Chapter 85: The Underground Mansion

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(I'm sorry for not uploading yesterday, I was extremely tired and didn't have the energy to do it. Sorry for the inconvenience. I hope this chapter makes up for it.)


I continued to pursue Alex. I had long-since lost sight of her however the narrow tunnels of the cave-like network made it clear what way she must have gone. A new sense of rage had taken hold in my mind, rage directed purely towards Alex.

What had caused it though? Perhaps that she had attempted to use me as a pawn only to cast me aside in favour of a child? Or maybe it was because she threatened Leon and Ada. Whatever it was, I now wanted to deal with her personally.

Eventually I found myself back outside where I came across some sort of power plant or factory, I'm not sure what this was exactly however due to the lack of Afflicted in the area and the odd bullet holes left in the nearby metal crates, I knew Barry must have been here already so I was at least partially on the right track.

After this was a large crane-like contraption that would have normally involved a complex puzzle using the lift to cross the gap and reach the other end however my Hookshot made this much easier as I used this to basically swing across to the other side.

After that I came across another building. Crossing through it, I still found no Afflicted or other creatures which meant that I was hopefully following Barry's trail and would catch up with both him and Natalia shortly.

Coming out of this building, I found myself in another facility of sorts, it's purpose was unknown however I have a hunch it was related to the mine I was in before or it was another mine. Here I found a lift shaft that had already gone down.

I leapt into the elevator shaft and sure enough, I arrived in another mine shaft and once again, I didn't have a torch with me so I'd have to rely purely on my eyes to navigate myself through the network of dark tunnels.

Still, there were no Afflicted and again, this lead me to believe that wherever I was going meant I was drawing closer to wherever Barry and Natalia had gotten to after we split-up. Though I could only hope that Alex was somewhere near them.

As I went through the mine, I found it still partially shrouded in that green gas however as I went deeper I soon noticed that it seemed to die down as if someone had filtered it out. This only made matters even easier for me.

In the end, after following the tunnels for an unknown period of time, I eventually arrived in a large room with yet another elevator shaft descending down below. Of course the elevator was already gone so I had to improvise.

Using my Hookshot, I was able to descend down below. I noticed whispers of that green gas so I assume this place had been covered in the gas before someone, presumably Barry, had filtered it out. Those thoughts were instantly forgotten though when I saw what was lying at the bottom.

At the bottom of the elevator was a MANSION! Similar in architecture to Spencer's Arklay mansion as well as Spencer's estate that me and Albert visited before the whole incident in Africa went off.

I stepped forward, looking around at my new surroundings before I was suddenly alerted to the sound of gunfire in a nearby room. A smirk spread across my face as I began to approach the sound.

Eventually I reached a blue door with a crest on it. At this point the gunfire was much louder and as I opened it, I finally saw Barry fending off one of those Revenant creatures. Natalia was huddled behind him.

I edged closer to the door before pulling out my own Samurai Edge and opened fire, killing the creature in about three shots and causing Barry to turn towards me. When he saw it was me, he sighed in relief.

Stepping into the room, I looked around at the mansion and asked sarcastically "Just like old times huh?" Barry rolled his eyes before saying "I've already had my fill of mansions. But we followed Alex down here so-."

I cut him off "Well good good. That makes things easier." Barry just nodded at that comment as I turned to Natalia and asked "And how are you holding up kid?" Natalia just stared at me for a moment before responding quietly "I'm fine."

Barry added "Yeah, we were ambushed by Alex a while ago, we followed here. Now it's time to make that bitch pay." I nodded in agreement before saying "There I agree with you. Do you know where to go next?"

This time, Barry nodded before saying "Yeah, I think so. Follow me." With that we resumed our way through the mansion. As we walked, Barry explained "We found a lab under the mansion with more of those things in it." He pointed to where the Revenant had been.

I commented "It's like Umbrella all over again." Barry nodded again as we continued deeper into the mansion. We descended one staircase in particular which lead us down into a change of scenery that I believe was the laboratory Barry mentioned.

Sure enough we found broken tubes as well as copious amounts of that familiar orange gunk that those creatures emitted. Though eventually, we arrived in yet another large room with an elevator.

We approached the elevator and went to activate it however as soon as the lever was flipped, a loud siren blared across the room. Natalia yelled to Barry "Barry! A bunch of them are closing in on us!"

It was at this point that several Revenants began flooding into the room. We just had to hold them off until the elevator arrived. Me and Barry worked together for the first time since before the incident in the Arklay mountains years ago.

We fended off the creature using our handguns and magnums. Natalia occasionally warned us when more were approaching and soon enough, they were all dealt with just in time for the elevator to finally arrive.

Once that was over with, I caught my breath and said "Well that was fun." Barry just agreed and said "You said it. Now let's go." With that, we got into the elevator, Barry flipped the switch and we began descending.

It was finally time to confront Alex once and for all...

Author's Note: And that's it for this chapter, I do hope you liked it and I'm sorry for not uploading yesterday. Hopefully this chapter made up for that absence. There should be about 2-3 chapters left of this segment so I hope you like them as well and as always, thank you for reading.

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