde of B.O.Ws. While they were distracted we raced towards the door. Effectively making our escape...

Back to present day...


I listened as Barry explained everything, when he was done, I glanced to Natalia who was still sat down on the chair looking around. I clarified "So, Alex is alive after all? And she wants both me and Natalia dead? Is that it?"

Barry just nodded in response before saying "Look I'm sorry for accusing you-" I cut him off saying "No no, you had every right to." Though Barry looked down and said "Look, we need your help if we're going to take out Alex."

I was about to answer however I noticed Natalia reaching towards the face-down painting. I warned her "NO!" However she lifted up and upon seeing it, she gasped and dropped it back on the table so that Barry could see it.

He stepped closer and said "That painting, it was the same one Alex had right before we encountered her. So I was right." I nodded and said "Yes, Alex is my older sister. However I assure you, I was just as much a victim in this as the others from Terrasave."

Barry then asked "And what about Uroboros? How did that get here?" I shrugged and answered "Your guess is as good as mine, I was surprised to find it here myself."

With all that out of the way, we remained silent for a moment before Barry asked once again "So, are you going to help?" I thought it over, true Alex had given me more than enough reason to despise her, however she was the only family I had left.

That one thought was soon pushed aside though as I nodded and said "Very well. Consider us a team..."

Author's Note: And that's it for this chapter. I'm sorry if it was a bit underwhelming I'm not feeling well right now. Though I still wanted to upload a chapter and I still hope you enjoyed it. Also, as always, thank you for reading.

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