Chapter 14: The Car Park and the Contact

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Ada quickly put on a trench coat and sunglasses as I just stood in the corner of the room waiting patiently. I looked up at her and asked "Are you done yet?" She simply responded "Yeah, I'm done."

I looked at her outfit and said "You said you were F.B.I right? Could have fooled me, you could have passed for a private investigator with that coat." Ada just glared at me before sarcastically saying "Very funny."

I spoke up again, asking "You said the contact was located within the holding cells right?" Ada nodded as I continued "There's a way there through the car park. That would be out best bet." Ada shrugged before simply saying "Sounds good to me."

We began making our way through the Police Station, any and all opposition was eliminated immediately, Zombies, Lickers etc. We didn't run into that Tyrant though however I assume he was still roaming the halls.

Eventually though, we came to a shutter door which looked like it had already been raised by someone. A grin spread across my face, I assumed that Leon had managed to get the shutter back open.

Heading on through, we went through a hallway, down some stairs and arrived in an underground series of hallways used mainly for maintenance purposes. Oddly enough we found the corpses of several Cerberuses littering the ground.

We eventually reached the door leading to the car park and as soon as we opened it, we heard the sounds of growling and barking. Stepping around a wrecked car we saw none other than LEON pinned down by a Cerberus.

I instantly opened fire and shot the Cerberus in the neck, causing it to fall to the ground next to Leon. He looked over at us as Ada yelled "Stay sharp!" The Cerberus tried to get back up however Leon quickly shot it, causing it to collapse to the ground once more.

Leon quickly raised his gun at Ada who stepped out of the shadows, her own gun aimed back at him. She sternly said "Lower it." She pulled out a badge before saying "F.B.I." A third time, the Cerberus tried to stand back up however Ada shot it, finally putting it down for good.

I revealed myself from the shadows before saying "Relax Leon, she's with me." Leon seemed surprised and said "Y/N! You're alive!" He calmed down before saying "Sorry, thank you for your help."

Ada lowered her handgun before saying "I'm surprised you made it this far." She turned to walk away, subtly gesturing for me to follow. Leon stood up and instantly began questioning "F.B.I huh? What's going on here?" Ada just responded "Sorry, that information's classified."

Leon asked "Where're you both going?" Ada turned around, clearly frustrated and said "Do yourself a favour, stop asking questions and get the hell out of here." She turned away once again and I went to follow however Leon called out to me "Y/N, where are you going?!"

I turned around and said "I have some stuff to check up on first. She's right though, you need to prioritise getting out of here." With that I followed Ada out of the car park and into one of the side doors.

We found ourselves in another room, adjacent to the parking area. I looked around and my eyes widened a bit in intrigue when I saw something on the side. A Hand Grenade, I instantly went over and picked it up saying "You will do nicely."

Image of a Hand Grenade:

Ada turned to me and asked "Which way are the holding cells from here?" I responded by making a gesture, pointing behind me

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Ada turned to me and asked "Which way are the holding cells from here?" I responded by making a gesture, pointing behind me. "They're back that way. You should have asked instead of wandering off on me.

We found a small handgun ammo supply and split it 50/50 before leaving the room. We headed back across the car park, finding it infested with Cerberuses, though we killed them with ease. Eventually though we arrived at the door leading to the holding cells. 

As we entered the corridor, we heard screaming and as we turned a corner, we saw Leon outside one of the cells clutching his handgun at an unseen foe. Suddenly the screaming stopped as we heard a body hit the ground Leon leaned on the bars and muttered "Oh my God..." 

He must have heard us though because he suddenly spun around and aimed his gun at us yelling "Who is that?!" We stepped closer as Ada said "It's just us. So you can put that thing away."

We turned to look in the cell and sure enough, Ben Bertolucci, our contact, looked like his head had been popped like a balloon. There was a giant hole in the wall just above him. Leon stuttered out "I don't even know what happened, it just happened so quick."

Image of Ben Bertolucci (Only he's already dead at this point):

Image of Ben Bertolucci (Only he's already dead at this point):

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(Now I may have made a blunder which I've just noticed. Now as some of you already know, Leon didn't encounter the Tyrant until AFTER this scene right here. However I've already included it in the story. I had to go back and make some changes to Chapter 12, so that Leon now sees the Tyrant for the first time in that hallway with Y/N.)

Ada sternly reprimanded him "I told you to get out of here. Wouldn't want to end up like Ben would you?" Leon seemed confused and asked "You knew him?" Ada answered "He was an informant. Had information of use to my investigation."

Leon commented "So what he said was true?" Ada didn't answer and instead turned to walk away however Leon caught her arm. "Hey! You can't keep walking away from me!" Ada pulled away and glared at him however he continued "I don't even know your name! I'm Leon Kennedy."

Ada just kept glaring at him before saying "Find a way out Leon, before it's too late. Then we'll talk." She kept walking back down the hallway "Name's Ada." With that she just continued to walk away.

I turned to Leon and said "I'll keep an eye on our mysterious little friend here. You just focus on finding a way out." Leon nodded and with that I went after Ada down the hall, leaving Leon standing there. Before I turned the corner I heard him say a single phrase.

"I guess the deal's on..."

Author's Note: That's it for this chapter. I'm sorry for not uploading yesterday, I was really busy. I'm also sorry for the little timing blunder I made with the Tyrant's introduction, though I've done my best to work around that. Regardless, I really hope you enjoyed today's chapter and as always, thank you for reading.

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