Chapter 13: Ada Wong, We Meet At Last

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(I must apologise, I've decided I'm not going to include Claire in this segment of the story because it's mainly focused around Y/N's relationships with Leon and Ada respectively. However if I end up doing Code Veronica and Revelations 2 segments, she would be included in them. I'm still not sure if I will do them yet though.)


Following my encounter with the Tyrant, I realized something. I had told Leon to run however I never specified where, so now I had no idea where he had gotten off to in my absence. Regardless this did present quite the opportunity, now I could focus purely on my task once again.

I continued to make my way through the Police Station when I noticed something, I saw what looked like a person standing in the shadows before suddenly running out of sight. The speed they showed made it impossible for it to be a zombie.

I aimed my handgun down the hall and cautiously called out "Leon?" I received no response and instead I found myself going towards where the figure was lurking. I turned the corner only to be met with a flight of stairs going upwards, however under them was a door.

Deciding to check that first, I slowly opened the door revealing a dark room. I stepped inside, my gun still out in front of me. I looked around the room however I was suddenly startled when the light in the room switched on and I felt a gun press against my back.

A female voice asked in a harsh tone "Who are you? What are you doing here?" Instead of responding, I simply grabbed her arm and twisted it, not enough to hurt her mind you, I spun around and pointed my own handgun at her.

I responded "Y/N Wesker. That's all you need to know." The woman in question was clearly of Asian descent, she had short black hair, her eyes held a fierce look in them that showed you didn't want to cross this woman. She also wore a small red dress with black, either tight pants or tights underneath with high heel shoes on.

She suddenly showed a faint smile and responded "So, Wesker does have a brother. I'm Ada, Ada Wong." 

Image of Ada Wong:

I lowered my gun and we stepped back from one another

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I lowered my gun and we stepped back from one another. I smirked and said "So, you're Ada Wong? It's good to finally put a face to the name I've heard about." Ada nodded "Likewise, I've heard rumours."

As much as I didn't mind the conversation, I steered the topic back to our objective. Taking my sunglasses off I asked "So, what of the sample, do you know where it is hidden?" Ada folded her arms and shook her head before saying "I don't know anything certain. However I assume Annette Birkin has it or at least she'll know where it is."

I thought for a moment before pointing out "What about the NEST? There's bound to be a sample there." Ada shrugged and said "I guess it would be worth a look. But how would we get in there?"

I explained "Umbrella officials wear these wrist bands that grant them clearance throughout the facility. We have one of these? Then it should be smooth sailing and we can consider that sample ours."

Ada gave a faint smile before saying "You've thought this out well." I then decided to speak up about something "There is one, minor, concern I have though." Ada asked "What's that?" I explained "I encountered a cop-" Ada cut me off "I assume you're referring to Leon?" I nodded as she said "I've been watching the two of you for some time. Don't worry. He could prove to be of help." 

Finally I decided to comment "First though, we need to locate our contact and find a way out of this Police Station. Ada responded saying "Already found him. He's located in the holding cells. He'll have a way out of the station ready for us.

I sighed before simply saying "I do hope you're right." And that is how I began my partnership with the woman known as Ada Wong, even if we were working together, I didn't trust her, I would just have to play my cards right and keep an eye on her at all times.


Y/N Wesker, when I first heard that name in the reports, I assumed he would just be a younger clone of his brother. Though, I will admit, I was left surprised. He certainly held a similar aura about him to Wesker, he didn't give much away.

I will admit, I didn't trust him. I knew that if his brother gave the order, he would terminate me without question. Though I had a hunch the feeling was mutual, I would have to remain vigilant and ensure I was ready in case he did turn on me.

This would be the beginning of an interesting partnership to say the least...

Author's Note: That's it for this chapter, and Y/N has finally met Ada. Now I will try and make their relationship semi-believable, this segment will mainly involve them learning to trust one another and become friends with very little romance. The Resident Evil 4 segment will be where we get to see a slightly more romantic side to Y/N and Ada's relationship. Anyway, I do hope you enjoyed the chapter and as always, thank you for reading.

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