Chapter 74: Climbing the Monument

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Following my rather informative interrogation with Neil, I just left him alone with the bullet wound in his lower torso and began making my way up to the top of the Monument. 

At last my goal was within my grasp, if what Alex said was true, she was waiting at the very top of this large tower where I could finally get the answers to the many questions I had gathered on my way here.

Firstly, what was this experiment? During my time on this strange island, I hadn't been given a solid answer to that one, only hints involving Alex's comments and the strange bracelets we each had.

Secondly and possibly the more urgent question was how did I factor into any of this? What had compelled Alex to bring me here? I knew her well enough to know that it wasn't just for a 'happy family reunion', no, there was a reasoning behind it.

Third, there was the matter of how the others all factored into it. I already understood Neil's involvement, but why him? Why Terrasave? And more importantly, how did that strange Natalia girl factor into all this?

All those questions would have to be saved until I finally came face to face with Alex. Until then, it was a matter of getting there in the first place and I wouldn't let ANYONE or ANYTHING stand in my way, especially while I was this close.

I continued making my way deeper and deeper into the tower. I encountered several Afflicted however I just took them out without even a second glance. I was too driven on my goal now to waste time on the likes of them creatures.

That was of course until I rounded a corner and came face to face with yet another victim of this virus. However this one was much larger than any I had encountered before. It clutched a large makeshift weapon as well.

Image of an Ironhead:

I had a hunch this one would be slightly tougher than the previous ones I had found before, minus mutated Pedro of course

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I had a hunch this one would be slightly tougher than the previous ones I had found before, minus mutated Pedro of course. Regardless, I stood my ground and waited for the creature to get closer.

As it did so, it swung down at me with the large axe-like weapon. I dodged with next to no trouble whatsoever and performed a kick, causing the B.O.W to fall to the ground for a moment. I instantly fired two shots into its back before it started trying to stand back up.

I raised my foot high before stamping down on the large Afflicted, effectively killing it. As the body disappeared, much like any other B.O.W would, I just stared down at it before saying "And here I expected a challenge. That's a shame." After that, I just turned around before walking away.

Shortly after this, I encountered two more of these larger Afflicted. One of them tried to do a sideways attack with its weapon however I ducked and performed a palm-thrust, sending it crashing into the nearby wall.

The second one tried to do another downward attack however I kicked it in the back of its leg causing it to fall to its knees. I then finished it off using my Killer7 magnum, firing a single shot into its chest. Both of them disappeared as well.


I continued to progress further and further up the tower until I eventually arrived in a large open room. In the centre of which was a tall spire that appeared to be an elevator shaft. I grinned to myself, clearly this was the route to the top that I was searching for.

Unfortunately, as I stepped towards the elevator controls and pushed a few of the buttons, nothing happened. I groaned and muttered "Frigging technology never works. Never mind, I've got this."

I raised my Hookshot and latched onto the side of the elevator shaft. I gripped the bars and began to climb up the side of it.  Occasionally I would use my Hookshot again to increase my speed until eventually I reached the top of the elevator shaft where I found a walkway.

I tiptoed along this walkway until I eventually came across a door. Said door opened instantly and revealed some sort of control room, similar to the one I found Neil in earlier. I stepped forward towards a series of large monitors where I noticed something.

On one of the screens were various cameras showing multiple locations around the island, some of these were places I had been! However it was what I noticed next made it even worse.

On the largest screens were various pictures of multiple people. Some of these I recognized, Gina, Pedro and Gabe were all on there however they all had the word 'FAILED' written across their pictures, only five seemed to not have this marking.

Claire, Moira, Neil, Natalia and myself! I guess we were the only ones that weren't dead yet, of course I knew why Neil wasn't dead and I also knew Natalia was here somewhere, I would have to find her once I was done with Alex.

I continued to stare at the screen for a while as the pictures all flashed up one after the other. However I was suddenly snapped from my trance when a voice abruptly spoke up behind me.

"So, you finally managed to make it here. I'm impressed..."

Author's Note: And that's it for this chapter, I really hope you liked it and as always, thank you for reading.

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