Chapter 63: Escaping the Tanker and the End of an Era

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I still clutched my chest in pain as I shuffled back through the corridors of the tanker as quickly as I could. My other hand was placed on the wall to support me so I didn't fall flat on my face as I picked up the pace slightly.

I had two goals to accomplish while here. Firstly, I would need to locate multiple vials of PG67A-W, both to regain control of my abilities right now and also to ensure that I would have a consistent supply until I found someone else who could replicate the formula now that Excella was dead.

My second objective was obviously to escape the tanker of course. Even though I couldn't directly follow Albert and Chris due to my deteriorating physical condition without the serum, I still wanted to be present to see what I knew would eventually go down between the two.

As I rounded one corner in particular though, I instantly sighed to myself. In front of me was a metal door being guarded by a lone Majini. Now as you may have expected, these Majini were similar to the Ganados used by Los Illuminados years ago.

What made these particular ones a nuisance was that it was the hulking minigun-wielding sort. Initially, I didn't have much trouble with the Minigun-using Plaga-infected adversaries. However keep in mind this time, my abilities were notably weakened and they played a huge role in defeating the Ganados last time.

Image of the Minigun Majini:

Nevertheless, I drew my Killer7 and instantly aimed for the head of of the Majini

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Nevertheless, I drew my Killer7 and instantly aimed for the head of of the Majini. The first shot managed to blow the Majini's beret off however it just let out an angered growl before aiming the minigun at me.

As the barrel began spinning, I ducked back around the corner as it opened fire, each shot was wasted and instead just hit the wall. Once it finally finished firing, I poked out from the corner and pelted the Majini with more rounds until eventually, it fell to the ground dead.

With that nuisance out of the way, I progressed towards the door. It opened automatically revealing some kind of small laboratory. I stepped inside and began looking around at my surroundings before my eyes landed on something in particular.

On the ground was an open case containing exactly what I was searching for. Several samples of PG67A-W. I wasted no time staggering over to the case before instantly grabbing one of the vials and stabbing it into my chest.

As I pushed the button on it, I felt the serum enter my body and gasped in relief as I felt my body recover. I tossed the empty vial to the side and began collecting the remaining vials into the case before taking it with me and departing from the room.

With my power finally restored, I continued making my way through the tanker. This time though, it was much easier now. It seemed one dose was all I needed to feel right as rain again, and that was completely fine with me.

Eventually I reached a door leading back outside, I stepped out onto a railing and felt the cold ocean breeze. I let out a sigh before looking directly across from me. I will admit, I couldn't help but grin when I saw another helicopter, similar to the one I arrived here in, perched on a helipad on the other side of the sea of crates.

I wasted no time in using the Hookshot to launch myself down onto the metal crates before using it once again to launch myself right up to the helipad itself. I then swiftly leapt into the helicopter's cockpit and began messing with the controls.

At first there was no response and I muttered to myself "Come on, start you annoying piece of crap." Eventually though, after several attempts, the engine started and the propeller started spinning causing me to grin and say "There we go."

With that, I took off, flying in the direction which I assumed the bomber had gone. On the way there, I was in a train of deep thought. In all my years I never thought I would end up fighting Albert, for as long as I can remember, I had followed his commands without hesitation.

Eventually, following the route I took, I came across a series of volcanic rock in the middle of the ocean where I instantly spotted the crashed remains of the Tri-Cell bomber! I began circling the lava-filled pit.

Instantly I spotted Albert and I instantly felt horrible inside when I saw him enthralled with several Uroboros tentacles wrapped around his body, using pieces of metal at weapons to attack the fleeing Chris and Sheva!

Image of Uroboros Albert Wesker:

Regardless of my mental debates, I turned the helicopter towards Albert and instantly opened fire with the built-in machine guns

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Regardless of my mental debates, I turned the helicopter towards Albert and instantly opened fire with the built-in machine guns. I hit Albert head-on and caused him to hunch forward before turning to me. Upon seeing me in the helicopter, I heard him yell out "Y/N!"

He tried launching a series of aggressive tentacles at me however I swerved the helicopter out of the way causing him to miss and retract the tentacles. As he went to attack again, Chris quickly drew his attention and had Albert once again change his focus to him instead.

This was it! I remained in the helicopter shooting at Albert from above while Chris and Sheva combatted him on the ground. The fight was ruthless relentless and even with our circumstances, Albert was tougher than anyone I had seen before, even if I was in the safety of my helicopter.

Luckily, as Albert staggered back, the ground beneath him collapsed causing him to be partially submerged in the lava and let out a pained cry that mentally wounded me even more. Another helicopter appeared and I was somewhat surprised to see both Jill and Josh inside it.

Jill threw a ladder down to the pair and I just watched as they climbed up. Sheva went first and Chris grabbed it, narrowly avoiding being burned alive in the lava. Once they were inside, they peered out just to hear Albert yell with fury "CHRIS!"

He then lanced out more black tentacles, latching onto the helicopter. He had completely forgot about me now, being purely focused on killing Chris once and for all. He tossed the arm back and forth making the helicopter they were in shake violently.

It didn't take long for Chris and Sheva to respond, they soon emerged from the helicopter carrying an RPG each! I knew this was the end as they opened fire! The rockets flew out towards Albert and hit him head-on causing a huge volcanic explosion!

I was frozen in my seat, my eyes wide in shock. It was finally over. Albert Wesker, my brother. Was dead. He died at the hands of the very man who he had sworn revenge against years earlier. I remember when we escaped the Spencer mansion in the Arklay mountains, back when we first awoke our powers.

I looked up towards the helicopter, I could see Chris and Jill inside it, both staring at me intensely, I knew they were analysing my next move. I just stared back for a moment before giving a salute, turning the helicopter around and flying away.

Albert may have been dead, but little did I know, there was another Wesker out there...

Author's Note: And that's it for this chapter as well as the RE5 segment as a whole. I'm sorry if it was underwhelming, I found this chapter difficult to write again. I really wanted this segment to be great, however I found it hard as a whole so it may have been disappointing. Now I won't upload a chapter tomorrow because I'm doing a short summary on my DMC book, however on Saturday, I will be right back to start my Revelations 2 segment, I really hope you enjoy it. I also still hope you liked this chapter and as always, thank you for reading.

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