Chapter 8: Back from the Brink of Death

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When I eventually came too, I found myself still sitting against one of the computer consoles in the Arklay Laboratory, my clothes were still stained with several bullet holes that had blood dribbling down it and I even had some on my face. The alarm was sounding and a voice could be heard saying "The self-destruct sequence has been activated! All personnel must evacuate immediately!"  

I looked around and saw Albert also standing up, he had a giant bloody chest wound though much like me, he seemed completely fine. It was at this point that I realized something, the Virus must have taken affect, when we were both killed, we were simply brought back.

Nevertheless, I asked Albert "What happened?" Albert responded "You were shot by Jill, I was then killed by my Tyrant. I've managed to set this facility to self-destruct it is now essential that we gather the necessary data and escape quickly.

He went over to a computer terminal and began typing, however we heard an automated voice saying "Due to the emergency condition, all data has been backed up to the U.M.F-013." Albert muttered to himself "Sergei was busy."

He resumed typing however we again heard the voice saying "Wesker Albert, I am afraid that as of 24 hundred hours. I have taken it upon my authority to revoke your access privileges to the mainframe system."

Albert snapped "Impossible!" I spoke up "Let me try." I stepped forward and began typing however the voice simply said "Wesker Y/N, I am afraid that as of 24 hundred hours. I have taken it upon my authority to revoke your access privileges to the mainframe system." I growled angrily as Albert stepped forward.

He typed and asked "Who are you?" The automated voice responded "I am Red Queen." A diagram of the Umbrella logo appeared, separating the red and white sections into the 'Red Queen' and 'White Queen' as it explained "My primary objective is the management and protection of Umbrella assets."

Albert punched the screen angrily before saying "You will regret this my lady. That I promise." If you looked closely at both of us, you'd have noticed that for a moment, both of our eyes turned a bright red and gained snake-like slits in them.

Image of Wesker's red eyes:

We both pulled our handguns out as Albert said "Time to change the plan

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We both pulled our handguns out as Albert said "Time to change the plan. We'd better secure our escape. Then we will deal with them. Sergei. We won't forget your kindness." It was at this point that we were attacked by several Chimeras.

Chimeras were insect-like creatures and while they attacked us in large numbers, we were able to easily pick them off. As one flew towards me, I punched it and to my surprise, sent it flying into a wall!

Image of a Chimera:

I said to myself "It's time to take the virus for a test drive

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I said to myself "It's time to take the virus for a test drive." As both me and Albert continued shredding the Chimeras relentlessly, he commented "Not bad, not bad at all."

We quickly made our way out of the room and continued blasting our way though the laboratory. The alarm kept screeching overhead though we paid it no mind, our single priority was escaping this place before it all came down on top of us!

On our way our though, I noticed a shotgun on the side along with some shells. I quickly grabbed hold of it and smirked "You'll do nicely." I was attacked by yet another Chimera however I blasted it in the face with the shotgun.

Image of an Assault Shotgun:

As we continued taring our way through the laboratory, we encountered more Chimeras along with both Zombies and even Hunters

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As we continued taring our way through the laboratory, we encountered more Chimeras along with both Zombies and even Hunters. We disposed with them as such and thanks to our newfound strength and speed, we were able to get the job done quicker.

Albert chuckled before saying "What amazing power..." As we turned a corner though, we were met by none other than LISA TREVOR! The deformed abomination I encountered with Chris earlier. Albert commented his shock by saying "You, I thought we disposed of you..."

We wasted no time opening fire, Albert threw a few grenades followed by railing on her using a submachine gun he found while I used my shotgun. Eventually she collapsed to the ground as Albert said "Nobody's perfect. Not even you Lisa."

Continuing on our current path we eventually made it our of the laboratory and back into the mansion. We attempted to race for the door however we were stopped once again when Lisa Trevor attacked us yet again.

I commented "You're quite stubborn miss Lisa Trevor. No time to play though, we need to find another route." We ran up the stairs at extreme speeds before running down one of the corridors. Here we encountered more Hunters that we disposed of quickly. 

We raced down some stairs, taking out more Chimeras in the process before blowing open some double doors. We kept going until we found ourselves cut off by Lisa in a hallway, we shot at her but she just kept going, Albert commented "I can see now why they say you're immortal." 

After a long chase though, we eventually arrived back in the main hall. We both aimed our guns at Lisa as she slowly approached. The poor girl had no idea what she was dealing with here...

I sarcastically commented "She seems to be stalking us." Albert smirked and said "Your desire for eternal slumber shall be granted." We both opened fire using whatever weapons we had at our disposal.

If Lisa approached one of us, we'd just leap over her and continue firing, eventually though I had an idea. I coldly said "The end is near." Before suddenly shooting the large chandelier that was hanging above us.

It fell right on top of Lisa Trevor, successfully pinning her down. Me and Albert stood over her as Albert cruelly said "Be a good girl and stay dead this time. And with no further distractions we both walked right out of the mansion door.

Once outside, we both used our newly enhanced speed to sprint as fast as we could away from the mansion, behind us we heard the massive explosion however we were out of harms way.

And just like that, the Wesker siblings were reborn like a phoenix emerging from flames. We no longer needed Umbrella. A new horizon stretched out before us. We had both risen beyond the human race and cheated death itself, NOTHING would oppose us...

Author's Note: That's it for Chapter 8 and part 1 of this story. I'm not going to include the rest of Wesker's Umbrella Chronicles part, instead I'll be going straight on to Raccoon City where Y/N will meet both Leon and Ada as well as Mr X. I will also be including Resident Evil 3 Remake so we will briefly have Y/N meeting Jill again as well as encountering Nemesis, though the main focus will be on the 2 Remake. Anyway, I want to thank you for reading the story up to this point, I really hope you liked it!

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