Chapter 47: The Last Hiding Place of Oswell E Spencer

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(I'm really sorry for the late upload. I've started my internship today and I don't finish until 4 so I have to work around that. It will remain this day every Monday-Friday aside from the odd day here and there. I'm sorry for any inconvenience.)

Timeskip, two years later...

It had been two years since the fall of Los Illuminados and Osmund Saddler's defeat. Even though he was long dead, he still remained in the back of my mind. More-so, how easily he was able to overpower me. Without Leon and Ada, I know for certain that I wouldn't have survived. Nevertheless, I continued working under Albert's instructions which leads us to where we are now.

Lightning crashed, rain fell and thunder roared as me and Albert silently walked down a long dirt back. Almost skeletal trees lined said path leading up to a large stately mansion, the appearance and even surrounding setting reminded me of the Arklay mansion from years ago that had long since been reduced to rubble in the explosion.

Image of Albert Wesker:

The reason we had come to this seemingly irrelevant yet mysterious location was because we had both received and anonymous tip off that this was the location where Umbrella's old founder, Oswell E

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The reason we had come to this seemingly irrelevant yet mysterious location was because we had both received and anonymous tip off that this was the location where Umbrella's old founder, Oswell E. Spencer was hiding out. 

He dropped off the grid after Umbrella fell and I don't know why Albert wanted to find him so bad however I assumed it was due to what Krauser mentioned two years ago about restoring Umbrella. I had tried questioning him about this however he refused to speak of it, even to me which just seemed to bolster my curiosity.

Once we reached the door to the mansion, we wasted no time in both kicking it really hard, the double doors swung open with a loud bang which alerted four human bodyguards lurking the hallway, presumably hired by Spencer. All of them aimed rifles and handguns at us yelling "FREEZE!"

I didn't even speak as Albert simply ordered "Y/N." I nodded and we both dashed towards the guards, not even giving them a chance to open fire. I gripped one of the guard's arms and snapped it out of its socket before violently punching him in the face.

He fell to the ground, blood leaking from his face as  I kicked him in the face, killing him. The second raised his gun and yelled "What the f-!" I cut him off by shooting drawing my handgun and shooting him in his chest twice before aiming a third at his head quickly causing him to meet the same fate.

With then nuisances out of the way, I turned to Albert just as he finished brutally pulling his arm out from one of guard's torsos letting it slung against the wall, leaving a bloody trail leaking down towards the body.

Albert turned to look at me before saying "Spencer will likely be located within his study. I suggest we find that." I just nodded and replied by saying "Very well. Sounds fine with me." We climbed the staircases and came across two locked iron barred gates.

I smirked and instantly leapt over them before muttering "Amateurs. It will take more than a low iron gate to keep me out." Albert did the same exact thing and we explored the higher levels of the mansion's entrance hallway.

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