Chapter 93: A Demonstration of the C-Virus

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Heading through the door, me and Ada now found ourselves in some sort of underground mineshaft of sorts. We walked over towards a railing only to hear a female wail followed by another woman saying "Deborah, hold on we're almost there. Deborah, stay with me alright!"

Turning to the source of the noise we saw Leon as well as his female accomplice from earlier, they seemed to be escorting another woman who was in obvious pain. Things became more apparent when with a final scream, the woman burst into flames before fossilising into some kind of green cocoon.

It was apparent that the woman had been infected with what I  assume was this new C-Virus. Ada got down onto one knee and readied her crossbow however I signalled for her to stay put, I also drew my new sniper rifle and together we aimed at her.

Leon's companion was clearly distraught over the even that was transpiring however out of the cocoon, a slimy replica of the previous woman began emerging, I assumed this was some sort of experimentation.

As the disgusting figure emerged, it extended her hand out towards Leon's partner, she also raised her hand and went out to touch the B.O.W and this was when we both struck. Both me and Ada fired from our sniper and crossbow hitting the creature in the head and causing her to fall backwards.

The other woman let out a cry, running over to the B.O.W as me and Ada finally emerged from the shadows, approaching the pair. Leon noticed us first and instantly raised his handgun. However upon realizing it was us, he instantly lowered his gun and said in shock "Ada, Y/N."

Image of Leon S Kennedy:

Ada stated "Looks like you've seen a ghost

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Ada stated "Looks like you've seen a ghost." I grinned and added "A pair of them at that." It was at this point, his partner also noticed us and approached with her own gun raised. She didn't shoot though, and instead just stared between the two of us, glaring with a look that could only be described as pure hatred.

Leon intervened, slowly reaching up and lowering her gun, she complied and slowly dropped to her knees, crying. Leon looked at us and asked "Ada, Y/N, what the hell is going on here?" To this, Ada just replied "It's complicated."

I was about to add something as well however the cave we were in began crumbling causing me to instead say "But this isn't the time or the place. This place isn't safe, we have to get to the lower levels." The woman ran over to the B.O.W's body and began crying "I'm so sorry Deborah! It's all my fault!" Leon warned "Helena! Get away from her!"

Image of Helena Harper:

Image of Helena Harper:

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