Chapter 102: Carla's Endgame

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As soon as my feet hit the ground, creating several cracks in the concrete beneath me. I stood upright and slowly approached Carla's lifeless body. I don't know why, but since I'd found out the truth about her, I'd begun to feel pity and a sad smile appeared across my face.

I looked down at her as I said in a sad voice "It's a shame things had to come like this Carla. Simmons just twisted you both body and mind into something you weren't. But no one, no one should play god in a world like this. I know both those facts all too well."

My thoughts were interrupted when the door behind me burst open. Spinning around, I was relieved to see Ada standing there, submachine gun in hand. I simply asked "Well you took your time, did you find the case?"

Ada turned to me nodding "Yeah, I found it, I was also lucky enough to see our friend here fall to her death." She stepped forward before tossing something towards me, saying "Here catch." I caught what she threw and noticed that it was the communicator I'd left for her to follow.

She then stepped towards Carla, a sad expression on her face as well as she spoke "Your hatred for Simmons drove you to tear down the world they created. But it was your conscience Carla, that saw you fail. Perhaps, that's the real reason why you brought me and Y/N into this."

My eyes widened a bit, I hadn't thought of it like that. After all, I spent my entire life, unsure of what I was doing. At the time I'd have thought I was serving Albert, but in the end I ultimately regretted my choice and helped Chris and Jill end that dream. Perhaps Carla thought the same. I guess that secret would die with her.

Ada stepped even closer before she said "It's a shame. If you had only sought vengeance against Simmons alone, I would have helped you." That was when we heard a faint clink sound. Looking at Carla's hand we recognized it as a vial that presumably once hold the C-Virus, now of course it was empty...

Suddenly Carla's eyes snapped open! She began frantically convulsing and gagging, a grey fluid was leaking from her mouth. The fluid built up in a pool around her and it began to push her body upright again before she spewed some of the fluid in our direction.

Me and Ada easily dodged as Carla collapsed onto all fours. The fluid continued to build until it stained her body, her face, hair and even clothes began to turn a grey colour. She eventually managed to get back to her feet and stared at us with a look of pure hatred.

"GET OVER YOURSELVES, HELP ME?!" Her voice held a distorted, almost demonic quality to it. She let out a pained gag again and grasped her throat as she continued "I'M THE REAL ADA WONG! I DON'T NEED HELP FROM ANYONE! MY PLANS AREN'T FAILING, THEY'RE THRIVING!"

There was a sudden burst of the fluid from her body and now Carla was completely consumed by it. Interestingly enough, at this stage of the mutation, Carla's similarity to Ada had completely disappeared, now, she resembled what she did in the picture. The fluid continued to expand outwards from her body.

Image of Carla's 'Spore' form:

Image of Carla's 'Spore' form:

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