Chapter 27: Settling the Score, Wesker vs Chris

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Our attempts to recover the T-Veronica Virus from Alexia had failed! This fact alone was enough to anger me. In all my life I had never once come up empty handed on a task. And I wouldn't want to start now!

It seems we were in luck however because Albert suddenly spoke up, saying "You know, all is not lost." I turned to him confused before asking "What do you mean?" Albert answered "On this island there is a boy, Steve Burnside is his name. In his body, is a small fragment of the T-Veronica Virus. I shall have our men collect his body.

I slowly nodded as we continued making our way to our escape craft in order to get out of the Antarctic. However as we were escaping, who do you think was the first person, we would happen to meet?

Just as we walked down the corridor, none other than CLAIRE REDFIELD herself appeared in front of us! I could tell instantly that she wasn't expecting to run into us as her eyes widened in shock and she began stepping back slowly.

Albert stepped forward, a sadistic smirk on his face as he said "Well well. If it isn't the lesser Redfield." He chuckled menacingly to himself before suddenly dashing forward. Claire didn't have a chance to run as Albert viciously grabbed her by the hair, effectively subduing her in an instant.

I growled out a bit in anger. Unlike my brother, I never liked taking my rage out on those who hadn't wronged me. So far, I had only met Claire once before now and it seemed Albert was the same. She hadn't done anything to directly oppose us so there was no reason for this action.

I spoke up "Albert, forget her, we need to get out of here NOW!" Albert just ignored me as Claire continued to squirm from her grasp. As if on cue though, Chris suddenly rounded the corner and saw us.

Claire exclaimed "Chris!" Only to be shoved back down the hallway she initially came from by Albert who said "Move." Chris yelled "Claire! No!" Albert continued to shove Claire while I followed closely behind them.

Eventually we arrived outside, the Antarctic air was freezing. I don't know how any of us could stand out here like this. Especially since none of us were exactly dressed for this particular weather.

Chris soon followed us outside as Claire, who was still being restrained by Albert, exclaimed yet again "Chris!" Albert spoke up, saying "Well done Chris, it turns out that Alexia's work wasn't much of anything. So now, the only thing left, is revenge."

Chris yelled "Let her go Wesker! You don't want her!" I nodded and said "He's right you know." Albert just responded with a casual "Fine." Before throwing Claire to the ground. She soon got up and ran to Chris' side.

Albert continued "Today's a good day. I came for Alexia. But killing you is even better." Chris responded "Sorry to disappoint you, but Alexia is gone." Albert chuckled faintly before saying "That is no longer a concern to me. I have Steve to work with."

This confused the Redfield siblings as Chris asked "Steve?" Albert explained "In his body, there is still a living T-Veronica Virus. Steve should be a good specimen. Maybe he'll come back alive just as me and Y/N did. He'd be able to see your sister again."

Claire snapped "Don't you touch him!" I added "Don't worry miss Redfield. His body won't be armed. We just wish to extract the parasite within him." Albert said "I'm sorry, but our men have already taken him."

Chris turned to his sister and said "You get out of here Claire. As a surviving member of S.T.A.R.S, I have to finish this." Claire nodded and said "Okay, remember your promise." Chris nodded as Claire ran off. I didn't want to pursue.

Chris looked back at us and said "Time to end this once and for all. Say hello to my comrades who you've killed." Albert slowly took off his sunglasses as he said "I don't know where you get your confidence Chris." He then turned to me and sternly said "Y/N you stay out of this."

I nodded, after all, my grudge was against Jill, not Chris. Jill was the one who shot me and like I said before, I only hold grudges against the exact person to wrong me. Anyway, I used my Hookshot to grapple my way up to a higher ledge, now I just looked down.

Albert slowly approached Chris who suddenly reached for a pipe. He hit my brother over the head once however with the second swing, Albert raised his arm and blocked it. He then kicked Chris, knocking him back quite a bit.

Suddenly we heard the sounds of explosions. Albert began approaching Chris who was still on the floor, slowly getting back to his feet. He then began punching the S.T.A.R.S member over and over again.

Albert knocked Chris down yet again before opening his arms and announcing "Sure I'm not human anymore! But just look at the power I've gained!" I began to feel angered, even if we possessed similar power, Albert always acted as if he was superior to me, this frustrated me to no end. After all, I was his brother, not some no-name pawn who he could dispose of when they were no longer useful.

I was broken from my thoughts when Albert uppercutted Chris, knocking him down once again. Albert proclaimed "Magnificent, don't you think?" He leapt at Chris however to my surprise, he lunged out of the way and pulled a lever quickly.

A series of metal bars suddenly fell out of a crane above us and landed on top of Albert, effectively burying him. Chris turned to me however Albert soon remerged from the rubble, wearing a grin.

Chris got back to his feet as the two staggered towards one another. Suddenly there was a huge explosion, I had to leap out of the way however Albert wasn't so lucky. As he stood up, he had a huge burn-mark on his face.

Image of Albert Wesker's burn mark:

He turned to Chris and said "Today's your lucky day

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He turned to Chris and said "Today's your lucky day. The next time we meet, don't count on another." Chris stepped forward and said "Next time." Albert announced "Until we meet again!" He then began laughing. 

I sternly said "Enough, let's go before this entire facility explodes and takes us along with it!" With that, the two of us ran away, leaving Chris to escape the facility alone. Our assignment was complete, we had successfully acquired a T-Veronica sample.

Though it would be almost a decade before we would encounter Chris again. And that will be a story worth telling...

Author's Note: And that's it for this chapter and the ending to the Code Veronica segment. I guess it's only fitting that the only chapter in the segment I felt confident writing would be the last one. Anyway, next up will be Resident Evil 4 which I've been looking forward to for a while. Anyway, I really hope you enjoyed this chapter and as always, thank you for reading. 

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