Chapter 98: The Pursuit Begins

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As much as I wanted to leap off the building and follow Ada's doppelganger. Now wasn't the time for that, not when there was a chainsaw-armed B.O.W approaching with malicious intent. I would have to take that out first.

The creature swung at me with the large chainsaw however I easily dodged. The blade briefly became lodged in the brickwork of the building. I used this opportunity to retaliate with a palm-thrust that dislodged the blade but also knocked the B.O.W onto its back.

I wasted no time drawing my Killer7 magnum and firing the entire clip into its body, hoping that would be enough to put him down quickly. Unfortunately, there was no such luck as the B.O.W slowly yet steadily got back to its feet.

It attempted to go in for another aggressive swing and once again, I dodged it. It didn't get stuck this time so I wasn't given as easy of an opening. However I still managed to drop down and land a kick to the B.O.W's leg, knocking it onto one knee.

I will admit, that doppelganger made the right choice using this B.O.W as a distraction. While it was nowhere near fast enough to actually hit me, its sheer durability would at least be able to slow me down, just as it was managing to do.

While it was on its knees, I swiftly drew my sniper, aimed it at the B.O.W's head and fired, the round blasted the creature's head open causing it to collapse onto the ground on its chest. I wasted no time raising my foot and crushing its torso.

Even after all that, it STILL tried to get back up, however just as it got to its feet, I violently kicked it in the chest, causing it to fall backwards before I raised my Samurai Edge, directly aiming for the chest area and just like with my magnum, I unloaded the entire clip into the B.O.W's body.

This time, it didn't get up causing me to smirk and mutter to myself "Glad that's over." With that out of the way, I instantly returned back to the matter at hand and ran over to see if I could spot the doppelganger anywhere.

As I should have expected, there was no sign of her. My battle with the B.O.W had proven to be the perfect cover for her to escape and completely disappear. I slammed my fist on the nearby brick wall, creating a dent in it before muttering to myself "Damn it."

I KNEW she would slip away and yet I still allowed that B.O.W to distract me. No matter, I would just have to locate again, the question was, how would I do that now?


I'd leapt down from the building's roof to one of the lower buildings. From there I had begun an aimless search, perhaps finding at least a breadcrumb of a clue that could point to where she could have gone, I doubted I'd find anything though, the doppelganger struck me as quite a thorough person, I wasn't going to find her unless she wanted me to.

That was when my communicator went off, at first I thought it was just the clone again and upon seeing Ada's face, this thought was cemented. However it actually turned out to be the real deal when she asked "So, how was the meeting."

I sighed before saying "Well let's just saw we were right about it being a trap. After a brief talk this annoying B.O.W with a chainsaw arm attacked me, once I'd dealt with that, she was gone." Ada seemed to think for a moment before replying. "Funny, sounds like a creature I literally just encountered myself, real pain in the ass. So, what did you learn?"

Again, I just replied bluntly "Nothing much of interest. Seems that whoever this doppelganger is, she holds a grudge against Simmons. She said she wanted to tear down the 'corrupt' world he created. Whatever she meant by that. She didn't elaborate on things too much. She did say something of interest though."

Ada raised an eyebrow through the screen and asked "What?" I stared blankly back at her as I explained "Jake Muller, the boy with the C-Virus anti-bodies. He is apparently my nephew. Funny how that turns out don't you think? To think Albert would wind up having a kid."

Truth be told, the news that Jake Muller was my nephew still weighed heavily on my mind. However I was trying to play it off calmly. Ada just stared at me before finally saying "It's funny you should mention the Muller kid, I saw him just before."

Something clicked in my mind as I asked "Did you know?" Ada was caught off guard by my question before she answered "I had a strong suspicion, I just wasn't sure until I saw him in person." This lead to me snapping "And you didn't tell me?! Why?!"

Before she could answer, I swiftly changed the subject, saying "We'll get to that later, now I need to track down that doppelganger again." That's when Ada stated "That's why I contacted you. I've found her."

My eyes widened as I asked "You have?"  Ada nodded and replied "Yes, heading along the river, the BSAA in hot pursuit. I'm currently following them now. I'll send you my coordinates so you can catch up. See you then Y/N."

With that she hung up and sure enough, on my map was another blinking blue light which I believed represented Ada's communicator. A smirk spread across my face as I muttered to myself "Bingo, I've got you now."

The beginning of the end was near...

Author's Note: And that's it for this chapter. From here on, the story will follow a simple yet consistent structure. First I will cover the aircraft carrier, then it will be the fight against Simmons alongside Ada, Leon and Helena. Then we will finish off with Y/N flying out to the oil fields to rescue Jake and Sherry which will finally come to the end of the story. I really hope you enjoy what's to come, I also hope you enjoyed this chapter and as always, thank you for reading.

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