Chapter 44: Tying up a Loose End

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Some time after me and Ada had our little run-in with Saddler, we found out that Krauser had once again confronted Leon and this time, it had lead to his death. Like I said earlier, while I wasn't going to go out of my way to get Krauser killed, I also didn't care much for his death. I had tried warning him constantly not to overestimate his importance in this little puzzle but it seemed he didn't listen to me.

Nevertheless, we reported the situation to Albert, as we pulled out the communicator Albert instantly stated "Report. Time is almost up." Ada simply responded "Krauser's dead." Naturally, Albert also didn't care for the loss as he began explaining.

"Really? Leon doesn't die easily. That's fine, we can use him to clean up Saddler for us. We'll let them fight it out, neither one of them will manage to come out unharmed." Ada rolled her eyes and said "Easier said than done."

Albert strictly reminded us "By the way, it's you two's job to clean up what's left of them when the fight is over. Don't forget who is running the show. Whatever happens, we cannot let either of them live to see tomorrow. Our goal is to retrieve the sample. Take out ANYTHING that may interfere with our plans." With that he abruptly hung up once again.

I sighed causing Ada to turn to me and comment "How do you function with him as a brother?" I shrugged and said "It's easier than you think. Now let's go." Ada nodded and said "Okay. Let's get this over with."

The two of us pressed on deeper, we had not-long made it out of the laboratory complex and instead were outside now. A government chopper had briefly been firing overhead, likely helping Leon, though it also provided perfect cover for us.

We both fought our way through multiple Ganados until we found ourselves in what looked like some ruins of sorts. Compared to the factories and laboratories we had explored earlier, this felt like a refreshing change of pace.

As we entered one room in particular though, we came across Leon, gasping and doubling over in pain. We both stepped towards him as Ada asked "Leon, are you okay?" He responded with a weak "Yeah." Though it was clear he wasn't as he instantly doubled over again, coughing as I noticed red veins appear on his arms.

Suddenly he leapt at Ada and tried choking her, his eyes were wide and red. I an instant though, I felt my mind snap as I dashed towards Leon and roughly threw him off Ada before kicking him to the ground.

Ada caught her breath as Leon slowly got back to her feet apologising "Sorry Ada." I remained ready in case he had another outburst. However he pulled out the pills Luis gave him in the castle and downed them, suppressing the growth of the Parasite.

I sternly said "We need to get that parasite out of your body." Leon answered "Yeah, but before that, I've got to save Ashley." Ada then added "Fine, let's split up. Come on Y/N." With that, we both made our way out of the room, leaving Leon alone.


Me and Ada continued across the island, still encountering pockets of Los Illuminados members. It seemed even with Leon cutting through their ranks, they were still determined to mount some kind of resistance.

We arrived at what seemed to be a military installation on the island, presumably where all those Ganados got their firepower from. We passed through a series of holding cells until we eventually arrived outside once again.

As we made our way down a path, we narrowly dodged a large metal girder that was flung at us from an initially unseen opponent. However upon looking at where it was thrown from, we saw none other than KRAUSER standing there.

He snarled down at us, the left side of his face was scarred, presumably from from his fight with Leon, he also raised his left arm to reveal a mutated, fleshy blade. Which was likely a mutation caused by Las Plagas.

Image of Krauser with his mutated arm:

(Just imagine he's got a scar like in the image at the top

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(Just imagine he's got a scar like in the image at the top.)

Ada grinned and commented "Oh Krauser, I'm sorry. We jumped the gun when we reported you dead to Wesker." Nodding at one another, we both fired our Hookshots to reach where he was standing.

We landed behind him as Ada finished "Think of all the paperwork I would have to fill out, if you were to come back alive." I just laughed and said "I warned you time and again Krauser, but you never listened. Now you will pay for that."

Krauser let out another angry snarl before suddenly rushing forward and attempting to stab me with his large arm. Luckily, I was faster and was able to dodge the blow with relative ease. Ada fired her bowgun and it impacted Krauser in the back, dropping him to one knee.

I used my palm to uppercut him and knock him onto his back, however he soon recovered and performed a few backflips to gain distance. Ada pulled out her own TMP and opened fire, shooting several rounds towards Krauser.

Krauser however simply raised his arm blade almost like a shield and the bullets just bounced off as he ran towards her. He was about to begin one in a series of slashes however I swiftly elbowed him in the face causing him to stagger.

Once he recovered this time, he performed a massive leap over to another nearby platform. We both used our Hookshots to keep up with him and our battle continued. I pulled out the Striker shotgun and fired a few shots at him however once again he blocked them.

He then tried that motion again where he dashed forward in a stabbing movement. However this time, I caught his blade with both hands. He was drawing blood from my hands as I held him in place and he continued pushing forward.

Ada drew her knife and stabbed him in the back which caused him to let out an angered cry before pulling away from me and once again leaping over to another platform. Again, me and Ada followed close behind with our Hookshots.

This time we didn't even bother using guns this time, instead we just pulled out our knifes as Krauser glared between us with hatred. He ran at me and attempted to land a series of slash attacks however I dodged each one aside from a faint slash on my cheek which would leave a scar.

However this provided the perfect opportunity for us to finish him. Ada leapt on his back and stabbed him violently while I slashed away at his front. Krauser was powerless to retaliate from the relentless fury of our attacks.

Eventually though, it was over. Krauser collapsed onto his front in a pool of blood as me and Ada stood over his body. Ada glanced at his still-pulsing arm blade and commented "That's a big thing you've got there. But I don't like it when men play rough."

I smirked at her comment and said "Oh I'll keep that in mind." Ada glared at me before playfully punching my arm. I then turned serious and said "This way, let's go." Ada nodded as we both used our Hookshots to reach a walkway that snaked around the side of a building.

We eventually arrived at a window and we both pulled out our TMPs. Though neither of us were ready for the fight to come...

Author's Note: That's it for this chapter, I will try and get the next one up later so I hope you like it. I also hope you enjoyed this chapter and as always, thank you for reading.

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