Bakugou x reader x kirishima

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What happens when daddy bakugou and kirishima find their little breaking a rule with little uraraka 😀😀😀 hint hint... you better run LOL before bakugou gets to you. ALSO SHE/HER in this chapter sorry!

Y/n's POV

Okay...this will be fine everything will be fine.. i think to myself as I leave my bedroom and start to get ready for a party... yes a PARTY one that I was not meant to go to because it's way past my bed time. Daddy and papa put me to bed an hour ago before they went out on a mission, and I remember what they told me

Flash back
"y/n remember that even when we're gone you better follow the rules or else you will be getting a punishment" daddy said to me as he started to tuck me into bed "katsuki don't worry so much I know our good little girl wouldn't break any rules while where out right little one?" Papa said to me as he handed me my favourite teddy "daddy, papa I wouldn't break any rules while you're gone! Because I'm a good girl!" I said as I hugged my teddy close to me.

"See man! Nothing to worry about y/n is always a good girl for us I don't even know why you worry!" Papa said as he faces daddy "yeah...I guess you're right eijiro, but if you break a rule while where gone I will find out baby so you better not do anything bad, got that?" Daddy said "yes daddy I understand I will be good!" I said "good girl, princess but now me and Papa have to go so on your best behaviour while daddy's gone" daddy said as he closed the door.

Present time

So that's how I got to where I am now but I'm a bit scared still of what will happen if I get caught, I think to myself as I pick up my bag and walk outside the house. "Hey y/n! You look so good in that!" I hear uraraka yell from her car, and I run up to it. "Are you sure we won't get caught I mean I'm kinda scared about what punishment katsuki will give me" I said "don't worry about it y/n! They won't find out but I am a bit scared about what izuku would do as well...I hope he won't make me watch that all might video over and over...and over...again" uraraka said with a scared look on her face.

"It can't be that bad can it?" I said as I laughed "no... y/n he had me watching it for hours... I was traumatised by that" she said as she put the keys into the car "just kidding! But it was really annoying" she said with a smile on her face.

Time skip

As uraraka parked her car we got out of the car and walked to the entrance. "Name?" A tall woman asked looking down at us "uraraka and y/n?" Uraraka said "you may enter laddies and have a good night" she said with a smile on her face as the door opened.

We walked in and we saw denki and sero...denki and sero! Oh no they know I'm not meant to be here and they will definitely tell on me to katsuki and eijiro!. I start to move to a spot where they won't see me but it's to late... "hey! Y/n what are you doing here?!" Denki says as he starts to walk over to me with sero following behind. "Ah I just came here to have a good time with Uraraka! Ya know?" I said "hmm that's interesting y/ where are your daddies? Because if I remember correctly you're meant to be sleeping right now, and if you go out this late you must have either bakugou, kirishima, Mina, denki or me with you?"...Fuck...

Sero looks at me with a smirk on his face "oh yeah! I forgot about that so then that must mean... bakugou and Kiri's precious little Angel must be breaking a rule!" Denki said to me looking me dead in the eyes "sorry to tell you this y/n but where going to have to tell bakugou and Kiri or else they'll lose their shit at us for not doing so" sero said to me as he reached for his phone I turned to see I couldn't see uraraka anymore... until I looked over the other side and saw izuku taking her hand and leading her to the exit... oh no.

As I saw izuku about to leave he saw me and stoped in his tracks, and started to walk to wards me... fuck my life I think to my self "hey y/n so why are you not in bed right now? Shouldn't your daddies have put you to bed 2 hours ago?" Izuku said to me with a stern look. He knows all of my rules because he has taken care of me before when my daddies where busy. "Yeah that's what I said as well" sero said as he stood next to me "I've texted Kiri and bakugou already and let's just say their not happy at all..." sero said to me and izuku "I'm really sorry izuku sero and denki I didn't mean to bring you into this.." I said with my head down.

"Hey it's okay y/n! But you should be saying sorry to bakugou and kirishima when they get here" izuku said to me and as if on cue I heard the scream...

"Where is she?!? I swear to god when I get my hands on that little brat!" I hear daddy scream form across the room. Then they see me and start walking towards me and even kiri looked angry... "well y/n I think me and uraraka will be going home now and I wish you good luck with trying to calm down bakugou" izuku says to me as they walk off...

"Y/n... you better start explaining to me everything while we take you home" daddy says to me with a really angry face... "I'm really sorry daddy I prom-!" I try to say before I'm throw over daddy's shoulder and he starts to walk away. "Save it y/n I want to hear why you did it not your apology" daddy says. I look back and I can see Kiri thanking sero and denki before he starts to walk towards us...

Time skip because I'm lazy 🥰🧍‍♀️💃

As we pulled up to the front of the house Papa opens the door for me to step out of the car "baby I trusted you and I'm very disappointed in your behaviour me this has proven that you can't be left alone at night, maybe next time we will have to get izuku to look after you" Kiri says with a sad look on his face as I look down at the ground disappointed in myself. "All right brat get inside now so we can decide your punishment!" Daddy yells from the front door.

"Yes daddy" I say as I walk to the door and take my shoes off. When we walk into the bedroom daddy sits down on the bed and points for me to sit on his lap, so I do. "Baby... you know what you did wrong don't you?" Daddy said with a stern tone as he looks down at me "yes I do daddy and I'm really sowwy..." I said as I felt tears growing in my eyes.
"It's okay little one, me and Kiri have decided that you will write lines and have no dessert for tomorrow" he says to me "does that sound like a fair punishment to you, princess?" Daddy says "yes daddy" I said.

"Good now give us a big hug! Did you know how worried we were when we heard? Katsuki was freaking out!" Kiri said as we hugged each other "I was not! Dumb ass!" Daddy says "yes you where you totally where!" Kiri said as he laughed.
"Well I'm just glad that we have our baby girl back and that we know she's okay" daddy says. That's the last thing I heard before I drifted off into dream land.


I don't know why I wrote this I mean it's not even really little space but oh well 🤷‍♀️

Hope it was okay and also maybe I should do one where y/n has a play date with another little because I think that would be cute.

Love- moon :)

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