Chapter 86: The Showdown with Alex Wesker

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As the lift continued to descend, I noticed Natalia keep glancing towards her bracelet which unlike mine, appeared to still be active. I asked her "Hey kid, you alright?" She just looked up at me and gave a quick nod in response.

Eventually though, the lift reached the bottom and we all got out, we found ourselves following yet another cave network however this time, Barry's torch died out plunging us completely into darkness. Barry muttered "Damn it my light. Just perfect."

Without the light, we still kept walking and I'll admit, this tunnel gave off a vibe that made me feel uneasy. First what appeared to be an old-fashioned melody started playing from Natalia's bracelet. Then we came across several dolls hung up on the walls, lastly we heard the rasping voice of Alex herself over Natalia's bracelet.

"True or false..." She rasped out "I alone am true. The false one must DIE! I alone am true. You are false NATALIA!" As she said that final part a single light appeared ahead of us and revealed something that made my eyes widen however that didn't compare to the high-pitched scream that came from Natalia.

"LOTTIE! WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER! LOTTIE WAS MY FRIEND!" Much to my surprise, Lottie, the teddy which if I'm remembering right, Natalia was carrying when we first met, was impaled on the wall in a horrific position, stuffing had fallen out onto the floor from the ripped animal.

Barry stepped forward asking "Why Alex, what have you got against her?" I responded "You can ask her that when we catch up with her." I then turned to Natalia and said "I'm sorry about Lottie." 

We continued deeper into the cave, Alex kept muttering "True or false." Over and over. We crossed a narrow path until we eventually arrived at a lone door. I turned to Barry and said "I think this is it. Are you two ready?"

Both Barry and Natalia nodded in unison as Barry pushed the door and all three of us slowly walked inside. As soon as we entered we saw the hag-like Alex screeching to herself. "I can still destroy you. I have to destroy you!" 

She then held up a vial and injected it into herself. Barry aimed his handgun at her and yelled "Wesker!" This caused her to turn to us with a snarl. Her eyes landed on Natalia and she rasped out "Natalia." 

She then clutched her chest and began speaking "I understand how you felt now Albert. It's not enough to live. I want to TRANSCEND!!!" Her voice was that loud that it made the whole room shake violently.

Alex began convulsing before she suddenly threw her cloak aside revealing that her torso, arms and head were all detached from her waistline. Connected only with a metal spinal cord. With fits of screaming, and trashing the place, she let out a loud roar.

Image of Mutated Alex Wesker:

Barry yelled "You can't have her she-Wesker!" He fired a few shots all of which all hit her and caused her to scurry away and up into the vents

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Barry yelled "You can't have her she-Wesker!" He fired a few shots all of which all hit her and caused her to scurry away and up into the vents. It was finally time to end this once and for all.

For a moment, Alex completely disappeared into the vents however we all remained on our guard. We could hear her aggressively crawling about. As I was waiting for her to emerge though, I happened to climb the stairs where I found something of interest.

I came across some sort of cold storage device. The same one that Alex was stood in front of before we arrived. Inside were several empty shelves however on one, there was a single vial remaining.

My eyes widened as I gripped the vial. This was an UROBOROS sample! Possibly the last one in existence, nevertheless, I instantly pocketed the sample however that's when I heard something land behind me.

Spinning around I saw the now-mutated Alex with an angered look on her face. She spat out "You should know it's not nice to steal Y/N!" Without warning, she struck me with her arm, causing me to be launched back over the railings.

I landed on my back right in front of Barry and Natalia. However in this act, Alex made her first mistake of many. I instantly sat upright, gripping my Killer7 as I opened fire right into the little tumour on Alex's chest.

Just like all Uroboros themes creatures, the tumour was an obvious weak-point and emitted an orange liquid when hit with gunfire. Both me and Barry focused our efforts there and managed to do some damage before Alex retreated into the vents once again.

We waited for a moment before once again she emerged. Using the sniper rifle Barry gave me, I was able to hit the tumour on her chest easily. Barry must have found a new sniper rifle on his way here because he pulled another one out and we both shot accurately.

Eventually, Alex actually fell out of the vent and it was at this point that we rained hell down on her. Barry threw a handful of fire grenades that exploded and set Alex on fire, also as you'd expect from Uroboros, the fire agitated her a lot, making things easier for us.

We continued shooting at Alex as she tried attacking back. For the most part, I was able to evade her attacks and only give myself more chances to hit her weak-point. Barry also managed to get several shots in as well as a few fire bombs and after what felt like a while and a surprisingly easy battle, Alex FINALLY collapsed to the ground.

It was unknown if she was dead. All three of us slowly approached her and suddenly she leapt upright, slapped Barry and myself away, Barry landed on his back while I hit a nearby wall. She then grabbed Natalia off the ground and lifted her up.

I noticed Uroboros tentacles began appearing as she began tightening her hold on Natalia who at this point stopped struggling. I got up and yelled "Get away from her you BITCH!" I then attempted to charge towards her.

That didn't end too well as I was once again back-handed right back into that same wall I crashed into earlier. I let out a grunt and fell on my front. My glasses had fallen off by this point so my orange snake-like eyes were visible.

Alex just spat "I will deal with you later Y/N!" Her voice sounded somewhat strained as she turned her attention back to Natalia. I was about to get up again and attempt to help Natalia again however this time I was interrupted.

A series of gunshots sounded throughout the room...

Author's Note: And that's it for this chapter, for those disappointed that Y/N didn't get a 1v1 fight with Alex, that will be the next chapter, so I hope you like that when it's uploaded, I also hope you liked this one as well and as always thank you for reading.

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