Chapter 28: The Village and Hostile Inhabitants

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Six years had passed since the incident in Raccoon City. You know, I never thought I would get to go to Spain in my lifetime? In my line of work, I was often very busy so had little time for a holiday. Though lo and behold, here I was, once again sent by my brother with next to no information to go off of.

My objective was a remote village located in the rural mountains of Spain, away from prying eyes. All I knew about this place in advance was that there was apparently a secretive cult located in the area named Los Illuminados and their efforts had recently gained the interest of the Organization, hence why I was here.

I eventually did arrive at the village though I purposely kept in the shadows, only watching from a safe distance and not drawing too much attention to myself. I perched myself on a small nearby cliffside overlooking the village.

I pulled out a telescopic device, I won't flat-out refer to it as a telescope but that is close enough. I held it to my eye and looked down at the village, everything seemed fine at first, in fact it just looked like a relatively peaceful farming community.

(Just so you know, the telescopic device featured in this chapter is the same one Ada uses in the opening to the Separate Ways expansion.)

That was until I noticed some kind of burning effigy in the centre of the village. Upon closer my eyes widened in shock when I realized that it was actually a police officer, impaled on a large spike, completely engulfed in flames!

I let out a faint gasp however I was cut short when I suddenly heard a voice behind me muttering in Spanish. Spinning around, I was met with a rough looking man whom I assume was one of the villagers, my eyes lowered to the bloodied axe in his hand.

Image of the Ganado Villager:

The man just ran at me, letting out a Spanish yell that I couldn't properly understand

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The man just ran at me, letting out a Spanish yell that I couldn't properly understand. I effortlessly avoided the blow and elbowed the man in the back of the head, as he hit the dirt ground, I finished up by stamping on his head.

Almost as soon as I'd dealt with the feral villager, my communicator started beeping, I pulled it out of my pocket and pressed the button to switch it on. Once again, I was met with the cold and serious face of my older brother.

"I see you finally managed to reach the village Y/N." I replied "Indeed, and I've already had an encounter with the locals. They're nothing I can't handle." Albert responded to my comment bluntly "It is essential though that we maintain an air of secrecy throughout this mission, with the President's daughter kidnapped, the US Government will have eyes on things, we can't risk our operation being exposed."

I nodded before saying in a bored tone "You don't have to tell me. But I do think it's about time I know more about WHAT is so special about this cult." Just like in Raccoon City, Albert brought up a picture, this time of a parasite, I already had seen it before in the initial briefing.

"Las Plagas." He explained "As you already know, this is the parasite worshipped by Los Illuminados. However the organization believes that it may be of benefit to you so-." I cut him off "I already understand, you want me to gather a sample of it correct?"

Albert just nodded before continuing "That is right. Though this time, TIME is not a luxury we can afford. Hurry up and secure the sample as well as any other information you can gather on the parasite so we can finish up with this little tour."

I sighed and said "Consider it done." Before asking "Will I have any back-up or do you expect me to do this alone?" Albert smirked before saying "I was coming to that matter actually, there are two other operatives who have been given the same assignment as you."

He paused for a moment before saying "The first is a man named Jack Krauser." He brought up a photo of a scarred man with a military beret as he explained "I have already ordered him to infiltrate the cult and gather information from inside. He's a capable fighter though an expendable pawn nonetheless, if he becomes too much of a burden that hinders the operation, eliminate him."

I nodded and asked "And who's the second?" Again Albert smirked as he said "That would be none other than your old friend from Raccoon City, Ada Wong." Again, my eyes widened as I questioned "Ada?"

Albert nodded and said "Indeed, and she's nearby, I have already contacted her and she's waiting for you just near the village. I suggest you both go and ring the bell of that big cathedral. That should quieten the villagers down for a while and keep them out of our way for a time."

I replied "Very well, consider it done." Albert's final words were a simple "Do not fail me Y/N. Failure will not be tolerated." With that he just hung up, I sighed again before placing the communicator back in my pocket.

I stood there in silence for a few seconds before I was suddenly startled  by the sounds of gunshots coming from the village, I pulled the telescope-like device out again and looked through it to see what was going on.

My eyes widened when I saw a man fending off a horde of villagers with nothing more than a handgun. When I got a closer look at the man, I almost dropped the telescope in shock. For you see, the man in question was none other than LEON! 

He was the agent dispatched to find the President's daughter?! He had changed quite a bit since Raccoon City. He had grown more mature and looked less like the innocent rookie cop I met six years ago, he now wore a brown jacket with jeans.

Image of Leon S Kennedy:

I muttered out a quiet "Leon

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I muttered out a quiet "Leon." Any other day, I would willingly jump in and help him. However I was sticking to my initial goal of remaining as invisible as I could. I shrunk back as a grin appeared on my face. First Ada and now Leon, it seemed we had a Raccoon City reunion on our hands here.

Speaking of Ada though, I would need to locate her as soon as possible. According to Albert she wasn't too far away. Besides, I don't know how Leon would react to seeing me since last time we met, I literally pointed a gun at his head and threatened to kill him for the G-Virus sample.

Either way, I couldn't get too caught up on the reunions, I had a job to do now...

Author's Note: That's it for this chapter and the beginning of the Resident Evil 4 segment. This is where we will begin to see quite a change in Y/N's character which will then be expanded upon in the Resident Evil 5 segment. I really do hope you enjoyed this chapter and as always, thank you for reading.

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