Mina x reader x denki

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( sfw and little age is 3-5)

Today was a beautiful day at u.a the sun was shining the birds were singing peaceful songs, fluffy clouds filled the sky in different shapes and sizes, Everyone was having a good time in the 1A dorms... except for one little that was missing there mommy that went out to buy some more snacks.

(Y/n POV)

I feel like I've been waiting here for ever for mommy to come back... she's coming back right? I'm starting to slip into little space because mommy's not here and I'm all alone. it's been ten minutes but in my head it's been two hours, I started to cry because I missed mommy and I started to get scared that she left me like other people did in the past. I then burst out into tears because I missed mommy so much even ( teddy's name) couldn't calm me down!

(Denki's POV)

I was walking back to y/n's dorm because me and everyone else could hear them crying from their dorm, I heard some muffled crying getting louder coming from y/n's room. "Why is y/n crying? I should go see if their okay" I said to my self. I walked up to y/n's door and knocked on it two times... I didn't hear an answer and I could still hear the crying! So I opened the door and...

I saw y/n cuddled up in the corner of their room on the bed holding a ( favourite animal ) teddy in a ( whatever you wear  in little space ). I just stood there for a second before realising what was happening ( oh is y/n in little space I remember Mina saying something about it once to me ) when y/n noticed me there they started to cry even harder, and I felt so bad for making them scared. "Hey y/n don't cry please! I'm not judging you or trying to make you upset, so please calm down" y/n looked up at me and their eyes were a bit puffy and red, there was tear stains on there beautiful ( skin coloured ) skin. "Hey, hey hey it's okay y/n shh... shh, are you okay?" Y/n mumbled out a small "no...". "Do you want to tell my what's wrong then little one?" Y/n just looked at me again and said nothing... "it's okay if you don't want to tell me but can you tell me how old you are?" Y/n held up ( 3-5 fingers whatever one you want :) ). Just as I was going to praise them for being so good for me I heard the door open...

(Mina's POV)

I had just got back from the store with some ( favourite snacks / food ) for y/n. I walked into the common room and bakugou stopped ma and said "I'm pretty sure y/n's crying in their dorm room, we can all hear it, so I sent Dunce face up there to make sure their okay but he hasn't come back yet" when I heard that I ran up the stairs as fast as I can ( oh no! My poor baby I'm so sorry for leaving you so long, I promise mommy will never do it again!) I thought to myself. When I got to the door I opened it quickly, to see Denki there comforting y/n. I smiled and walked into the room then put the bag of food on their desk.

(Y/n's POV)

I heard something at the door and then started to move around the room when I looked up I saw that it was... "Mommy!" I ran over to mommy and gave her a big hug because I had missed her so much!. "Hi little one I'm sorry I took so long... but I will never do it again, you were so brave being alone without mommy for so long and, denki thank you so much for making sure they were okay! I will buy you dinner next time we all go out"

(Mina's POV)

I saw denki get up from the ( favourite colour ) bed and walk over to me and y/n "it's really no big deal and I mean hey that's what friends are for right!" I smiled and denk "still thank you so much it means a lot to me and y/n to, right sweetie?" Y/n looked up at denki and then hugged him "tank ou den den" they said, denki had stars in his eyes "aw you're so cute y/n any time you want a cool babysitter you know who to call! Bye Mina and y/n!" Denki said as he walked out the door. "All right little one know that I'm back with our favourite snacks... let's watch some bee and puppycat!" Y/n jumped up on to the Bed and yelled out a little"yay!, tank u mommy".

Moon's notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hey guys and girls and other pronouns, hoped you liked this Mina x reader x denki this was my first story and I was pretty nervous but I think it turned out pretty good! Btw you guys should totally watch bee and puppycat it's an amazing show and it's free to watch the hole thing on YouTube ( posted by the creator) so it won't get taken down. It goes for about an hour and it's so cute! I love it and you should watch it in little space! It's on the next slide of the banner for this story.

Thank you for reading have a lovely day or night my clouds! :)
- moon

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