Author's Note: Potential Village Segment

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Okay, so again, I would like to thank you for all the reads, votes and comments up to this point. I will admit, the previous segment has been far more difficult than the other two so it pleases me that you have still enjoyed it, your feedback does mean a lot to me.

I do intend to take another break in order to finish the current segment on my Devil May Cry book. That's because I want to start the next two segments for both this book and that one at the same time as one another. This hopefully won't be long and we will be able to get on with the Resident Evil 4 segment sometime soon.

Now, in my last Author's Note I briefly mentioned that I've recently completed Resident Evil Village am considering doing a segment on it. However I had my doubts because Village as well as 7 were quite separated from the rest of the series.

Either way, I wanted to elaborate and pitch my idea to you and see what you lot think.

The segment will start with Y/N finding an old tape of Spencer's where he mentions Mother Miranda. He search for her, hoping to gain higher power. After a series of events, he will meet and form a shadowy partnership with Heisenberg. Then the events of Village itself will play out.

There may also be a slight Y/N x Donna subplot present as well however it will likely be more similar to the relationship with Rebecca in the first segment since I didn't intend for this story to have multiple love interests due to romance only being a relatively minor plot point in this story.

Not to mention, if I do decide to do this segment, it will also include the final battle between Y/N and Chris. However if I don't then their final battle will be in the Resident Evil 6 segment where Y/N will fight both Chris and Piers. Either way, I think you may enjoy either battle.

I would really appreciate some feedback on what you think of this idea since I'm still having doubts though I hope to have a solid idea before I finish my Resident Evil 5 segment since I will plant seeds of this segment there. This will be the last Author's Note for a while since I don't intend to do one after the 4 or 5 segments unless something comes up of interest.  Anyway I hope you enjoy the coming chapters when they come out and as always, thank you for reading.

The Wesker Brother (Resident Evil, Ada Wong x Male Wesker Reader)Where stories live. Discover now