Chapter 94: Happy Birthday Ada Wong...

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The incident with that Deborah girl had provided me with enough insight into the true potential that this C-Virus held. Now I could understand why it was important to prevent an outbreak of it. The result would possibly been worse than if Uroboros had gotten out.

Speaking of Uroboros, my eyes shifted to the old vial which I had recovered from Alex's lab years ago. If I was right, this would be the last Uroboros sample in the world, that's why I kept it on my person at all times, so it wouldn't fall into the wrong hands, so far, I'd not encountered a situation where I would need it.

After leaving Leon and Helena behind, me and Ada decided to take Simmons advice, our communicators pointed us in the direction of the lab. We headed through a dark tunnel which lead us to a lift.

Stepping into it, we found that there were only two buttons, one for up and one for down, pushing the up button, the doors closed as the lift instantly started to move. It was at this point that Ada asked "So, what secrets do you think Simmons had hidden."

I responded "Hopefully, he's straight forward and offers a straight forward answer." Ada laughed before commenting "Trust me Y/N, I know Simmons, NOTHING he says is straight forward. You've always got to keep one eye on things when dealing with him." To this I just added a simple "I see."

Eventually, the lift came to a stop and the door opened in front of us. We walked down a tiny corridor which instantly came to yet another door, opening that, we found another large open room, separated into chunks by several sets of iron bars.

Some of these sets had small crawl spaces, Ada pointed and said "Through here." She crawled through first as I followed shortly after. As soon as we were through the first crawl space though, we heard a growl behind us.

Turning around, we came across a zombie, though unlike the previous ones we had encountered before, this one was much more bloated. Despite its large size, it ran at us surprisingly fast, even as I shot at it, the bullets didn't seem to do all that much damage.

Image of a Whopper:

I continued to shoot at it to no avail, if it got close, I'd probably be able to defeat it manually

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I continued to shoot at it to no avail, if it got close, I'd probably be able to defeat it manually. Before I could get that chance though, Ada raised her crossbow and warned me "Get down!" She fired a bolt from it which embedded itself in the B.O.W's neck.

A red light on the tip of the bolt blipped for a while, accompanied by a high-pitched beeping sound before it exploded! The explosion was enough to kill the large zombie as it collapsed to the ground, making a thud upon impact, before disintegrating.

 We continued squeezing our way under the different barred walls and were once again met with another of those large B.O.Ws. Upon seeing us, it let out a growl and charged at us. This time, I was given an opportunity to shine.

I dashed forward, landing a palm-thrust that caused ripples to travel outward from its belly, I then followed with a knee that landed the creature on its back. Finally I smashed its head, taking it out for good. 

The Wesker Brother (Resident Evil, Ada Wong x Male Wesker Reader)Where stories live. Discover now