Chapter 96: Further Complications, Past Sins Resurface

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It seems my situation was only growing worse. As if being roped into some sort of elaborate plot by an Ada Wong doppelganger who may or may not be working for the U.S Government's Derek Simmons wasn't strange enough. But now I also had to factor in the BSAA's involvement as well!

Don't get me wrong, your typical BSAA soldiers were easy to deal with. Hell, I'd managed to avoid them constantly ever since the Uroboros incident in Africa which was years ago now. A few soldiers occasionally would cross my path, it would be the last mistake they would make before I moved on.

No, my concern was Chris. Chris Redfield was the first person I ever showed my true nature too aside from Albert of course and other Umbrella personnel. And since that night in the Spencer Mansion he had been arguably the most constant thorn in my side.

Thankfully, we hadn't crossed paths since Africa and I don't know if he was also in China at this time. And if he WAS here, well then, that was something that I know would further complicate things. I just had to tread lightly.

I pushed my concerns to the back of my mind and pulled out my communicator, accessing the little map pointing to the destination where the clone wanted to meet. I hated the idea of our meeting being purely on her terms, BUT if it allowed me to gain some insight into what was truly going on. And if it was a trap, she wouldn't be walking away from our little encounter...

My train of thought was broken when I once again heard the sound of zombies groaning as well as gunshots. Assuming it was BSAA, I initially stayed out of sight, using my Hookshot to latch onto a balcony on the side of a building and then use it again to reach the roof of the small apartment building.

Here, I was given a view of a long street, cars engulfed in flames and more zombies than I had initially anticipated. There had to be at LEAST TWENTY! Not much trouble for someone like me, but the average person would easily be overwhelmed. And that's exactly what seemed to be happening here.

I noticed two people, too far away to see clearly, however it was apparent that they were slowly trying to escape the zombies. I don't know what compelled me, but I found myself revealing the sniper I found in the underground crypt near Simmons' lab and took aim.

(Funnily enough, I initially planned for Y/N to give Ada the sniper when they arrived in China last chapter. However I forgot to include that so I'm just working with it. Ada finds another one.)

The first round hit one of the zombie's in the head I took aim for another, firing, that one also fell down as well. By this point, the two people had noticed my presence and began firing at the zombies as well. The B.O.W horde were too slow to notice anything though and were now being picked off with ease one at a time.

Once they had finally all been dealt with, I turned the sniper's sights to the man who I had just helped when I got a look at his face my eyes widened. It was the man from the six-month old orders. The man who supposedly held the anti-bodies to the C-Virus. I muttered to myself "Jake Muller."

Image of Jake Muller:

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